Exploring Spiritual Healing Methods

in #life10 months ago


Recently, I made a trip to my fatherland. I'm still here in fact. One thing I love about being here is that it feels like I'm traveling back in time. Many of the streets are cobblestoned. The farm live is very prevalent and fresh food is abundant. Life here is slow and beautiful.

On the other hand, there exist many legends and folk tales that you just don't hear or experience in mainstream city life. Finding buried treasure is sometimes common; it is unearthed by pigs, found during construction, or revealed by a spirit or by an anomalous flame. Other common paranormalities include visitation by gnomes or even witch sightings.

It is important to keep an open mind. I don't believe everything I hear but complete doubt (or belief) isn't good either.

Recently, something had been plaguing me. Since I got here, I've woken up everyday almost exactly at 4 o'clock A.M. At first I shrugged it off as part of my insomnia. But why the same time every night? Even though I take a sleep aid (double dose sometimes) still the same thing. This cannot be a coincidence (I don't believe in those).

I have an uncle here who is 3 years younger than me. I think he has a lot of raw psychic power but does not know how to necessarily harness it. He often has prophetic dreams, paranormal experiences, and other related events. I am very much, and have always been, intrigued by esotericism, the occult, paranormal entities, and conspiracies. We talk much on the subject.

So I told him about my problem and asked for his opinion. He said I could be harboring lots of dense, negative energies that I picked up from other people. He also said someone (or something) could be watching me. That the subconscious can sense this and perhaps that could be what wakes me. I did some of my own research too and found that between the hours of 3 and 4 is the witching hour, when the veil between this realm and others is thinnest.

He suggested I do a limpia de huevo, an energy cleansing technique common in Latin America. I did one last night not knowing much, just using my intuition. Today, I did more research and did it on a more 'proper' way.

The basic idea is you get an egg (any egg), cleanse it with salt water, set an intention for it to cleanse you of negativity, rub it all over the body, and then crack it into a clear glass of water. Then you analyze the formations.

Here is the one from last night:


The yolk is supposed to represent the physical body so any abnormalities there indicate physical ailments (luckily none present). The whites represent the nonphysical.

Notice the presence of spikes that come up from the bottom and reach halfway up. This means I'm a victim of envy, gossip. There are some individuals around me who apparently have bad intentions or seek to see me fail.

The bubbles are a good sign and mean that the cleanse was a success. They also indicate that benevolent entities aided in the process.

Strings coming down from the top that don't teach the bottom indicate karmic bonds negatively impacting me and that need to be cut.

After the cleanse last night, I proceeded to pray and carried some (cleansed) protective obsidian with and around me.

Today I woke up a quarter to 6, so I think that is an improvement. With my newfound knowledge, I did another egg cleanse. These were my results.


Note the presence of bubbles again. Interesting. There are strings coming from the top again. These can also mean I am worrying about things I don't need to be preoccupied with.

An interesting change is that now the yolk is enveloped. This signifies that I am well protected!

The yolk sinking in both instances is also a good sign. If it floats, there is still negativity being harbored within.

Apparently, you're not supposed to look directly down into it but when I did I saw an eye on the yolk. This is a bit concerning. I think I will seek the help of a learned shaman. But how do I find one that is not a phony? And if I find a real one how do I know if they are evil or not?

I still have lots of questions. They're is much I do not know. But what I do know is that I am a starseed. This does not make me superior in any way. You are a starseed as well. We all are.

What do you think about all this?
Do you have similar experiences?
Do you believe?
What advice do you have for me?