Best Case Scenario Following Election 2016

in #life8 years ago

Life is a blur. I can't see much past right now other than possibilities, and that's dangerous. Peeking through those windows stokes fear. I haven't mastered the art of happy thinking. I get there day by day. Today is a day when I need that skill most.

America just got engaged to her abuser. She is not thinking clearly. We have to help her out.

What is the best case scenario? Think about the best case scenario!

Option 1: The world says, "Psych! It was all a joke." Rewind the last two years.

Option 2: This is an alternate reality from which I will escape.

Option 3: A deity hits the brakes and nothing happens for four years. The election of an abusive xenophobe becomes a historical anomaly.

Option 4: He experiences a radical personality shift. Like in that Woody Allen movie.

Option 5: The whole world learns from this mistake. It is never repeated again in any country.

Forget everything you know. That's the only way to drum up a positive future. At least from where I'm sitting. You know--me. A woman of color who has already spent the majority of her life terrorized by white Christians at the hands of conservative, gun-toting America?

I've survived many things. Me and America, we'll survive this. Right?

images via


Too much speculation. Nobody knows

The Post-Hoc Bullshiters Of The Presidential Election

I read and upvoted this earlier (as @honeyscribe I think). I agree very much with what you are saying about public media and spin. I hope most of what we've heard is spin and it all falls away to reveal that we can actually be safe despite the vitriolic violence incited by Trump during his campaign.

People are acting like the world is ending. Trump is very smart, actually. He played the media and the majority vote quite well, people will be surprised how he acts as president. If you know Trump from before, then you know most of the ridiculous stuff he said was just for votes. I wish more people understood that. It's short-sighted to see him as only the crazy dude he portrayed. Idiots win the lottery all the time, they lose it all to drugs and an outlandish lifestyle. Do you really think that he made his success just because of a 1 million dollar loan? Trump is very smart and I hope more people will begin to see that. Unfortunately he did wrile up the uneducated white racists but I hope it subsides now that hes elected and we can come together again. I'm not hesitant at all to say I voted for him. I support all races, sexual orientation, and different political views. I voted for him because I saw him as an intelligent businessman who can take his skills to the whitehouse. I could be wrong, sure. I'm not claiming to know everything, and unfortunately we would have a major backlash either way this election went. I just wish people would calm down not think the world is ending FFS.

I'm more concerned with him getting votes using hate-based tactics. If he's smart, he knows it will continue to have divisive results beyond the scrubbing of his campaign.

I am still in shock and I live in the UK...

It's quite a WTF moment.

I see you're familiar with my work: Imagining your "Best Case Scenario" ;)
Hoping for hidden Option 6: the Trump we saw during the campaign was all an act; he's actually a genius philanthropist who will reform the democratic system from the inside. Well played!

Ahahaha I love it! I heard the same from a child today. Magical thinking is lovely. :)

Shocking...great article by the way :)...this is my thought

I made a short video about the elections, its for laughs :) Trump VS Clinton

Much love @perspective. I stand with you, and I will never give up. Latinos, Muslims, LGBTQIA, African-Americans, Native Americans and Women all stand to lose rights. Intersectionality in dealing with this catastrophe is crucial. Blockchain is full of possibilities, and we need to harvest its power to support the most fragile in our communities. I am delighted to see posts like this trending on steemit. It gives me hope that this community understands the need to engage in focused action to protect the rights of the most disadvantaged.
@smooth, @steemed and co thank you for your vote here. Your curation on this matters makes a huge impact on the tone of this platform.

P.S. I will politely (but assertively) decline to engage in discussion on this topic with anyone that lacks empathy and compassion for what the communities mentioned above are experiencing at this moment in our history. J.

Thank you for this! It means a lot to find another empathetic social justice warrior voicing support and care for those who are underprivileged and afraid.

Option 7 :

  • cut down taxes for companies, including the trump company
  • Make many orders to build buildings including these made by the trump company
  • lets every other things goes as smoothly as possible and makes a lot of money.
    Remember, the fortune of President Bush junior as been multiplied by 4 during his presidency. What else ?

Ugh that sounds like a terrible option.

I think you will be fine, i doubt this is the end of the world and people that voted for Trump...i don't think they did it out of hate.
I think they did it cause they wanted change, a path that gives the elitists the middle finger.
They want to be free, Hillary would not bring that freedom and neither will Trump.
It's the lesser of two evils, not much less...but a little.

There are so many great Americans, and this is the best they can couch up to run a global superpower?

They voted for Trump, and chose to IGNORE hate.

I think a lot of people voted because they felt he was less odious than Hillary (and he is in some ways, but no ways that immediately affect the majority of who I know and love), he would keep their financial status secure (for me it's the opposite), or he represents a time that is now past when people worried less about diversity and inclusion because everyone had their place and stayed in it. I understand, but I can't support any of it because he has chosen to be violently divisive. I do hope I'm okay. It was hard enough for my family post-9/11 and that has only just calmed down some.

Odious is incorrect. Criminal is the correct word, a bribed, treasonous, and unamerican criminal.

There is cryptographically verifiable evidence from her own emails of her "charity" taking million dollar bribes from countries that not only openly hate us, but won't let women work, drive, or leave the house without a bag over their heads. These "donations" were immediately followed by weapons sales and uses of force in the middle east. These weapons and attacks are the reason\excuse those "refugees" are flooding the world. She is directly responsible and her own emails prove it.

Lots of people voted because they simply don't want easily bribed traitors running the country.

Well, TBH, I'm glad she's not POTUS. I didn't like Hillary or Trump.

The whole world learns from this mistake. It is never repeated again in any country.

This TBH

My guess too. Fingers crossed!

When have the world ever learned from past mistakes? If we had, there would be no more war, terror, hate or hunger.

perfectly possible, if we choose to invest in the future, instead of shoving our problems to the future. Mainly I mean we have to do a better job at educating our children. Don't teach them facts, but teach them how to process information in such a way that they want and can inform themselves consistently with a changing world.

Lots of people resort to calling the masses dumb, and in a way, that is the case, but that's a very negative word and it doesn't help a bit, mainly because one cannot help it when you are uninformed, not immediately anyway. People make bad choices and if we want to stop them from doing that, we need to help them, not fight them.

True, but I choose to be hopeful.

I think the middle working class finally said fuck off Libs .... this is the big ole American middle finger to the past 8 years.

Relax all you libs are over reacting ...

A woman of color who has already spent the majority of her life terrorized by white Christians at the hands of conservative, gun-toting America?

Fucking please ..."terrorized?"

Are you rhetorically doubting that I was terrorized or are you asking details since you don't know my story?

You possibly couldn't have used a much larger overgeneralization than you did, you seem smart enough to figure it out.

Where was the overgeneralization? I was terrorized by the KKK and white men with guns for being brown most of my life. Death threats, guns in my mouth, phone calls, pamphlets on my lawn, assault on school property and lots more. It was racial terrorism. There were a group of us that were Black or brown who faced it together. Not all of us survived. So if you are suggesting that I haven't endured terrorism in America by white Christian men with guns, I respectfully disagree. If you are suggesting the generalization is elsewhere, I'm curious.