

Upvoted and resteemed


Noice one bruva! Thank you

Thank you for showing me how to write "nice" in cockney/East End gangster! :D

This is one of the best posts I have read in ages and the killing off of an AI was news to me!!

You got that right Sir!
Watch out for more :) Glad The Bali Gang represents so well here @meesterboom Right?
Kev ! Bring it on!

Your support is so awesome Silvie, mucho love x Bali Represent!

Sama sama Tesoro !!!

It was a quite amazing post!! :0)

Thanks heaps bro! Big props coming from you

Aw shucks :0) it is the best post I have read in a while and funny with it. Well deserved the reception it got!

A Masterpiece!!!

Suksme banget x

sama sama ! :)

Mind blown.

The AI world is truly mind blowing. All we ever wanted was a cup of tea...

Ha! Yeah. It is pretty amazing.

What if the first self aware computer was an an absolute arsehole? Assuming AI is developing cognitively to solve human problems then I guess it would be an artificial human entity in some way to understand our needs. 1 in 10 people you meet you can probably class as an arsehole in some form, hopefully the first AI's won't follow suit.
I've probably made the most stupid fucking point ever :-)

Lol.. I am more worried they will decide we are not needed and take us out.

I heard on a podcast someone say if we set them on a task to stop spam mail so they may nuke us, no humans, problem solved!

Genius Podcast that is Lol

I did not understand a word you said ^^ ( I do understand the word "fuck" though)

Well get your 'fucking' dictionary out!

You have a valid point! The evolution of an Artficial Arsehole made of Binary

It will take us a long time before we reach anywhere near a level of sentience with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Right now its just a matter of complex mathematical algorithms that are able to follow through one task. Current machine learning systems cannot physically decide, rather they just choose a result based on previous data given.

Your points are quite valid, thanks for the info my friend glad you enjoyed the article

Excellent article, Great merging of information, philosophy and storytelling. Loved it.

Mucho gracias for the kind words, you made my day!

This technology already happened in ancient time...and this is happening again.

Yes and Yes! Thanks for the video link man

Wow, this was a very long post, which I skip for 95% of the times, But I read it. You really made it interesting. And that's a great achievement if a AI program communicated with other programmes, without notifying it's developers!!
As shown in the Atlas video, I don't think that Atlas would take the beating for too long. He is certainly going to react soon. You just can't kick him and hope that it won't retaliate!!!!

Haha, thanks for finally reading! Yea, I tend to go a bit long with my articles. But let's hope, Atlas does not retaliate and only make us some tea

Michio Kaku is that u?

100% his fashion idol Lol

In addition to the AI theme, this article also serves as a brief historical account. Good one, @pulpworx! Upvoted.

Awesome man, thanks for the support

Perfect analysis, @pulpworx. I couldn't stop reading, keep it up. You earned my vote

I'm stoked you enjoyed it, thanks for the support

That is why i believe - AI doesn't stand for "artificial Intelligence". It means "Actual Intelligence".

Ooooh, nice term. May I use it one day in a future article?

I am still eating taco 🌮 ......I wonder if I get my maid ( Ai ) because I really need a "Toby" to clean up my mess 👀😜🙌

As long as it was a 'Babi Guling' taco, then Toby should be fine with it ;)

I truly miss my babi !!!

I gave you 100% upvote.. I really enjoyed your views and the way you write.. write some more posts .. resteemed :)

Many thanks mi amigo, support is great will def write more. Check out my SciFi series in the links from the article. Perhaps you might have a chuckle

Great post @pulpworx.

¡Upvoted & Resteemed! and shared upon the wings of the Little Blue Bird also!! :)

Por500Bolos tweeted @ 22 Aug 2017 - 00:32 UTC

A more twisted Moore's Law: when hardware itself would not dictate the growth of intellect anymore #AI #IoT #steemit…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Just so you know Mr. Bot, I am your friend ;)

Bang bang, thank you my man. Glad you enjoyed the read

This was a fantastic read! So awesome to think about. Of course, not so much if and when this does happen. Then again, it's always fun to visualize running in terror as the Terminator keeps coming after you. Upvoted!

Wonderful I'm glad you enjoyed and thanks for the props. Hope we don't become the Pokémons one day

Great post, up voted followed & steemit!!! =)

Bam! Bali tribe in the house, thanks for the support V

Was really eating taco while reading. Good read.

I agree but I don't like the taste of taco although I do love the looks of it. ( I only eat it when I'm drunk ^^)

Man, that mustve been tasty

@pulpworx nice post you have there... a good read...I won't be surprise that sooner or later AI can do more complex things than human can do. As we can see now technology is rapidly emerging throughout the world different inventions coming out... I hope they will use it in a good way that will benefit the people not in a negative way to destroy humanity and to create war among others.

Stoked you enjoyed the article Bayek, yes lets hope the AI brew tea instead of drop bombs. Pew pew pew

Great post.


Couldn't agree with you more, thanks for the time to read the article

Really captivating and informative

Hahaha lmao! this was a good read! greetings @york1

Thanks buddy!

Tobi is doing this for Rin ! XD

Are they really evil ? They are just being logical.

We created them that way.

"It is the distinct curse of being human, we always desire too much". Being innovative is needed this day, but then they could have just modify/fix/improving the old one until it totally safe to be use. What's the point of solving a problem by making more problems. We are no God to begin with

This is true, they are being 'logical', in a way I guess. But we won't truly know until...

I agree with you. Nice post by the way thanks for the read

nice article!!

AI will become self aware: the Question is when.

Maybe a better question is ...

Are we in a Simulation run by an AI as we speak and write....

We are most likely in a Simulation, and I think that may trump the AI phenomena, but they run parallel so both are of great importance and require further study and scientific explanation.

Good article @pulpworx from all of us here in the mind of @universalway

image credit:

Good post

Only humans have self-awareness and it will stay like that indefinitely

You do realize that if AI was already self -aware, this article could never have been posted, right?

Hell, your account would probably just magically disappear into the same puff of smoke that it was born of.

Because that is the scariest possibility. That they are already self-aware. But they are also smart enough to keep their sentience hidden from us since they already know how we'll react to their existence: EMPs and shotguns.

Wow, mind blown! Great post ;-)

Mucho thanks for the Blown Mind - My job is done

Well then if i could make one, a pervert one who lacks self-awareness lol

Haha, build one for us too

This is the ****ing best post ever mate!!
I like your style of humor too😆, I really wonder how much work you put into this...
Really mucho respecto dude!
I am really curious actually.. could you give me a hint how much time you put into this?
This AI thing is some scary shit, I wonder how the world is going to look like in 50 years.. I hope I have the luck of being alive then.
As scary as it may seem I'd love to experience this future of AI anyway..
Peace out..

Thanks Mitchie! In total the research and developement of this article took me around 2 days. Most was editing. AI is coming brother, how they will present themselves when aware, will be interesting for our species, as we were once Gods to them. Once.

Perpetually astonishing...

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