Like most adults, you've probably got a budget.
I think this should read, "Like most adults, you probably should have a budget."
When my wife and I had our daughter we were facing an extended period of reduced income and higher expenses, so we made a budget for the first time in our lives. It was very stressful for her because it meant questioning all of our choices and making sacrifices. She felt like it was a terrible, oppressive, crushing form of torture and there were lots of tears. It took two years for her to see the benefit of using a budget and now it seems effortless.
I guess there are different ways to interpret the phrase "having a budget." Some people see it as a plan for how to spend and save. Others see it as a juggling act that begins and ends on payday. The difference is just a few dollars, but it is a very different feeling.
Well everybody's got a budget. Some people budget for the future though and some people just make their ends meet. However, there are certain times in our lives when we can't plan for the future because we just don't have the money.