You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don't Take

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Whenever you are faced with a difficult desicion, you must feel scared of the consequences. Everyone does!

But to give into that fear and not taking the risk may make you regret that decision for your entire lifetime.


Fear of failing is sometimes the only thing that's keeping you from achieving true greatness. If you believe in yourself, you can do it!

Taking certain risks in life gives you immense thrill. Even if it doesn't pan out the way you thought it would, there will be a time when you would be old and rusty and would chuckle about that bold thing you did once. Isn't that worth taking the risk?

Even if you don't succeed, you learn something from the experience which will show you what you did wrong. Using that knowledge, you have a much higher chance of success than you previously had.

And who is to say that you definitely won't succeed? Maybe you will, and that would be because you were bold enough to take that risk.

So you're scared that you might fail and embarrass yourself. But you'll never know unless you go over the edge and take the leap of faith.

Nobody can stop you if you believe in yourself. You are your strongest enemy. If you can win from yourself, you can win the whole world.

If you still fear that you'll fail, remember all the other things that you were scared about 5 years ago. Can't remember it, can you?

All your fears and doubts are temporary but the regret that you didn't even try is permanent.


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I have come up with a life philosophy called "Guaranteed Success". It equalizes failure and success into the same equation: Learning. Whether an intended level of success is reached or not is no longer the motivating factor in "trying" as you've mentioned in your article.
So many shy away from "getting in the game" because they only see their success/failure and not through to the end which is the collection of the experience, whether its failure or success. True success is in the collection of an experience, good, bad, or indifferent.
The regret that comes from inaction is truly permanent, but so are the lessons of success and failure. Some of my most valuable lessons came as a result of not achieving my intended level of success. I did benefit, however, from the failure by learning more about myself.
This is the ultimate reward; to know more about oneself.
So, in all due deference to your post, whether one tries and fails/succeeds or doesn't try at all, the experience will result in self-gnosis. The quality of the experience is determined by each individual, good or bad, success or failure, regret or reward; "It's all learnin' baby!"~Said in American Southern Accent

We are all "Guaranteed Success" if we detach from the specific desired outcome and reattach to the living experience, whatever it is.

Exactly my point! It's more about the journey than the destination.

Hi @rahul.stan... I agree with you that taking risk gives immense thrill. But for every decision we make or the action we take there are 2 possibilities either good or bad and the results are either positive or negative, and the probability of these 2 is 50 percent each.

As long as everything goes well, no one bothers about the other side!. But when the other dark side of destiny turns out to us, it makes to suffer or gives a immense burden on our close ones, especially family members. (I mean parents).
So while taking risks I think there are certain things we have to keep in mind. It is okay with some things to take 100 % risk and with some other things to take some precautions or to make sure of some certainties that not to give more burden on our parents or family because of our 'foolish illusion called - thrill '

I am writing this because I saw a group of students two days ago, making some stunts on the middle of the road, just to please a group of friends. Two of them fell and were rushed to the Hospital. Think about the mental agony their parents might have undergone, who might have taken some loan to buy a bike for their children just to please them!!
I am going to write a blog about this soon...

There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. And doing stunts without any expert supervision is very very stupid. I am, by no means advocating to take those kinds of risks. What i was trying to convey is taking risks that have a chance of making your life better i.e. taking creative risks like writing a book or creating music. But most of the time we are scared that people may not think we are good enough and we don't go through with whatever it is that we were planning to do.
That is what I was trying to imply. I guess I should have been more elaborate in the post.

Yes, you are right... And I have seen you much talented too. So.... You too can write a continuation to your post again... All the best... :) :)

Thank you. Maybe I will write one 😄

Thanks @rahul.stan for sharing such a beautiful post with us.
And yeah there shouldn’t be any regret in our life, that why I've not tried. Moreover failure gives us the best lesson in our life.
Have a nice day ahead.

Thank you! Have a nice day yourself.

As we learn from our mistakes,we should not be afraid of taking decisions but we need to think with a refresh mind before taking a decision.
Thanks for sharing such a great post.

beyoutiful and a good explaination my friend.
thanks for your beautiful explanation and sharing your post with us.
waiting for your next post.
have a great time.

Thank you for the upvote on my recent post! <3

Yes I definitely did my first leap of faith and it was absolutely magical!
Keep up the great work @rahul.stan


We want more post such as this, your short hiatus from steemit makes my feed lack something vital.