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RE: Getting older- How I really feel

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Ok Lady grab yourself a brew and get ready for one hell of a long comment!

Right I know you are feeling crap right now and I don't blame you but I only wish you could see yourself through my eyes for a day. I'd lend them to you but i'm kind of attached to them so I'll just have to tell you instead.

I don't see a useless lump when we chat I never have, over the last few years I grew to think of everyone in our little facebook group as friends, but over the last few months I got to know you better through our conversations and your posts here.

When I am talking to you I'm talking to a woman who not only survived a rotton father and childhood but went on to raise beautiful well adjusted adults who are thriving and are just as tough as their mum all while she has been in inmense physical pain. That's no easy task.

You could have gave up years ago but you chose to keep going a few months ago you thought you wouldn't be able to do this whole steem thing and look at you now.


And I will always be your very own personal cheerleader.
Just don't make me wear the uniform.


Ahhh shucks thank you. I owe you a lot for persevering with me when I'm at my lowest. Your a lovely person who amazes me in what you have gone through and nothing seems to be too much trouble Thank you. You could always make yourself some pompoms at least lol :)

ahh you don't owe me at all.
hmm pom poms I have enough yarn for knitted ones :D

Might be the next big thing lol yeah I do as I know I can be A pain lol

only when you put yourself down just because everytime you do it your making it harder for yourself to move forwards.
if you shake hands with 100 people in a day and one slaps you it's the slap you remember.
when you put yourself down you may as well be punching yourself in the face :(

I might be better off doing that would make me feel better :(


What is that? Lol

I decided awhile ago to make my own Hall of Fame up on here and I regularly started posting it as such here and there just to stir things up, get a laugh, make someone feel good. It is my own doing, so I can fire this out there whenever I want and I like it LOL

#RandomDriveByHOFPosts lol

Ahhhh got ya lol