Thank God I Failed...

in #life7 years ago

Life's Little Guidepost

Life is full of disappointments, that is why it is an interesting hell pit. Some sometimes, failing is not necessarily a bad thing, it is just a prelude to better things that is coming. There is a saying in Chinese, if the old one doesn't spoil, you will not get a new one.


Life has been a series of disappointment but it does have its occasional highs. The little trip to a nice coffee shop with that aromatic coffee that merely costs RM1.50 that taste more heavenly that a Java Chip Coffee with Whipped Cream and Hazelnut crumbs. I always thought I will be following my dreams, to be playing the guitar and do what my heart desires and lead a happy but necessarily a wealthy life. Unfortunately health took a turn for the worst and I was unable to even play the guitar without getting cramps, so there goes a 3 year effort. But not all is lost, I ended up doing something that put me in a position to bring some changes.

Then a barrage of events came and left like a hurricane. Total destruction after its visit. I thought all was lost, but hey, I can still write and blog.

Creation of #steem-cartoon

I would have never thought that by blogging I would be meeting really awesome people whom their work I have only seen in the traditional prints. This is the platform where I met people that really stood their ground for me, people like @sireh, @aurah, @rambai, @cartoonistpandan and many others.

There is a saying that goes like, 'if life throws you lemons, you make lemonade'. Well, that is if life is kind enough to throw you lemon. If life throws you shit, I guess I will start a fertilizer plant.

Feeling Upbeat

Was reminiscing how #steem-cartoon came about how it all unfolded and now it seems to have its own traction. Still very much loving the design that @cartoonistpandan has created for us all. Came across this with a friend in a window display and couldn't resist taking a picture...


Such a beautiful owl. Now with one big project which is likely to be the biggest project for this year that I will be planning together with @calebleejl and @zhusatriani will be a music concert. Details will be unveiled soon. I hope that this effort will bring us far.

But until that happens, this Saturday will be spent with family and this little one who is always sleepy and shitting all around the house...


The is always camera shy. Its either she will turn away or when she is caught unprepared she will shut her eyes. Now, lets see where failure shall lead me from here onwards...

credit to @zomagic


Sounds like some interesting projects. Good luck with the fertilizer plant! ;)

Fertilizer plant will be a boom. Who say shit cant sell? Haha...😁😁😁

@perennial, what you are doing for the artist community is truly inspiring. Others before self.

thanks bro...actually #steem-cartoon was @sireh's idea...I only stood by while he implements it.

It's a spontaneous idea came from our fun conversation. You didn't stood by my friend... You help us along the way, taught us and show us the way... truly appreciate on what you have done.

hai sireh

Hye Syam... selamat datang ke Steemit ya...

@perennial :) it's been a while. ^^ I love what you are doing and I do hope your health is okay now. I know with your project you'd be able to help you will be able to help and inspire others. Keep up the good work!

Health is in check now...yes i enjoy doing what I am doing now. Furthermore there is financial gain to be reap from it. Couldnt ask for more. Join us whenever you can.

I'm not sure where I'll fit? ^^ Thanks for the invitation. Would love to check it out.

You can fit as a spectator, a fan, a critique or even a commentator. If you are up to it, you can try being a contributor.

Bro @perennial .. truly feel boost up after reading your post .. i hav a big biz on going but its failing due to partnership matters.. if its meant to be .. I guess it will me to other biz that is good for me .. thks for sharing bro .. cheerss

Yeah certain things are sometimes not meant to be...will be long as you see the glass as half full.

Yeah bro .. m.. i will be ok .. just need to be patience, resilience and preservere

I already loved the title.It's the art of the creative flow to not judge your actions to realize your full potential. This post contains an important message. Thank god we fail forward.

So accurate the term...failing forward

That owl, vs the cat 😂
well, the cat is certainly more lovable . I hope your preparation will go well, best wishes !

Thx buddy...i hope soo too

I can’t wait to see the music project come to life 😍 Hope you’ll get well from your cramps so that we could jam together 🙃 Wishing you success on your upcoming project 👍🏽

come be a part of it! :)

Cramps are gone now and i just started my lessons again...jamming...i am not that good la...but can la...lets give it a try

Yes, been there before. It really heart broken when I have to close my company before. Oh! I love your cat by the way! I had one before his name is Danial.


My cats does the exact same pose...


Use the cat ahem waste for fertilizer

Yeah...fertiliser for the flies

wowww, I can't wait for the music concert!!!
Gonna be massive :)
Cheering for you all! You all will do well!

Takes a lot of planning but i am getting massive support all is still good.

Failure does allow us to move into something new.

Really like the Chinese saying that for the new to come, the old must die :)

So true...yeah...failure forces change.

I love your attitude, @perennial! It is so true that one never knows what will happen in life that makes a ruin of years of training and planning. You've got to just keep going, and look to see what new thing could be opening up as a result. It's usually something we never even thought of before.

I've upvoted and resteemed this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the @mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 27 JAN 2018.


Thanks for the feature. is always a mystery and even when things turns is still an interesting journey anyway.

You're welcome, @perennial! So true!

Thank you for your sacrifice, hard work , and generosity! Your motivation inspires me if not everyone, truly we will all fail, but let's fail forward! :)

Wow failing forward...that is a very positive quote.

haha, success is learn from failure, we all need failure to become success, love steem-cartoon as well, i am artist too, will post more artwork on steem-cartoon as well.

If you are an artist...we want you. Even if you are not...we still want you...thanks for using our tag and we shall stand by you.

Aww! your cat looks so obedient! Don't give up! Challenges will just make you stronger! i'm still trying to train my finger how to play my tiny ukulele haha...But what causes the cramp? anyway of healing it?

yes, she is quite an obedient cat...the cramp is caused by the medication I took. I had problem with my kidney. its called nephrotic syndrome.

You mean because of the medicine you took for nephrotic causes you cramp? is it because your allergy to that medicine? No other alternative medicine?

@perennial, lately i come across this thing called pranic healing. Have you tried it? it complement normal medical treatment maybe you could give it a try?

I totally stopped my medication. I started this thing called ayurvedic and it seems to help.

Ahh...glad to hear that! So now no more cramp? yays!! next time i could bring my ukulele and you can be my sifu haha...

Guitar i got a few tricks...but ukelele...i am afraid it will be like giving a carpenter a needle.

That's deep bro..shortest journey but along side of the way we met and know each other seem like brothers.all i can say to you is this bro..Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give... it's about how many you can take, and still keep moving forward.This one inspired from Rocky Balboa..damn im oldskool!! :D we certainly back you up buddy!

So true...he running up the steps and the song eye of the tiger is iconic...thanks dan for standing strong all the time.

To me... the positive word for 'fail' is discovering/learning a way that doesn't work for us... sometimes fail is a way that The Almighty want to tell us that we must find another path that suits us better.

You're a great person @perennial ... I adore your talent. Managing talents is the greatest skill that you didn't realized you do have.

Great collaborating with you. Looking forward to many wonderful project to come. Cheers!

We have a long way to go @sireh...let take this stroll along and enjoy ourselves in the process.

Haha :)) very true @perennial ..only a few dare to fail and be grateful !

Hi sifu don...i heard a lot about u even b4 u step into steemit. I hope u have a good stay here.