We all get to this point in life where we really want to improve certain areas or aspects of our lives. Be it our career, our personal lifestyles and even our relations with others.
We will always aspire to be better than we're, it's human nature.
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So today I'm gonna be sharing with you guys a few things that I'm very sure being conscious of would greatly impact the quality of our lives, for sure shift from just being ordinary to extraordinary.
I got the inspiration to write about this from an amazing book by Khan Kay.
The book even though more suited for those in the tech ecosystem, has amazing points which can be applied by anyone, irrespective of career background.
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Every bit of our lives revolve around decisions that we make constantly, both conscious and some we're not even aware that we're making them.
Decisions shape how we feel at any given moment and also who we're gonna be tomorrow.
Being aware of the decisions that we're making, learning from the wrong decisions that we make I believe will be of tremendous benefit to our well being and our future, and that's why I would advocate for us to be more conscious of each and every one of them. They really matter.
Action and Reaction Forces.
In Physics there is the Newton's Third Law of Motion, which states;
For every Action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I'm not here to offer a lesson in Physics though. What I mean by that is that for every action that we take, there will always be consequences. Being more conscious of the actions we take will be really impactful on how the future will be.
For the actions that we have already taken, we should always accept the results of our doing, no matter how dire they may be, hence the need to be more cautious and stop just doing things for the sake of doing.
Things Get Better, Before They Get Worse.
Making a decision to take a temporary solution to a recurring problem simply means we're digging ourselves in deeper than we were.
The temporary solution provides a season of bliss, where everything is okay but only for a limited amount of time, and when things start going South, trust me the fall is harder than it was before. So why make short-term decisions for long-term problems?
The Cure Can Be Worse Than The Disease.
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We are all humans, messing up is guaranteed by default, things will not always work out as planned. There will be those moments though, which the solution to the problem will cost us more.
Hence my emphasis on ourdecisions and actions.
So guys that's it for today, the next update will be some other few things that we should be conscious<>of, that I did not cover in the above update.
So....do make sure to follow to avoid missing on my updates in the future.
Keep it real.