Hahaha, I laughed at the way that she ended that intelligent conversation.
I had a nose job and it was the most traumatic experience of existence lately.
A guy with a small hammer and a chisel hammering through the broken bones in my nose.
He even had the audacity to berate me becuase I spat blood all over his white apron.
We didn't have the money to pay for an operation, so he did it by giving me a local in his consulting rooms. Never again my friend.
OOOOWWWWWWW! That sounds horrible!!
Never let a man have at you with a chisel with only a local! I feel all twitchy at the thought of it!
Oh yeah, one nasty exprience.
Have a good Friday my friend and thank you for your kind support.
No worries man!! Have a good one yourself! :OD