Curiousity ~~Killed the Cat~~ Saved My Grandmother.

in #life7 years ago

Hey Steemians!

I am thrilled to be contributing some original content to you that does not only serve to inform or entertain. This article could serve to save the life of a loved one enduring similar circumstances, perhaps shedding some light into a really dark place.

I have lots of content to deliver, so i will jump right in.


Now, I would not be able to deliver the message to you properly without first intoducing a beloved family member of mine of whom seldom get to see, but love very very much. Without her love, time, and attention some of my fondest memories would not been possible.

Steemians, I introduce to you, Glenda Vincent.

My Grandmother, Glenda Bernis Vincent

She was born in 1942, but throughout my life, looking at her i have always seen my grandmother.

Granny and paw paw playing with my nephew caisen

She was definitely a success in her role there. Sadly, I will admit that I do not know enough about her. (Although in fairness I also was not aware I would be writing this.)

I do know that she plays various roles in the lives of many other people, and quite well. Glenda is a well traveled and highly intelligent person, and also the mother of four children, and a grandmother to 8. This woman can cook! No one ever had any problems with the cook over the holidays, and we would go back to her house every year.

She is the glue that made possible the best of my memories of family. I can remember she would always interrupt arguments that got out of hand with a reminder of what is important. Family.

From the left- Yours truly @peacefulpatriot, my mother @curiousiam, my granny, and my sister caitlin
She was always here for us, and did her best to give us all the love and attention that we ALL needed.

One of the Toughest Times

The latter half of the year 2017 has been hard for our family, but for no one more than my grandma.

Within the span of only 3 months she suffered the loss of her husband of more than 50 years, and also the loss of one of her children.. My Uncle Kevin. A couple of months ago she slipped and took a spill, breaking the femur in her leg. While receiving treatment for this, she became aware she also has osteoporosis. As if that wasn't enough..somewhere in the middle of all this my grandmother suffered from what is called a "stroke event".


A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, either by a blood clot blocking an artery or bleeding due to a burst blood vessel, and the brain cells are deprived of oxygen and other nutrients, resulting in the damage and death of some brain cells.

A quick Google search will tell you that it is quite common. More than 200,000 cases a year are reported.

There are two types, and i would bet that she had an ischemic stroke. This type is the most common and can result from cholesterol and debris buildup over the course of many years. She has high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol.

Because a stroke occurs in the brain the resulting damage seems to come in the form of a myriad of conditions. The reason for this is because the areas of the brain that received the damage were the same areas responsible for facilitating each of the actions now impaired. The symptoms can vary significantly between people and can affect everything from movement and memory to behavior and mood. They change a person.

The stroke left my granny's speech, balance and coordination, memory, and energy impaired in one of the worst possible times. It is really no wonder that stroke victims suffer from what is well known to medicine as a reduction in the overall quality of their life.

For months, she has been unable to do many things normally, and has been confined to a chair due to her leg being broken. This all in a time of grief! Caretakers alongside my mother have been assisting her with the day to day activities my granny would tackle without trouble the last time i saw her.

The Visit I Will Never Forget

My mother was displaced as a result the recent hurricane. She lost her car, along with her job and moved to my grandma's house. The timing could not have been more perfect, because she was able to spend two weeks with my grandfather before his sudden passing, and be there before granny ever had to be alone in this condition.

I lost my car in the same storm, and had missed Christmas, as well as the funerals and events that have all happened since. I did not get a chance to see her until about two weeks ago when my mother offered to come pick me up for a well overdue visit.

It wasn't until i had arrived that i was able to see for myself the changes that have taken place. It was like night and day. Sure as i was that it was her that i was talking to, but I could sense her frustration when trying to speak. She was quiet. She rarely moved from her chair.

So, at first i spent time with my mother and asked more questions to limit the time my granny spent speaking. I could never seem to get enough information but i could not stop thinking of her plight. Despite my best efforts i could not relate.

For those of you reading this who have had a stroke, you will understand when i say that it is hard to relate to suffering of this kind. It seems like a kind of hellish nightmare, does it not? I felt like i had to try and do something. But what? I tried before to suggest she try some CBD. It did not help her much. And here she is months later and has overcome the grief, yet still not yet herself?

But she is still definitely my granny. This made me curious. I don't feel i am talking to another person or a lesser version of my granny. I know she is in pain. I know she is afraid. But i do not think that it is futile to try and source some kind of remedy that makes sense.

I can remember telling myself over and over that i needed to help her. I felt like there was something that i could do for her but what? But it's hard to help remedy something you do not understand. So, i decided to better understand it from both researching it myself, and asking her only certain questions with simple answers at first. I learned a few things, but not any thing of substance that inspired a solution.

Her Current Treatment Plan

I seen a bottle on the counter. It was an anti-depressant.

The trade name is Trintellix. The chemical name (Vortioxitine) suggests it is related to Prozac , a well known antidepressant. More specifically, It belongs to a class of drugs called SSRIs - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.

These types of anti-depressants are some of the most prescribed drugs in the world. It is uncertain if they do real tangible good. They often come with side effects that ruin any comfort that they provide.

These work by inhibiting, or slowing or stopping the reuptake phase of serotonin in the brain. They are actually quite dangerous, and they are also physically addictive. I figured that if i can convince her to stop taking this medicine, that would be help enough. Any victory would be good in the ongoing war.

Young people have trouble tolerating drugs like these. She is not young and they must have overlooked the side effects.

They contained stroke and serious heart related side effects especially when switching from one to another. And that is EXACTLY what they were doing. They had just put her on this drug from wellbutrin. A drug that had my girlfriend hospitalized with seizures.

Not MY granny. She has been through enough.

I asked her to please stop taking it at the very least. She agreed. I could not believe she took my advice. I thought that was a victory, yet still the story gets MUCH better from here.

Eureka! Neurotransmitters!!

But then, i had an idea while thinking of neurotransmitter levels. I spent time researching some of what was known of the aging brain. I applied it to my grandma and what i am witnessing. I found relatively straighforward answers that were hidden in plain sight.

I was able to narrow the research because i had working knowledge of nootropic drugs in recent memory. I am prone to satisfying any curiousity. It is a quirk of mine, specifically the brain, the body, and it's inner workings. I have always found the way chemicals affect the human body and consciousness itself a very seductive topic to explore.

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The levels of neurotransmitters created by the gut naturally decline as we age, stroke events can slow these more. This is it. I had a feeling i was on to something.
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Nootropic Drugs

I spent a great deal of time reading what is known of a very popular new kind of prescription-free chemicals known as Nootropic drugs. I have experience taking three of them that were 100% positive and no side effects to report. But what about stroke victims? Would this help my grandmother?

Her two primary complaints were fatigue and motivation. I focused on those and strokes and the aging brain.

I looked into it and i could not leave without suggesting she take two chemicals that seemed tailor-made to remedy her situation. The doctors after all thought that inhibition of the reuptake phase would do the trick. I found that counter-intuitive. Maybe we enhance it?

One of these chemicals is an antidepressant also. However it is a SSRE Selective Serotonin Reuptake Enhancer. It works by enhancing the reuptake phase of serotonin in the brain. This chemical is not addictive. It is no where near as dangerous. It is also not prescription. This one is called Tianeptine Sodium. It is short acting and provides a subtle effect at clinical doses. It won't keep her in the state the other drugs are known to put people in. And it works at 12.5 mg with a margin of safety at 100mg. It is very well tolerated.

The second chemical is called Adrafinil. It is a Eurogic. A mild stimulant. It is related to the more well known modafinil. It is known for providing narcoleptic people the mental energy needed to sustain consciousness. After a quick search, i found a study connecting modafinil to people suffering from post stroke fatigue. And the results were great!

The only notable differences between Adrafinil and Modafinil is that adrafinil is converted to modafinil in the body. Also Modafinil is only available by prescription.

I printed my material, and handed it over to her. I explained that she could really benefit. I was able to explain to her that the two chemicals would help regenerate the chemicals she now has less of as a result of thr changes that her body and brain have undergone, thus slowing her brains messengers down. I compared it to traffic in a tunnel. Shes experiencing a metaphorical mental traffic jam.

I told her she could stop taking them the moment she was ready. But i was sure she would get something out of it. To my amazement she agreed. This tells of her desparation... She was willing to try anything.
So, now for the results. Did they help her?

My Curiousity Killed the Cat Saved My Grandmother

I wrote my mom, @curiousiam, what to give her and what dose. Adding with the two chemicals only probiotics. This was to give her more bacteria in the gut to produce more neuro transmitters.

I thought that it would help. I never thought that it would give her a nudge like this. I honestly hoped for it, but i am no doctor. I would be a fool full of pride to think i could to what they couldn't. Right?

After only two days she was talking more. She was still saying that she felt the same. But she seemed subtly different.
On day three, and i will never forget this. We were outside. She told me that she wad going to walk to the end of the carport.

This was an unexcpeted surprise.

It was only about fifty feet. But she has not even wanted to do this , judging by the information i was able to gather. She would sit in that chair..
So i walked with her. She made it. I was so proud! After she decides to walk up a ramp. Guys. This woman is getting better. She would go into the house avoiding the ramp or simply have someone wheel her out on the chair. This is where the family also started noticing results.

The next thing i noticed was that she was not slurring her speech as much.

On day five she played two UNO games with us! When asked how she felt. She said she thinks shes a little better. She was asking for "Cody's Medicine" my mother told me.

Day six she was playing uno when i woke up.

Two days after I returned home, yesterday, my mother told me that granny asked about getting on her stationary bike.

On the 8th day of this new treatment, today, well a picture will say a thousand words.

I love you, Granny.

What I Hope to Communicate

I helped my grandmother to get herself back. As satisfying as that is, my heart cries out for all the people who went to the doctors and had a different result.

This information has improved the chief complaints of my grandmother, improving her overall quality of life. If you know someone that has a similar story, there is an alternate avenue to explore should you not see the results you want to see. It is possible!

This story is still being written, and is not necessarily out of the woods yet, but with diet and a stress free lifestyle, what it is written is up to her.

A Message to You, the Reader


I am speaking from recent personal experience. This is not to say all experiences will be as successful.

But the damage strokes cause in the brain is different in each case. I simply matched her changes to the neurotransmitters responsible for her to properly feel and control balance, etc.. This will vary in every case.

I hope that i have provided you with sufficient information to help make meaning of what may be somewhat difficult to understand for some of you.
Before closing today, i feel it necessary to point out that this is no advertisement, it is advice. I am sure that this is advice i can not legally give, but feel compelled to share it with you. i assume no liability. Advice you did not ask for, you should be cautious taking. You assume all liability for what you do with this.
For legal purposes: i am not a doctor. I can not and will not say that I am. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. I do not practice medicine.


Throughout all of this, i have also learned some very important lessons. One of the most important things i would like you to take from this, is to use caution before entrusting to any institution your complete trust without a degree of skepticism. We aren't perfect and neither are these institutions.

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The really hard pill to swallow is the truth. The fact of the matter is the care they give is for profit, and they are limited to certain options. They trust the information they use as much as those seeking help, and think that they think they are providing care to a patient. Rarely do they call into question anything learned during the many many years of school and training.
This problem is not limited to strokes, and is having a negative impact in every city in our country.

The people who make the rules and set the standards are responsible. Everything is centered around the dollar. Treating the patient and focusing on underlying issues instead of symptoms makes sense. Treating symptoms makes money and repeat customers.

The truth of it is also is that both of the chemicals i had given her to try were simply trying to give her only what she needed, without putting her at further risk. They were not even prescription. They can be found easily and sourced legally online. Making sure she knew that she is ultimately responsible for happiness, i told her a nudge is the best she could expect, but open her mind to healing.

Something to take with you.

Please use discretion when making the decision give to anything your blind faith. I speak these words with love. Although some chemical intervention works well, a pill will not solve as many problems as it can create the way the field of medicine is using them. Diet and nutrition can help more often than not, yet rarely do i leave an office visit having ever been asked what i eat. I almost always get a prescription. They simply can not make the money that they are accustomed to in a healthy world. This must change. Our collective wellness is all of our responsibility.

We must open our eyes to the world, and our hearts to one another.

Much love and many thanks. Please help me send this message far and wide. I would be so grateful. Please upvote, follow, and resteem! I would love your support. Love & light! ☮ -PP


Somewhere around 10 years ago or so I started to fall into severe depression. I spent seven and a half years working with doctors trying to find the right combination of pills to make me feel better. Side effects we're worse than just having the depression. 3 years ago I quit taking any medications. I started seeking alternative treatments and I ran into research. I have been making vast improvements in the last couple years with monthly doses of psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. Sometimes I'll take a good dose at once and enjoy the trip and sometimes I microdose where I only take like half a gram a day for a week or two.
Big Pharma are big drug dealers you are only interested in profits. I do my best to try to find alternative treatments and with the right research I do what I feel is best for myself. Seems to be working and getting better

Nice brother! Yeah it is sad that these banned substances that do real good are so stigmatized. And you are allowed to take deadly chemicals.

Trust yourself is what i always said. I ask doctors big questions they can't answer and they do not like that. It is a belief system like other belief systems. Everyone thinks theres to be the best. My advantage was that i really do try and understand and know things. The truth. So that i have not a need to rely on belief.

Appreciate the comment my friend. Good luck to you!

One of my children was diagnosed with a terminal digestive disorder. All the modern medicines she was allergic to and they told me this would shorten her life even more. I did some research and discovered people talking about Siberian Pine Nut oil and how it is know to reverse digestive conditions. I keep coming across it and after all the allergic reactions to the medicines, I told my doctor about what I have found. He wasn't from the United States originally and that in his country that is the first line of treatment for digestive disorders, but he would lose his license if he told me about it without me bring it up first and someone found out.
I started my daughter on it right away, with a couple of months she was in remission and has now been in remission for over 10 years and is considered cured. Doctor's don't know it all and even if they know something if it isn't approved by the Medical Association it is illegal for them to say something.

That is depressing. But it fills me up that you found an alternative in spite of the hopelessness they can generate by not being willing to tell you the way. Because it isnt profitable. But knowing these things puts the responsibility in our hands. Thats where it belongs anyway. Even if we have to find out the hard way. Now that you know alternatives exist. You will lean on your love and natures bounty the way it was intended.

We live in a world where healthy living is an alternative lifestyle. Being able to find our own way amidst all this speaks for the resoucefulness, the perseverance, and the virtue that we, as human beings, can exude and exemplify. Love is a powerful motivation. And by its power alone does anything good happen. In our world it means work. It means being uncomfortable. Thank you for sharing.

It is time we all have conversations that need to be had. We dont have to like things like this. And they will keep happening if we silence ourselves. Why is medicine so expensive when it kills our family?

When we get unpacked I will have to do a post about it and show the photos of what was going on inside her before and after

Yes! I will follow you. You have a friend here who would be happy to hear your story. Thank you and please make sure you let me know and i will resteem it and upvote it i will help spread that story!
That is what this community is here for. Substance. To bring back feelings and sharing and caring by way of engaging one another like we are unable to these days in the real world. ☮

This was an enlightening read. Dude, we are birds of a feather.

Thank you very much for taking time to read it! It means a lot brother. I hope all is well with you and yours!

This is my favorite piece of writing from you yet! I don't know if I'll ever get the blessed opportunity to meet her, but thank you for sharing her with us and my God how cool you were able to help her this much!!!

Thank you very much. I put everything into this one. I could not let it go. My intuition told me that i could do SOMETHING. I only hope it helps other people like it did mine. Thank you very much!

This is one of the best posts I have read in Steemit! What an amazing journey to read about!!!! I don't know you and yet I am proud of you. What a powerful experience and it is definitely something to be shared. Thank you so much for sharing this deeply personal experience, congratulations on your success and triumph! I wish you and your granny and your entire family healing and peace through the rest of the journey. I hope you're granny has a speedy recovery and well wishes to you all!!! Wow, how inspiring!

Thank you for taking the time to to give it your attention! I could not let it slide. I spent all night and most of today putting it together. I feel like that is what steemit it really for. Things shared from the heart. A good an unfiltered human and spiritual experience. Its time we do something good with technology that has us so spoiled.

@freedomflower says we need to go pass and visit you guys soon. Maybe I'll finally have a chance to meet yall. Thank you very much for your kind words and your support. I had the best and most rewarding experience. One of the best of my life. Its worth sharing with my favorite community. ☮

Amazingly written! What a truly wonderful sight to be able to witness! I am so grateful for your knowledge in the human body and its response to chemicals. I haven't seen your granny this active in a very long time. I am thankful and i must also add very proud of you (my son) peaceful patriot!!

Glad i could help. Really. I'm crying it feels so good lol. I am glad all that time spent reading pays off. Pawpaw knows i have her back. Right place right time.

Dude this is the best thing you have ever done on here. Period.

@peacefulpatriot, I started out reading about the glue that held your family together, and I could feel your love for your grandmother. What a beautiful testimony to a beautiful woman. Then I kept on reading, and I was stunned. Your dedication to your grandmother's health is incredible. I also learned a lot about medication and its alternatives. I can relate as well. I suffer from depression, and for years I have been on all sorts of mood stabilizers, antidepressants and sleeping pills. My medication regime was so strict that I even became obsessed with it. Recently, I have started to look at alternatives as well, and some of your suggestions above make enough sense for me to do more research for myself.

I salute you for your tenacity and dedication. The love of a grandson for his grandmother - it moved me, and I will take it with me always.

You guys are so kind. I think all of us want to help those we love.

I woke up to this post and i am thankful that i put in the time necessary. She was always good to me, and it feels great to return the love that helped me to thrive as a young man.

I love this community. It is my pleasure to share.☮

Hopefully Trump decriminalizing some medical treatments. Women have a right to kill their babies but USA citizens must leave the country if they want freedom to choose their medical treatments. A lot of athletes flee the country when they get injured so they can get better treatments that are banned in the USA.

It is sad but true. Spiritual healing can be found through use of dmt.

Cancer has been treated successfully out of the country using laetrile (amygdalin), also known as vitamin b 17, to treat many of the various types known to exist.

Unfortunately we have to go outside the country for these things to be possible. They arent even discussed here. You are correct my man. Hopefully this serves to get people discussing it outside of the institutions as well.

You might not even have to go as far as using the b17 arsenic. I went to a cancer survivor meeting and pretty much all of them had changed their diets. Maybe their chemo poisons helped them but it could have been their dietary changes that really saved them. I have a lot of cancer stuff on my website but the links might be outdated.

Good to see others in search of the truth! Ill follow you. Thank you. :)

Thank you and thank you for the upvotes. I already followed you. Hopefully my upvotes will be worth a lot more someday.

Grandma is pretty.

Hi, Nice posts. I think you'll enjoy a challenge I have started.
You can guess the location the picture was taken and you can win 0.1 SBD. Here is the link to my introduction the competition: Where Is This Challenge

This is not the time, nor place for you to exercise such insensitivity.

Thank you babe. This post would not have made nearly the impact without your help. I love you ∞


Inviting to a challenge is not insensitivity! Sorry if I wasn't touched as much as you were! people and their experiences are different and this doesn't make anyone more or less human. If it bothers you much I can share what I think:

Maybe it wasn't chemicals that improved her health, maybe it was having family members around​ after a long time. I wouldn't suggest removing drugs and replacing it with other chemicals using Google. If Google works over doctors, we should close down all medical schools then. Anyways, I think you should visit her more often. That makes her happy.

This has had a positive result. It is speaking about a success that has taken place. You must not have read it.

And no inviting to a challenge is not insensitive. No one said anything about your being human. You hijacked a post with this robotic nice post and then a challenge. You contributed nothing to this topic at all.