Those Infamous Pad

in #life6 years ago

 How Much Money Do We Have? Why Do People Die?  Why do I have two eyes if I only see one thing? What is God? Where did I come from? Stop asking. Be quiet. Don't bother me. Responses like these may tell a child that curiosity is unimportant or annoying. But in fact, young children are naturally curious and it’s the way how they learn new things. The world of a young child is full of new foods to taste, new people to meet, new games to play, new words to understand, new places to visit, and new concepts to master. The infant and toddler will touch, taste, smell, climb over, poke at, take apart, watch, listen, and learn more than at any other time in life. It is, simply, how we learn.  However, sometimes a young child's style of exploration can be quite side-splitting.

We are exposed to thousands of advertisements a day. They come at us in many different ways, and we should know what they're trying to doing to us. We all enjoy catchy ads mainly because of pleasing visuals and short interesting plot. But not always would one grasp the meaning or application of the products, trying being sold. Women’s sanitary pads were, for long an item of closed book to guys. I mean as a boy child who watches TV and therefore exposed to whole lot of ads shown. Like sanitary napkins, there are ads on chocolates, shampoos, soaps, cold drinks, chow- chow (instant noodles), and cars and so on, which one could make sense quite easily. They made sense because one knew stuffs like- you eat chocolates (or chocolate overdose spoils one’s teeth), shampoo is to wash your hair making it silky shiny and what not, cars are moving automobiles and you drive them and go to long ride on them. Most probably I was nine in those times that I may have first seen one or two ads on those mysterious pads. Being a girl also those advertisements were completely strange for me as every parent is not comfortable talking to their children about sanitary napkins. When a child ask a question only parent are hasty to switch the television. Sounds quite baffling! But it is the bitter truth. I had no clue about those pad’s ads. ‘’What the hell are those?’’- used to be my possible reaction. See what type of advertisement we all used to encounter at those times. There would be a girl riding a bicycle or playing tennis...and then two pads would pop out on which a gel would be poured and later one of the pad would absorb it completely while the other would not. And at the end the girl would have a big smile and then would ride bicycle or play tennis more comfortably, confidently and aggressively. I hadn't figured out about any correlation between the pad and the girl’s confidence level like some weird internet research claims positive correlation between I-pad owners and luckiness.  Or in some other ads girl would say something like ,’I can now go out for the party tonight.. Thank you pad’’ (I am not naming any pads, because they aren't paying me for this one). You dare not ask...I don’t think anyone would volunteer telling it to you. So those notorious ads bemused me and I hope you guys too have had similar experience at some point. May be it was; ads of some other products that bewildered you. Only because I had no knowledge or information about their applications as I had for chocolates, shampoos or cars (which also figured in the ads). But repeatedly seeing only girls being shown in its ads, I had made a wild guess that they should be for girls but how and why they use it, was still far fetched idea for me in those times. The reason I am writing this plot today is , just few hours ago I got to see yet another  similar add- it had girls in it too but only difference was-it had ground breaking concept. Girls were on a boating spree and accidentally one of them drops the pad from her bag into the lake…guess what, that soaks whole lake and  dries it to desert. What follows is weird smile in their faces….RIOTOUS isn't it. Girls for your pad’s sake don’t ever go boating with that pad in your bag (laughs).

Note! Advertisements (or ‘ads’ as I have used herein) indeed, are forefront Marketing tools. And often they create unintended impression and undeserved hype.