Some Simple Ways To Reduce Mistakes

in #life2 years ago


“To err is human” – Alexander Pope.

It is considered normal for human beings to make mistakes, but it does not mean that it is our birthright to make mistakes. With conscious efforts, we can minimize the mistakes considerably.

Focus on the task at hand:

Lack of concentration is one of the major reasons behind mistakes. If you can focus 100% on the job at your hand, there is very less chance of making a mistake. But concentrating on a thing is not as easy as it appears. With constant practice one can improve concentration and minimize the mistakes.

Write down your mistakes and avoid repeating them:

If you write down your mistakes (even the smallest ones) daily, after some days you would notice that considerable amounts of mistakes are repeated and with minor efforts you can avoid them.

Set reminders:

Forgetfulness is very common and most of the people forget things, especially small things. E.g., many elderly people forget taking their medicines on time or your spouse or mother tells you to bring you something from the market and you forget to bring it. Such errors can be avoided simply by setting reminders on your mobile. There are special apps available as well.

Slow down:

“Haste is the devil’s work.” When we try to do things faster, we are more prone to making mistakes, especially if you are not used to it. Most of the accidents happen when people drive at high speed or try to overtake. Therefore, instead of rushing into doing something, we should do things at a moderate speed, trying to give it our full attention.

Double check:

Double checking helps reduce errors. Even if you have good concentration skills, it is always better to double check. By double checking your work, many errors can easily be eradicated.

Get all things together before starting a task:

Let’s say you are preparing a dish for the first time and in the middle of preparation, you found out that you are missing an important ingredient. Then you may have to stop cooking and rush to a store to get it.
Instead, if you had checked that you had all the items before started cooking, it would have saved you lots of trouble.

There are many other ways which can help us minimize our mistakes. Feel free to share how you reduced mistakes in your life.

Image Source: Pixabay