Well, let me put it this way. Because of a lack of formatting I did not read the whole article and therefore will not upvote it. The OP has made it more work for the reader to ascertain his thoughts and less work for himself. That I consider, at minimum, lazy.
I simply do not believe that he presented his work as a wall of text for artistic or stylistic reasons or to make it more comprehensible to readers. I find your suggestion that he may have done so to be disingenuous.
I have noticed that your one and only post is well formatted.
I understand your perspective and your conclusion is likely correct, but, the fact of the matter is, we can't know what was or wasn't the OP's intention.
I wasn't being dishonest in my assessment. Rather, I was trying not to jump to conclusions, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, so to speak.
All of that being said, I don't think you were wrong to state your critiques to the OP, I just had an issue with your choice of word (abusive is a bit overstated, IMO).
In any case, you have your right to your own opinions and me to mine. I'm honest when I say that I feel no ill about this exchange.
Abusive? No one is forcing anyone else to read anything, here.
Have some respect for the freedom to choose and express oneself, please.
I don't think that I was talking to you.| Did you get the impression somehow that I was?
No. I was just sharing my perspective on your comment to the OP.
I intended no malice in my words, just wanted to point out that your word-choice was an over-statement, IMO, and perhaps even a bit harsh on the OP.
Well, let me put it this way. Because of a lack of formatting I did not read the whole article and therefore will not upvote it. The OP has made it more work for the reader to ascertain his thoughts and less work for himself. That I consider, at minimum, lazy.
I simply do not believe that he presented his work as a wall of text for artistic or stylistic reasons or to make it more comprehensible to readers. I find your suggestion that he may have done so to be disingenuous.
I have noticed that your one and only post is well formatted.
I understand your perspective and your conclusion is likely correct, but, the fact of the matter is, we can't know what was or wasn't the OP's intention.
I wasn't being dishonest in my assessment. Rather, I was trying not to jump to conclusions, giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, so to speak.
All of that being said, I don't think you were wrong to state your critiques to the OP, I just had an issue with your choice of word (abusive is a bit overstated, IMO).
In any case, you have your right to your own opinions and me to mine. I'm honest when I say that I feel no ill about this exchange.