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RE: Reacher

in #life4 months ago

Please, please, please, please, please tell me this is not based on true events. Just tell me that, please.

Shitcatcher is too respectable a name for that human being. I mean you really need all that detail about dogshit don't you? I guess you're life would have felt utterly incomplete if you had left that scene without that level of information.

We're seeing a lot more of this nowadays - dog ownership. It's as though people are turning to dogs because they can not create any meaningful human relationships anymore. Then these people think you will want to talk about their dogs or play with them, no I don't actually I just want to get to the shops so can you just get the dog out of my pathway or I will kick it, thanks.

I don't want to give you the wrong impression here, I actually like most dogs but the same can not be said of their fuckwit owners.

By the way, why aren't I following you? I don't understand, actually perhaps I do!!

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It pains me, it truly pains me but alas, the man was indeed catching his own dogs muck because it had squishy poos I could not believe that humanity would stoop to that level but alas, it had!

I do like dogs but I would struggle to pick up their poo in a bagged hand let along wait for the train... lol

I thought I was following you too, ha, fixed now :o)

Honestly, as a specie on this beautiful plant we are just degenerating, there is no other word for it.

It's so very true in almost all ways!