I actually identify as androgynous - though if a Tumblerite were to explain my gender identity, they'd probably say that I'm "gender-fluid".
There are a lot of dumb gender identities, then there's some that just are too specific for me lol.
Like, I understand the concept of "genderfluid" - I feel like one gender now, though I might feel like a different one later.
Though if I was to be asked if I considerex myself "male, female, both, or neither", I'd usually say either "neither" or "something between both and neither" - which I think is where the huge lexicon of genders comes from. People want to specifically say what their gender is.
Wheras I'm just over here like /indifferent shrug/ "I technically prefer the pronoun "they", but if you're either transphobic or a grammar nazi, female pronouns work fine lol". Because biologically, I'm female, though I'm also fine with (if not tickled by xD) male pronouns lol.
I actually got confused for a boy a lot as a kid, and was tickled to death by my "ability" to "change gender at will". I had an extestential identity crisis when I went through puberty and couldn't be whatever I wanted anymore lol.
I didn't know people could actually be androgynous, so I spent a long time being confused about if I was angry that I couldn't be a boy, or if I should be happy I'm a girl.
Then I found out there are other people like that?? That are like "neither/both", and I've felt way better about myself ever since ^-^)
Although the hyper-queer community on Tumblr did make me feel like I wasn't "trans enough" for a while, since my body type isn't easy to make look "not female" :v
sorry for the text wall omg
Thanks so much for sharing your views!!
I don't think that your identification violates my understanding of gender at all.
The main thing for me is that it must be a reflection of biological gender. When people say that their gender is a color... that's just stupid lol. I mean, I knew a guy who was obsessed with the color red. Everything he had was red or black or some combination thereof. That doesn't mean he is "redgender" or anything. It just means he really likes red lol