A man without a soul?

in #life7 years ago

человек_без _души_стихи.jpg

The soul of a person is attached to the body and leaves it after death. At the same time, there is an expression like "soulless person", etc. So can a person lose his soul during life?

The soul in a sense is the life of a person. Much of human life is perceived not only as physical processes (as, for example, some people consider love "chemistry"), but also as a manifestation of the qualities of the soul, that is, the manifestation is not an animal, but a spiritual, inner, high. This can be read a lot by the fathers of the first centuries of Christianity, when the teaching of anthropology developed very strongly. In fact, all the teachings about man in Christianity have long been open.

We can not lose the soul, because the deprivation of the soul is equal to the separation from it, that is, death. In the expression "a man without a soul" and the like, it is more about allegory, about the analogy with death (for example, a person can be killed by grief). In difficult situations, many of us, as it were, did not feel life in themselves. From a spiritual point of view, we will be with the soul to the last word of God, therefore every life of a person is important, because the penitent in the last hour of his life receives mercy from the Lord. And the fears that the soul can be lost or sold - false. But we can bring ourselves closer to the state of the dead mentally, when we give up our souls to be torn to our passions or subjugate the soul, and with it all ourselves, hypocrisy, man-pleasures, indulgence to sins. And through it we lose good joy, peace, spiritual simplicity, purity of mind and open heart. There are many such people who have lost all these joys, simplicity, purity and live further, as if they are drowning under water, trying to breathe. Also, the soul is tormented without a message of God.


waooo I never imagine this, the soul .... great article

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