13th of August ... every year
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The term 'sinistrality' used to refer to left-handed people indicates demonic traits. This is the most ridiculous myth in the world. In fact, the word 'sinistrality' is derived from the Latin word 'sinestra' which means 'left-handedness'. In the ancient Mesopotamian language, the term 'sinestra' was used to denote 'power'.
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p.s if you didn't realise, that was being ironic ;P
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And not only situations like this, but little everyday things like sports equipment, procedures, objects, and tools shaped for right-handed use. Some just make using them uncomfortable, or awkward, but power-tools especially, shaped only for a rightie, can be quite dangerous to use.
I bet any leftie could tell you stories about how they struggled at school with an unsympathetic teacher while trying to learn to write neatly - especially cursive - and were likely to have been 'forced' to use their right hand instead.
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Such fun. :P
Society has long been geared towards reinforcing and rewarding those who have been born right-handed, or 'normal' as we are taught to think of it. Lefties tend to feel 'abnormal' or 'inferior' in so many little ways.
For example, as this delightful exercise shows.
The negative connotations of being a leftie can be subtle, but they are there once you've realised.
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- Joan of Arc
- Nicole Kidman
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
- Alexander the Great
- Julius Caesar
- Phil Collins
- Babe Ruth
- Marilyn Monroe
- 8 US presidents
- Greta Garbo
- Horatio Nelson
- Angelina Jolie
- Paul McCartney
- Steve McQueen
- Martina Navratilova
- Ringo Starr
- Queen Victoria
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Tom Cruise
- Helen Keller
- Bruce Willis
- Michelangelo Buonaroti
- Whoopie Goldberg
- Raphael
- Lewis Carroll
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Charlie Chaplin
- Robert DeNiro
- Matt Groening
- Prince William

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Are you lucky enough to be a leftie too?
Let me know in a comment below. :)

YEa! Lefties!

Shoehorn.... That's left handed. You forgot to add @doctorcrypto to the list of famous lefties.
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I forgot they have a left handers day, It is on my list of International days I am not keen on, why isnt there an Ambidextrous day I feel left out LOL
More accurately - you might be feeling left right out, lol. :D
So many international days that I know nothing about XD
I have a major character who is left-handed, and I'm not, which has made things more entertaining than usual XD
lol, I can just imagine. :D
I can't use chopsticks with either hand (just gimme a fork, god damn it!) but I make up for being able to use a mouse with either. It's good cos now both my shoulders are fucked up from being on a computer all day.
Oh, poor you, that sucks.
I can certainly do some things better with my right, and using the mouse is one of them ... throwing a ball.
Yay! I'm a lefty too! I didn't know there was a day for it though! The only things I do right hand are scissors and mouse.
I have heard that left-handed people tend to be more creative, since the right side of their brain is more domina I think there might be a bit of truth in that
I do believe that is the common theory, too. It wouldn't surprise me. :D
You missed my Dad on the list of famous left-handed people typical of a south-paw haha Fun post @ravenruis
haha, there will be enough soon to take over the world! :D