We had a winter storm that coated the countryside with a glaze of ice. Schools close and traveling by automobile is impossible when the roads are a sheet of ice. The trees look cool when this happens as you all enjoyed the macro photo's from yesterday here.
Scraping the thick layer of ice off the windshield
As you can see in the photo's, our car was covered in ice, and the ice had to literally be chipped off the windows to see. Many of you may not be aware, but here we can purchase a tool for this, it's called an ice scraper, and it doubles as a snow brush on the other side.
You can see the coat of ice on the car door
When we get an ice storm like this driving you automobile gets crazy, and stopping it is even worse!! But the City has the equipment to handle these situations.
The road was glare ice in front of our house
A large dump truck comes by and scrapes the road at the same time it spreads salt. The salt begins to melt the ice (a chemical reaction) and the city purchases tons of the white stuff each fall. As you can see, the truck needs chains on the back tires to drive on the ice.
The scraper is under the truck cab, salt spreader in the back
A few hours after the truck spreads the salt, the snowplow comes and plows the loosened ice to the sides of the road. In doing so, they also deposit a large pile of ice in everyone's driveway. But we are happy to have the ice gone!
Snowplow going by our house
After this process is complete, the roadways are fit for travel again. The schools open, and everything returns to normal. We are grateful for the advance planning and the road crews.
Compare this to the before photo, much better
I hope you enjoyed this winter ice storm experience, thanks for visiting

Ya, that was fun. When I tried to scrape my car windows, I would be pushed back because the driveway was so icey.
I did enjoy that walkthrough. Wow, what a difference the salt makes.
oh boy, frozen cars:)
Stay safe papa bear.
wow fantastic photography.
great post.
So think ice papa bear, i thought your car got crack.
Looks like you got yourself a very organized system in Wisconsin.
We have that here too in most parts of Canada which is great to have in situations like this.
These guys sometimes have to work through the night, just to keep us safe on the roads.
We had one of the icy days like that too, and you couldn't even put your keys inside the car door lock, but there are ways to get around that too.
No matter how good a driver you are, nobody can drive well in the ice. It is beautiful and treacherous! Be safe!
You know am such a huge fan for ur photography. loved all those pics and look at those streets, so beautiful <3
So salt can really do power things like this?
My first time reading such things
Thanks for sharing
I am a little envious with the cold weather there because here in the Philippines it is 32o©
Oh my, that ice is no joke!
It's good to see that the roads are taken care off.
I guess we are lucky the temperature was above 0 degrees Celsius so we didn't get icy. :)
Pappy, I could imagine how the situation was over there, but nevertheless, we thank God for taking control.
No winter and snow here in the Philippines, papa bear but your post gives me that chill feeling as though it was for real here. Thanks for the imaginary experience.
oh no! those ice looks like our fridge paps!
stay warm and safe papa bear @paradise-found
and please send my warm hugs to mama bear too
Clean up following ice storms could get really costly. The last one I remember experiencing in Ontario, we lost power for a week. Schools were closed and the plows didn't get out for two days!