Isn’t it only women that suffer thrush? Not wanting to burst your bubble fellas, but no.
Both men and women can be affected by the exact same infection, but, how the infection is referred too will change in name due to gender and body parts.

For example a woman with thrush has "VAGINAL THRUSH" because she has a vagina, and while men can never have this because he has a penis the infection now changes to "MALE THRUSH".
(Image... If Only Male Thrush Was As Pretty)
Male Thrush:
This is a yeast infection reasoned by an overgrowth of fungus known as Candida albicans. In males with a foreskin this is likely to be more of a problem because of genital warmth and clamminess which fungus magnates towards and grows.
Both sexes with thrush will experience similar symptoms. Until symptoms are treated, REMEMBER---thrush is easily passed on to a partner during sex if protection isn’t used.
Yeasts are part of the body’s package and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Complications are very probable if the yeasts grow becoming unmanageable.
If you suspect male thrush then to prove it’s happened look for these symptoms below. NOTE: Nevertheless, proof should come from a doctor where he or she will give you a trusted diagnosis of the problem.
- Inflammation.
- Possible smegma which is a mass of smelly substance (discharge) looking like clotted cheese and which happens under the foreskin.
- Redness and irritation.
- Raised spots on foreskin and around the penis tip.
- Itch.

If you know it is thrush and you’re purchasing medication from the chemist---READ the label. The label will instruct if there’s no improvement in your condition by a certain time after using the medication, it’s time to see a doctor, so make an appointment.
Embarrassment is a major issue for lots of people knowing they must see a doctor if it includes their genitals.
Let me remind you---doctors have a job to do, and looking at your bits for no other reason than the infection they're out to make better is not what they do!
If Anyone Should Blush It’s The DOCTOR!

Take Care
Thank you for reading.
Very Good! =]
Thank you for dropping by to comment @eporaivai you time is much appreciated. Take care @racykacy
Greetings back @brayenn. Stay safe and well @racykacy