There's light at the end of the tunnel

in #life7 years ago (edited)

When I was around 9 years old, I had meningitis, an inflammation of brain and spinal cord membranes, and it was one of the toughest times of my life.

Thankfully due to my mother's love and care I am capable of writing this.

During that time, I suffered from a lot of pain but that's all in the past now. Moreover, I'm not trying to make this a sad post. I'll be writing about a really funny thing that happened then. So, read on.

I was admitted to the hospital for about a week. And apart from the pain and discomfort of countless needles poked in me, it had some perks of it's own.

You see, I was given very high doses of antibiotics and as a result I was out for most of the day. Some days I would sleep for more than 18 hours, waking up only to eat or use the bathroom or to get more antibiotic injections.

But during the time I was awake, I won't say it was 'fun' but it was pleasent.

One of the best things that happened to me at that time was that I was the center of attention. My parents would buy me whatever I wanted to eat given it was healthy. My relatives used to visit me with lots of chocolates and other treats and I had a blast devouring those.

I have a younger brother who is just 2 years younger than me. He had been mischievous all his life.

So when he knew I was getting all those chocolates and chips and was showered with love by anyone who came to visit, he obviously got jealous.

If you have a sibling you know how we get jealous if any one of us gets something a little more than the other.

He had to do something or else I would be the only one having fun or so he thought.

So he licked the hospital wall

Yup, you read that right. He licked the wall and guess what, it worked!

He had food poisoning or some other stomach ailment(I can't remember exactly what happened coz that was nearly 10 years ago and I had a brain infection right?) for 2-3 days after that but he couldn't eat chocolate or chips because of his stomach.

He hadn't thought this through.


So you might be thinking what's the point of this story.

I believe everything happens for a reason and that experience made me realize that anything can happen to anyone when you least expect it.

Even if you had a horrible experience in the past, take a look at it in a different way it doesn't seem so bad.

The point is, try to have fun and never lose hope. There's light at the end of the tunnel.

And think your plans through.



Oh my god! I laughed, but I only could because I know you are OK now. I have a friend who painted his little brother with water-proof wall paint out of jealousy at the age of maybe five. Both survived, one of them the paint, the other one late revenges. While -they- have a good time laughing about it now, I still have painful moments when imagining it. Same here :)

That's savage lol.

That is funny, and I guess he didn't lick any walls after that!

Well he did learn his lesson after that :p

I was totally ready for a near death experience story. Nice way to switch the frame of reference. :)

There's too much negativity in this world already. I'm just trying to spread positivity.

i couldnt be there with you in that phase but yet i heard about it and boy he really got into the box.
It was funny though as he was still a kid that time.

We were all kids at that time😂

Feels like we still are😝

Great inspiring post. Will give power for people fighting serious diseases and disabilities.

Your 7 year old sibling doing something to draw attention and get affection is a natural instinct of children of that age. We love their actions and innate ways of IQ expression. It should not be construed as jealousy or something bad. when you identify such children, as an elder give them more than what they expect ( feeling of love or any material thing)and they will turnout wonderful kids

Haha...nice one..
Loved to read this

Oh, I had the same illness (meningitis) too when i was a kid which almost claimed my life then. But i have overcome and out grown it. Praise God for the healing. You're right @rahul.stan when you said that there is light at the of the tunnel, like there is sunshine after the rain. Nice post. Thanks for the upvote.😀

Guess we are lucky.

Blessed is more like it, @rahul.stan