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RE: Early Sparkin

in #life7 months ago

I jokingly blamed your lack of posts as to why all these types of posts started cropping up. Lack of positivity can breed negativity. But now that we have another glorious post, hopefully all will go back to normal.

I think that is a very nice amp, and I will agree that the black does look better than the old one. I'm happy that you got it early.

But the biggest thing for me was that I finally saw the real life meesterboom. I wasn't sure how much of your pictures were exaggerated/edited. I actually dipped my toes in the rabbit hole and looked at your other YT videos. I'm amazed at how your personality is the same with how you write. That was the first time I heard how you talked, so I will now be reading your future posts with that accent in mind.


Hehe, negaticity does thrive in the dark and gloomy negative spaces!

Ah the beer videos! I loved doing them although it did detract from the time I had to drink beer, lol. I only stopped when there was some insane trolling on Hive at one point. Ithought, ah this is too much! It was fun tho. Now you will be haunted by my Scottish accent! :OD

Haha, first time hearing an authentic Scottish accent. A lot of the streamers/interviews I've seen of Scottish people say they tone down their accent to make it more understandable for others. Now I can understand what they were talking about. Cheers mate.

Haha, and I am actually toning it down slightly in those videos!! 🤣🤣

Oh wow, that was toned down, and I was already having some difficulty.🤣