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RE: My Old Battlestation

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I've been there. Mom ran off with my art show money, Left my sister and I with her great dane/boxer dogs, No food, her unpaid VW Bus she drove over state line we no longer could drive, No Home. My sister and I wandered the streets with the two great dane/boxer dogs in a new city > not knowing what to do. > When suddenly, we saw a house with fruit trees (food) in the backyard we said, in unison "That's our house." Without giong into the crazy details that house turned out to be ours. It was in terrible condition and the landlord let us have it for near nothing if we painted and fixed it up. I can't tell you how many amazing things happened in our desperation.
Hard times does slim a body down. Awesome memories for my sister and I struggling on our own. Would do it all over again.


Iron only gets stronger the more it's forged in fire

with tears in my eyes Yes this is the truth you speak.