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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in #life8 years ago

How ignorant you are to assume what I have researched. I grew up in a deeply relgious family, attending church weekly and reading the bible and (the entire New Testament and most of the Old Testament) in school untill my sophmore year of college. I've been a memeber of of both protestant and Catholic churches in my life and have spent countless hour researching the history of the bible, The new testament was written by wise Greek and Roman men based on historical records from from the Roman-Jewish scribe Flavius Joesephus. The Jesus of the gospel is clearly an amalgamtion of ancient Egyptian astronomy gods, like Horus and many others(watch the video I posted above in the first thread you commented on). The bible is a product of man, a reaction the Jeudain War and occupation by Rome, Gnostic Greek and Jewish philosphy, and political motivated propaganda from the Flavian Roman Empire, class dismissed.


What? WaAAT WhAAAAT? No retort S4NL ??? Damn.................

I doubt @saved4newlife will respond to this logic, the same way I doubt that his demi-god, Jesus Christ exists. I don't know if there is no god, however, the bible is very weak empirical evidence for the claim that there is. The devout make a conscious choice to ignore the credibility of the bible.

Oh, I'm not one to agree with man's version but I do believe in a higher power/spirit. Just walk outside and look around. As for the bible, great book,wonderful stories, not that old. Ancient Sumerian sanskrit is much, much older and has it's place in my mind with the origins of the bible later on. It's all very interesting and although we won't ever have all the pieces of the puzzle one must at least gather as many as they can. The human race, IMO, is far older than we are told with a hidden past. We're led to believe specifics and that's where most are............. I digress.

I agree, I don't know the order of the universe and actually, I think there is allot of wisdom in all of the man's oldest myths. So much more fascinating really than the being confined to a narrow view of a single orthodox religion.

Agreed my friend. One must step out of the box.

Your opinion. I just can't even imagine how you will call him a demi-god to his face on judgement day. I hope you have asbestos armor. :)

I'll tell him he's a weak loser to his metaphysical face every day, then right on my death bed, I'll tell him how much I really love him. Then in heaven I'll come over to your cloud and we'll eat that stale bread jesus likes. Can't wait.

Jesus loves you!

Fun fact Jesus LIKES IT when you play hard to get, that why he always hangs out with sinners in your favorite book.

What would you want me to say. It's obvious that he and I think differently. I will say one thing. The Bible is written in such a way that if you read a verse and I read the same one, we come away with a different perspective for the most part. I pray before reading my Bible so that God reveals to me the true nature of his message. Others that just read or memorize may get a totally different idea of what was written. That is the wisdom of God. To some many things will be revealed. To scoffers and Mockers not so much. Blessings!

What I would want is that you stop going up to secular people (I've even seen you do this to a Muslim too) and tell them that Jesus loves them or that the rapture is coming and that they are going to burn in hell. All Im saying is that I dont know, but what we do know is that the bible is not evidence for anything, in fact it has been discredited as fiction, plagerism, and propaganda time and time again with real world data, not metaphysical mumbo jumbo.

Jesus loves you!

Aw thats cute

OK :)

You know what Im going to do after a life for full "sin?" Tell god I love him right before I die so that I can see you in heaven for eternity, We'll have a nice angelic beer and laugh about how easy it is to get in those pearly gates.


Praise Baphomet

Have a good night!

The darkness of our Satanic leader bless

Rejected and rebuked thank you!