Our politicians and media try to make us hate the Russians - we should hate them instead

in #life7 years ago

I will start this blog with two very different historical tales; it will make sense soon. The first one I'm sure many of you have heard.

In the first year of WW1 on Christmas eve, soldiers from British trenches heard German soldiers singing Silent Night from their trench. Soon after; both sides exchanged messages, gifts, photographs and even met in no-man's-land to bury their dead. There's a legend of football matches taking place along the lines, but little historical evidence. There is however lots of historical evidence for a Christmas truce...

This Christmas truce of 1914 was not repeated. The story goes that officers thought it might be rather difficult to persuade SNCOs and juniors to assault German trenches and kill the inhabitants if they discovered the Germans were human beings just like them.

The second tale comes from Hartlepool; a small north-eastern coastal town in England. During the Napoleonic wars, a French ship had run into trouble off the coast. When the ship sank and wreckage washed ashore, the residents of Hartlepool discovered a monkey dressed in a French uniform. Not having ever seen or spoke to a Frenchman before, they concluded the monkey was a French spy, held a quick trial on the beach and then executed the poor monkey by hanging. The people of Hartlepool are known as "Monkey Hangers" to this day.

My point is that though humans are tribal; familiarity and shared common interests stop us from hating one another. When we meet other people and realise they are just like us, it's very hard for bad people to convince us to kill one another. The more remote and unfamiliar a group of people are, the easier it is to dehumanise and kill them.

Fast forward to 2017 and we've had years of constant hate directed towards the Russians by the political and media classes. Not just Vladimir Putin, but the Russian people as well. In London; far-left candidate for PM Jeremy Corbyn advocated seizing houses and properties owned by the wealthy, the justification given by many of his allies was that these properties were owned by Russian millionaires. The same excuse was used by the EU when they forced Cypriot banks to raid their own customer's deposits.

But by far the biggest Russia hate of all comes from America. Whose media and politicians seem determined to go to war with Russia. The nonsensical claim that "Russia hacked the election" has been repeated Goebels-like; until it has become truth. No-one stopping to think: "What does that even mean, what exact systems did they hack and do you have any proof?"

In reality; any evidence of any "hacking" points to disgruntled people working for the DNC leaking to WikiLeaks because they were angry at how Bernie Sanders was cheated. And the "hacking" was simply revealing the truth and damning the DNC and Clinton with their own words.

Contrast this Russia-hate to what's actually happening online. People from the former iron curtain can talk and make friends with people from the west. In fact many of us here on Steemit use a currency (Ethereum) invented by a Russian. Like those British soldiers in the trench we can look across no-man's-land and see friends rather than enemies. They are just like us. They like the same movies, video games and music.

So we should instead turn our hatred to those who are trying to convince us Russians are our enemy like we're still in the cold war.


“War is when your government tells you who the enemy is. A revolution is when you figure it out yourself.” Great article man!

That's a great quote, who said it?


He makes a lot of quotes that Mr. anonymous fellow, he writes a lot of the old music too :)

I never hate russians
I love russians history

I do as well, even the bad parts are interesting.

Mainstream Media keeps presenting unfounded accusations as if they were fact to the extent many Americans are convinced Trump was only elected due to Putin interfering with the election. Another propaganda piece doled out to the masses is Assad's sarin gas attacks, which experts have stated were either not done by Syrian forces, or, regarding the most recent accusation, not sarin gas at all. Most Americans simply don't have the time to find the reliable news sites that don't push the MSM narrative. Sites I find useful are http://consortiumnews.com and http://theintercept.com . If you like incisive comedy with accurate information, and not the propaganda dispensed by late night tv hosts, check out Lee Camp at https://www.youtube.com/user/redactedtonight

Yep, the first Assad gas attack was even debunked by the U.N inspectors if I recall, didn't stop the calls to war by politicians and the media.

This is a very well-crafted post that made for interesting reading @purpleprose. Thank you for posting.

I had never heard of that very sad incident of the monkey hanging. O_o It just goes to show that the power of ignorance is as awesome as it is depressing.

While I would certainly agree that the political class ought to be regarded with greater mistrust and even disdain, I feel that there is enough hatred in the World. We needn't emulate their villainy through honoring them with the same level of inhumanity that they would have us visit upon others at their whims.

Oh - and as an aside - Russia also produced Tetris. ;c)

I'm going to have to download a gameboy emulator and Tetris rom now. ;)

In Germany we have a law "incitement of the masses"

If you do it you sentenced very hard but if our TV stations do it against Russia than its OK !!

Den Tatbestand einer Volksverhetzung definiert § 130 Absatz 1 des Strafgesetzbuchs:

Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,
gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder
die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,
wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

This law only gets invoked when it is "Volksverhetzung" against the jews.

I would actually support the law if it did not have the broad term "hate" in it. I think advocating violence or similar actions towards ethnic groups should be illegal, but saying "I hate the Islam" should be OK. I disagree with it, but I hate christianity and I do not want to be a hypocrite :)

I would have thought; given historical links between the two countries that Russia hate wouldn't be as bad in Germany, it's sad to hear you have the same problems over there.

Well we had the typical stories of "Russians raped all eastern germany women" and so on, while the American rapes were called "love-relations with german fräuleins".

Personally I somehow tend to get in trouble with russian immigrants, but Putin is my favorite politician... so I am kind of torn apart on my feelings for russians.

"Ethereum was invented by a Russian" and that russian emigrated to Canada when he was 5.

I'm not sure of the relevance but okay.

He left Canada as well.