Botulism, Measles, and What We REALLY Should Fear

in #life7 years ago

My first steemit rant so please bear with me.

The other day I was at the CDC website looking up botulism to make sure I am making my garlic infused oil the safe way, and I am, so all is good.

In the process of looking this up, I came up with some interesting numbers that got me back to thinking about how messed up our modern thinking is thanks to The Powers That Be.

After doing a bit of math, I discovered that only 8 people per year contract botulism from home preserved foods. Out of those 8, only 5% will actually die from it. Now, these low numbers do not mean we should stop practicing safe canning and other food preservation methods, but seriously now, you are more likely to die from being struck by lightning than you are from botulism.

The same pretty much applies to measles, the flu, and every other boogeyman "They" always want us to live in fear of. All the while those same "They" are the ones that encourage people to take the drugs, vaccines, and undergo medical procedures that kill an average of 200,000 people annually. Though it was years ago I looked THAT number up so it could likely be much higher than that by now.

What is the REAL deadly epidemic? What is it that we REALLY should be afraid of?

More people need to start taking their own lives back, stop being afraid of the sun, the dirt, the air and preserving your own food. Get outside, plant a garden and get your hands and feet in that mood lifting soil that is full of beneficial bacteria! Yes I said BACTERIA! There is yet ANOTHER boogeyman we have all been brain washed into fearing!

I have a story about how 5 years or so ago, Mr. Rain and I got ourselves off of 15 years of thyroid medications and several over-the-counter drugs (pain, allergy, et cetera). We did this without the help of any doctor or even nutritionist. Just some research, growing our own herbs, and a bit of common sense. We are far happier and healthier now in our 50's than we were in our 30's when we were taking that synthetic garbage daily.

But I will save that story for another day when I have more time to write it up. Today, I am just venting a bit...I hope you do not mind.

Thanks for stopping by and putting up with me slight soap box today! ~Heidi



Hear hear! When Andrew and I found those same figures (we were trying to convince certain people that I wasn't going to kill my family by canning), we ended up on a research rabbit hole for every disease we had been lectured about. The same super low morbidity and mortality rates apply to polio, tetanus, and all the "SUPER SCARY" things that we are told to fear/get vaccinated against.

Of course, we're not idiots. We're both college-educated adults (a statement that holds less and less water, nowadays) who have backgrounds in research, education, and medicine (in Andrew's case), so we aren't waving healing crystals and hoping for the best when it comes to illness. But I also think that the human body is REALLY well designed, and runs much more robustly when it is fed, nourished, and healed by what the DESIGNER made.

You are controlled by what you fear. As for me and my house, we fear only One, and His good design is far better than the synthetic crap that people use to fabricate safety and security. The powers that be control people's perceptions of themselves, their abilities to heal, and even their abilities to parent through the most insidious fear tactics. As a new, first-time mother two years ago, I had to combat so much fear-hype that it was RIDICULOUS. But fear makes money. And if I type too much longer, I'll start getting really, really heated, haha!

I LOVE your comment!
So glad to hear such like-minded thoughts.
(See my rant commment below too.)
I wrote an article here a bit ago about how FEAR SELLS the pharmaceutical products called vaccines.

I am now following you.

Excellent piece @canadian-coconut!

Which reminded me as I was reading it, when Patrick went to have a CDL physical a few years ago, the doctor freaked out because he found out he had been off the medication for a couple of years. Even though Patrick told him he felt great, the doctor demanded a blood work up and told him "You can't just stop taking your thyroid medicine! You could die!" HAHAHAHA Meanwhile, the nurse who checked his blood pressure and all that had just asked my husband "WHo are you, Superman?" Because it all looked great. By the way, after the blood work, never heard another peep from the doctor, not even to tell us it looked great. Figures

Great comment! We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Awesome comment!
O yes, and on the tetanus, no shot can prevent you from getting it, it is proper wound care that prevents it.
I did a bit of research on that when my husband cut his head at work one day and ended up refusing their tetanus shot that they thought was so great because it also had the whooping cough vaccine.
A few months after that, my oldest son, who was about 22 and hunting deer at the time, accidentally ran a dirty knife, covered in deer blood through his hand (long story), it was pretty bad. When the doctor suggested a tetanus shot after doing an excellent job washing out the wound as he should have (I know because I watched the whole thing), Ryan refused it because he had been listening to my preaching long enough! haha! Well, he healed up amazingly well without that stupid shot and no need for antibiotics.

There is actually a tetanus immunoglobulin shot that the hospital should give you if they truly suspect tetanus.
If they don't offer you that (it is VERY rare for them to offer it) than they don't truly believe that you are at risk of tetanus. Yet when people have asked for the immunoglobulin, very often the hospitals will say that they don't even have any on hand. The vaccine can't possibly work after-the-fact of being exposed.

Wow, I did not know that about the immunoglobulin, not surprising they rarely have it on hand.

Keep ranting, we need more people like you speaking out, upvoted and followed!

Please go ahead and rant like this all that you like!

I agree and feel like ranting myself sometimes.
In fact I had to rant to a few friends the other day after some guy on Steemit who says that he is a medical student kept insisting that I should vaccinate because measles is one of the deadliest diseases of the last century.
If you are going to try to scare me at least use another disease that sounds somewhat scary like meningitis or polio. But measles schmeasles. Nothing that anyone could ever say would make me afraid of measles.
Been there, done that!
I'm 48 and my siblings and myself and my friends all got measles.
Nobody even thought to go to a doctor for it and we were all glad to be off of school for a week!
looks like I started to rant too.
oh well,

All the best!

I know many of these doctors believe what they are taught and cannot figure out how to look beyond that. Though there have been those few that have because common sense told them there had to be a better way.

God made our bodies intelligent and gave us the herbs and foods we need to help it heal.

Fevers - there is another thing we have been taught to fear, but it is an important function that helps us to fight off illness.

Yes. I think that the oldest doctors near retirement age probably have more common sense.

You just made me think of something else that I could write about -- fevers and how we should not automatically suppress them.

Have a great day!

I have been researching canning potatoes today because everyone was warning of botulism, this is just what I needed to hear today. Thank You! Tomorrow I will canning my potatoes.

I have a question, slightly off topic but it has to do with canning. I canned meat (some ground beef and chicken) and it was back in 2015. Is it still good?

I have canned meat from 2013 I am still working through! Yep, as long as the seal is not broken and it looks and smells good, there should be no problems.

You really got me thinking... this is so true! I know I'm guilty of scaring myself from stuff like this yet here I am with silicone in my chest and Botox in my face. If we all love scaring ourselves silly then we will never really live!

We are ALL victims of that dear! Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. We all learn and grow along the way but no matter where we are in life, we will have new boogymen to face. I look at it as a good reason to learn something new and educate myself :)

And that is why I am grateful to have met women and men like you who share such wonderful back to nature knowledge with us. I'm truly indebted to you for all you've taught me in just the small amount of time I've been a follower of your blog :) Thank you!

Most of the diseases that they want to vaccinate against are only life threatening to those with already compromised immune systems. What they don't say is that the best way to have a healthy immune system is through diet, excercise, fresh air, and sunshine.

You go girl!

It's all about the money, not the public.

I'm lovin' this giphy thing.

Thank you for that rant! The problem is they don't really want us to be healthy. They want us dependent.


Good rant! So many companies have made people sick or even killed them with their tainted food and they are still in business. But the government wants us to be fearful of raw milk and food preserved at home.