
@ovronil: Thanks for your comment and support. I will look forward to your resteem of this post for a 100% upvote to your comment.

Sorry,I forget to resteem your post.But,Now,I am resteem your post,sharon.

Thanks @ovronil. You earned my 100% upvote :)

Have you any group to help street children,Sharon.If you have, then please tell me.

It seems you never read the posts that you upvote. Read it and you will know how to be a part of this movement that we will be soon launching.

I am Bangladeshi.So I know little English.For this,many things I do not understands.But everytime i will try to translate english to bangla for understand everyone post.

This twitter / facebook thunderclap campaign: does not require much English to understand how technology is used to end poverty shown in this video link: