3 Simple Tips For a Happy Marriage

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello, I have been through a lot of relationship, and finally got the best relationship I could ever have. Every couple goes through ups and downs and sometimes things are difficult to bear especially when a couple uttered words that hurt the other.

How do you be happy in your married life? Here are some tips I have:

  1. Communicate with each other. Things would be so easy if couples talk to each other about their problems rather than walk away from it. Talk about what seems to be hurting your relationship and listen while the other is talking. Listening is also understanding. When you listen, understand what your partner is saying. Talk in a way like good friends do, making sure that your partner would feel that their feelings is appreciated and not ignored. Moreover when you have an argument, never allow it to pass without discussing the matter because an argument that’s left unspoken would build up complications that can ruin your relationship.

  2. Never shout at your partner. Shouting is like belittling the other which could cause misunderstanding and complication to your relationship. Shouting makes the argument worse. If you wanted your thoughts to be heard, say it in a way without a tone that can hurt.

  3. Change yourself. Simply BLEND. Once you get married, you made a promise to love your partner. Do not try to change the person you love, accept them. Accept them for who they are despite their shot comings, tell your partner about it but do not expect them to change right away. Nonetheless, change yourself.



Sound advice, but easier said than done my friend....lol

Yes indeed. But, I'm hoping it could help some readers. :)