Ok, I don't know where to begin with this. Because I am one of those longer term crypto people, but I am by no means rich from it. Back in the day we all thought this shit could disappear over night so we used any and every excuse under the sun to convert it and spend it as fast as possible. I officially gave up on crypto after the Mt. Gox crash and left for 4 years. I was pleasantly surprised to come back to a bit of capital that I hadn't realized I still had on the computer.
What I have seen is this; the people who have been burned and burned bad leave the space entirely, they are weak and infuriated and feel cheated. So you are proving more resilient than they are for one. And I know of one person who I have met personally who went all in during the spike, he kept telling me its the future, dude seemed brainwashed, he had sold cars and remortgaged and everything. I tried to tell him this was a bad idea, he is actually the reason I even went looking for my old crypto, I didn't know what the price was doing before that.
He friended me on facebook and we had some diacussions for a while, but when the price continued to fall he went dark and super bitter and unfriended shortly there after. So like most people burned, he disappeared. Thats why you dont see them. Thats also why I try to encourage you so often, you are battling through it and showing far more strength in adversity than most. Hang in there, you'll come out on top.
Thanks for the story man. I am really bitter, I am usually the least violent person I know. But after this experience, I dream of finding people who made it huge is crypto and doing terrible, terrible things to them - mostly the founders of BCCX who literally just took my entire $5000 and gave me nothing. There is this one Chinese guy on youtube - decentralizedtv, he always films in his garage with his lambo and other car, I remember BCCX was such a joke to him, he was laughing and joking around and his demeanor alone convinced me that I had to buy bccx, because I want to prove him wrong so badly. I guess he was right. You would think that eventually that everyone would be wrong at a point, but I guess not.
Some days I wish I could disappear. I originally came back to crypto, because I was trying to turn $40,000 or so into $50,000 - after reading so many stories about people turning $10,000 into $300,000, I thought it would be easy. But crypto is all about timing. If I had waited 3 months - which is imposable because I would have spent the money elsewhere, I have this sickness where I have to spend money the second I have it, I would be up 3X right now. Both times I tried buying into crypto in 2017 it was weeks before a huge crash. I first tried in June then we had the huge crash in July. Then I tried again in late December, then Jan 2018 hit. Its almost like someone is watching me, making sure I cant succeed . LOL I don't have anything left to invest, so I guess that wont happen again.
I am sorry to hear about your loss and am happy that you have been able to make some money. I surely wish I listened to everyone that was telling me it was a bad idea. But I wanted to prove my dad wrong so badly, I guess once a loser, always a loser lol. Thank you for your support