When I choose this topic, I brace up for the much reactions and questions that will come after. Am 100% sure many are interested in this series because of the monetary aspect, that is good but that should not be all you are here for.
The internet and money- when you take a glance at the internet what comes to your mind? When you remember the word internet what picture do you have? In case you don’t have one let paint some. The internet is like ocean of waters with so much waters for all to do whatever with it, the amount of waters you have depend on what you are fetching with, the internet is like grasses the grows again each time a cow feed on them, the internet is like a big market where all needs can be meant. You can go on and create further pictures of what the internet looks like to you. One thing you will see from all this pictures is that the internet is a land of opportunities, so much opportunities is wrapped up on the internet but I will focus on one aspect for the sake of this series.
When you hear about people making so much online, it twinkle your ears and at times you find it difficult to believe. To begin with, ask yourself this question “what is Facebook selling”? What exactly is the product of Facebook? Ask yourself again most of the online stuff we have what are they doing that fetch them so much money? Tight you sit bet am about taking you on a journey.
Your very first task as a person that wishes to earn money online is to create a platform. This sound simple but is actually big and most times difficult for beginners. I study economics, there is one law I can never forget in my life “the law of demand and supply”, at times when I look into that law it seems the whole world principle in based on this very law “as long as you have something to offer “supply” there will be people to get it “demand””, in so doing you have successfully create a market because all market works with this same principle and law. For a demand to happen and hold there must be a supply. As a man of internet your first task is to create a supply, there must be something you are giving that is needed by the people. You can’t just spend time reading gossip online and expect some mana to drop from the Skye.
Before I move on, let me give you a good example of what am taking about here. Let’s assume you are into cake baking, we assume you can bake and design cake very well. That alone is enough to turn your world on internet to money. I know you will ask how? Before I answer the question of how, once you identify a product or services you can supply, the next thing you should be looking for is not money, get education first. When I say education I don’t mean you should go to school, all am saying is that you should seek for knowledge online. You can buy books and read, you can watch videos online, you can read as many materials that are related to what you are doing online, you can attend seminars, you can download pdf files and read as many things as possible. Why is this important? Is very important because of your acceptability online, once people discover you know nothing about what you are saying or doing the lost interest, you should educate yourself to a point that you know everything about what you choose to do. This will lead me to answering question on how do I turn this to money? You don’t have to worry yourself about how the money will come, it will come on its own. Let me give you a clue here, imagine you are a baker and knows much about cake, you always write about cake on daily basis, giving people some nice tips on cake, telling people different things on daily basis, you are gradually turning yourself to a consultant, your gradually turning yourself to a coach, you are gradually turning yourself to a mentor on cake issue, this style and system works for all. Once people notice you and start following you, their interest begin to move towards your direction and from there the monetary aspect will show up. Imagine getting an offer to come over to one secondary school to be a baking coach, imagine bakers like you started consulting you. Don’t forget it started from you identifying what you can do, educate yourself the more on it and create a platform around it.
I have friends around me who are building a whole industry on this, one of my friend built her make up industry on this principles, she is a graduate that needs nobody job, a friend of mine built his instrument talent on this and one music school employed him with heavy pay, the internet gave you a vast opportunity to sell yourself out to the world.
Let me tell you little of my story, some years back I fell in love with social media, I was so lost on internet that I can’t do without it. Along the line I discover this powerful tool, I just realize I can become the man of my dream by following this simple rule then I develop my writing skills and become a writer. It all started like a joke when I began to read about politics, relationship, business, society etc. today am a writer that is well employed by people I don’t know, am also working towards presenting my first script that might enter all started in my room with just my laptop and light. I moved further to get involved in cryptocurrency “I will tell you more about this in other chapters” during my nysc, I spent more than 80% of my time reading and watching videos, I used most of my time learning what this new thing is all about, just yesterday I got a letter from someone asking me to help him create a content for cryptocurrency, the person meet me online and read some article I did on cryptocurrency. That is how powerful the internet is, the money on it works with what you can offer the society, the money on it is revealed at a time you are ready to create a platform in order to show the world what you can do.
The start might look so small, it might appear as if you are doing nothing but trust me people are watching you and waiting to see more. The money on internet is much but it comes in a very small fraction only the consistent and hardworking people can take it. I will take you through some platform that can help you better in making money online which I will advise you sacrifice all to make it count.
In the first series you need to remember this
Identify and create a product- here you should take time to sit down and think of any value you can add to people on internet, think of what you can supply online, it can be your intellectual properties, vocational works, idea, entertainment, product and services etc
educate yourself- you need to make sure you have all that it takes to be the best in what you are doing, so go educate yourself
Create a world around it- after all is said and done, create your internet around your product, let the whole world know what you can do and always be constituent at it.
With this we have a way forward to look into the internet and money, let me say this at this point. When you are doing the research and studying, it might take you days, weeks, months even years please don’t rush it, make sure you are well prepared before you show up. Get all necessary materials and knowledge available because once you show up we expect you to fire on. Incubate yourself and sweat if needed. Create a content or product that will make you a hot cake on internet.
Note* I will be attending to as many as possible that needed my help to identify and how to go about creating a platform for yourself. Although I will stop immediately am done with this series.
Also I will like us all to take this little assignment, read something new daily on whatever you choose to create on internet. Take some notes and do strategic plans per day, you may share your findings with me and let’s brainstorm.
Am Ajibola Durojayeola Philip (ADP)
A preacher, a writer, business consultant and a farmer
Leader @phenomenal impact organization
Its am eye opener for me..