Courage is the beginning of action, happiness the end. Democritus
Democritus was a Greek philosopher. He was born around 460 B.C. as the son of rich parents. Thus he could afford extensive studies and journeys. He considered himself one of the most educated men of his time. The few surviving writings that remain of him prove that he possessed a broad general education for his time.
pixabay and wikipedia
Mut steht am Anfang des Handelns, Glück am Ende. Demokrit
Demokrit war ein griechischer Philosoph. Er wurde um 460 vor Christus als Sohn reicher Eltern geboren. Dadurch konnte er sich ausgedehnte Studien und Reisen leisten. Er hielt sich selbst für einen der gebildetsten Männer seiner Zeit. Durch die wenigen erhaltenen Schriften, welche von ihm erhalten blieben, ist belegt, dass er für seine Zeit eine breit gefächerte Allgemeinbildung besaß.
Beautiful post and i liked it.
Have a great Day!
Thank you very much.
Really... Very very... Lovely dear friend @posituvertag
Thank you, @moniroy. Have a good day, my friend.
Wow, so amazing quote @positivertag. So nice to see your post after so long time coz, I was suffering from fever so I can's continued my work on steemit. ☺
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post with us.💙❤💜
I hope you've been able to recover and feel good now.
Thank you very much for your comment and all the best for you.
Great quote and lovely post. I like your every beautiful post.
Thank you so much.
Lovely blog. Every post is very good and quality full. I liked it.
Thank you so much.
Beautiful Zitat. Good work!
Thank you, mate.
Beautiful post and quote my friend
Thank you so much, friend.
Great post and quote. Really good
Thank you very much.
Thanks for reading this post, my friend.