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RE: My Story - Run Out Of My Home Due To Harassment

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You could believe all this "pity me" nonsense, or you could go to and see why over four hundred people think he's a liar, a scammer, and a fraud. We are not trolls, we are decent people who want him to stop telling lies, and conning people out of money and gifts.
Google his name. Troy Reid.

He does NOT live off grid and he is NOT a homesteader. Ask him to show you his grid-tied inverter, and his transfer switch.

Downvote away, or see the truth about him. Your choice.


Interesting since all my videos show our solar panels, solar cooking, solar water heating and more. My electronics lab and wood shop are entirely off the grid and anyone can come see that there are no power lines connecting to them. The sad thing is that you and some other trolls are blinded and cannot see what is in front of your face.

So show us your grid-tied inverter and your transfer switch, or GTFOH.

You're full of crap Troy, and you're a liar and an e-begger.


I have never said I had a grid tie inverter and am always open about the fact that we dont have the house yet fully off the grid. Come on now, I know you watch my videos. We use and inverter and power cord, which I have shown on video. Nothing hidden. Nothing secret. And you know that I cant get a job anymore thanks to your friends. Why dont you answer my questions? Do you feel good about ruining the lives of three people like this?

So take your $700 phone and take a picture of this inverter, battery bank, and power cord, right now. are a reliable image hosting site, as you know. :o?

Oh, there you go trying to turn people against me with your sly twist of facts. Everyone knows that you get a free phone with a new cell phone contract. Its not like I paid for it up front or anything. Its normal to have a cell phone, especially with a wife and newborn baby.

And all that stuff is already in my videos, which you have already seen. I am not going to bow to the demands of a filthy old troll like you. I will carry on with my daily videos as usual.

Free phone? How deluded are you? Nothing in life is free, Troy. Your monthly charge includes the price of the phone . Cheaper phone equals cheaper monthly payment.

You have never shown your solar setup in the trailer, and you are the one who is lying, Troy.

Show us the picture! It's a two minute job. If you won't do it, you just continue to look like a cry baby.

By the way, I hardly ever watch your videos, because they're rubbish. Poorly filmed, poor sound, poor or non-existent editing, and piss poor production value.

If I want to learn how to do something, your channel is the last place I'd look.

Oh, so now you are telling me that you have NOT watched my videos but yet claim I am a liar? Boy, on what do you base your claims? Heresay from a nest of vipers?

Oh, there you go trying to turn people against me with your sly twist of facts. Everyone knows that you get a free phone with a new cell phone contract. Its not like I paid for it up front or anything. Its normal to have a cell phone, especially with a wife and newborn baby.

And all that stuff is already in my videos, which you have already seen. I am not going to bow to the demands of a filthy old troll like you. I will carry on with my daily videos as usual.

Filthy old troll?

How about clean, late middle aged, virtually housebound gentleman with disabilities, who was taken in by an internet scammer?

If you had a conscience, you would be ashamed. But no, it's me and my 450 fellow "trolls" that have you all wrong.

You Sir, are a narcissistic sociopath, and a fraud.

Still waiting for that picture of your solar setup in the trailer...

Watch my videos. Its all there. I am tired of this repeating. You never answer my questions and only throw out hateful speech and accusations.

And I see that you left this post to call me a scammer again in another post. I already answered you on that point. You sent me a battery water tester of your own free will. I did not ask for it. I did not beg for it. You sent it. I thanked you publicly. I used it on video publicly. What more do you want?

PM me a paypal address and I will pay you for it. Finish this stupid filth once and for all.

Go get a job

You know, I find it interesting that you and your friends think they can dictate how I make a living while at the same time making sure that I cannot ever get a normal job again around here. I already moved to a new State to start a new life and you guys have ruined that too.

You see the ironic part of the problem is that now you guys have ruined my life I would get a normal job. But I cant. You guys made sure of that.

So what is your agenda now?

And sadly, I was making a good living the past 10 years on my own. Until you guys ruined it all.

Hi, friend of oldcodge? Read my posts above. Thanks.

He's no friend of mine, Troy.

There you go throwing your unfounded accusations around, again.

@frank1949 Apologies for this piece of trash lowering the tone of this website. I don't think he'll be here long... and as soon as he leaves, I will probably do the same.

Check him out yourself. Google knows all about him. :o(

You say I am "lowering the tone of this website"????
Wow, I just came here to post my videos and articles. All friendly and family oriented. You are the one tossing accusations and filth. Just leave and all will be well again.

Please just go away and leave my family alone. All I want is to be left to care for my family in peace.

No filth, Troy, just truth.

Are you denying you brought "TJ," a convicted paedophile, across state lines to stay with you?

Your own videos show you together, and you knew of his convictions.

YOU are the filth. I just came here to let the good people here know about you.

People can at least decide for themselves here, without you deleting their thoughts and comments.

GET A JOB, TROY! Your wife and daughter deserve better than living in a shed with an unemployed waster.

Your continued refusal to face the music will be your downfall.

By the way, how do you feel about running a family out of house and home? Is this what "decent people" do???

Do you feel good about the fact that you guys are destroying a family and reducing our income? Do you feel good about the fact that I cannot get a normal job now because your friends have made that impossible?

And dont start denying it. Its all there on the sucks site in the open for anyone to see.

So, be honest, how do you feel about all that?

I now have a wife and baby to support but you guys are still hell bent on destroying me in every little aspect of our lives.

Does that make you feel good about yourself?

How do you feel about illegally bringing a convicted paedophile felon (David J Hansen) across a state line to come live with you?

How do you feel knowing you had to ask your YouTube subscribers for donations to import your Filipino child bride?

How do you feel knowing that hundreds of people have recognised you for what you really are? A scammer!

Oh, here we go with the filth again.

Selling T-Shirts is a legitimate business. Get over it.

My wife is an adult and made her own decisions. You guys are so confused that you call her a child in one comment and say that she has a child in another. Which is it then?

The only people calling me junk like that are you and your friends. What amazes me is that I thought you were a good, clear headed man who was capable of sorting out the filth from reality. Sadly I guess I was wrong.

I am a good, clear headed man who is capable of sorting out reality from your version of it.
Your bought wife is half your age, and you had to ask others to pay for her visa and flight. Now you are asking people to support her AND A CHILD?

I donated to you, offered you good advice, and you blocked me.
This is my pay-back to you.


No idea about any donations really. I once got a bunch of $0.01 donations from a group of trolls who now rant and rave about how they supported me. Anyone who rants about that and then use the words "child bride" in the same sentence, to me, are trolls. I do sell T-shirts, coffee mugs and homemade goods to raise money and have used those funds to pay for a lot of projects. Nothing wrong with that really, I think.

I am TRYING to make a living online like I have for 10 years now. If people like you would leave me alone then I would be quite successful at it again like I have been for many years. Now LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

By the way, my version of reality is clearly shown on YouTube for the World to see. Nothing hidden there. I dont get how you can complain and rant against me, calling me a liar, when you admit yourself that you do not watch my videos.

Now where are you getting your info if not from my videos?

I mean, in one comment you say you are clear headed and can sort out reality for yourself. But yet in another comment you openly admit that you dont even watch my videos.

Where on Earth are you getting this information then? Absorbing it from the air? From a little bird? Or from a den of vipers who sit in their basements hating on people all day?

I don't watch your videos often. See my post elsewhere.

I sent you a hydrometer in December 2014. Remember me now?

Ok, yes that was very kind of you. But why then are you so hateful to me? I never did anything to hurt you. I did block you after your comments turned aggressive, hateful and slanderous. Why cant we drop all of this?

And if even a small fraction of the filth you guys spread about me were true I would currently be in jail serving multiple life sentences for all those crimes. But no - I am clean. I come through all the investigations every single time. Still a free man. Still have a perfect and clean record.

You know the sad thing is that anyone for $20 can see that I have a spotless record. Too bad you believed the lies instead of thinking for yourself.

Dont you just wonder, even a little bit, if all the stuff on sucks is all just lies? I mean just think about it. No man on earth has committed as many crimes as you claim I have done. Just think about it.

why cant you just leave me alone???? Leave me alone to raise my family. Leave me alone to earn a living and pay for my new baby???? Do you feel good about that???

Why can't you just GET A SLAVE JOB that pays a proper regular wage, and do your homesteading in your free time, like all the others do?

Even Wranglerstar has a day job, Troy.

Because, as I said, your friends over on the sucks site made sure I can never get a job around here. And that sadly after we moved to a new state to start a new life. Get the point and stop repeating yourself. I am stuck attempting to make my own way due to the slanderous filth spread around about me. Leave me alone to support my family.

And who gives you the right to play God and tell me what I can and cannot do? Who gives you the right to tell me where I can work? I made a living online working as a slave for other companies doing - guess what? Making videos and blog posts. For years. Now I am doing the same thing for myself. I was doing quite well for myself until your friends ruined my life.

You can do whatever you like, Troy, but if you continue to post on the internet then you have to accept that as a figure in the public eye, you open yourself up to scrutiny.

No-one is telling you where you can work, and no-one at .sucks would try to get you dismissed from a job if you had one. Why would we, when we ALL want you to support yourself?

So now you want us to believe that you were a professional videographer and blogger on the company dime? I thought you told everybody you were an SEO expert and PHP programmer? Come on Troy, get your lies straight!

And you were doing quite well with your scams, until came along and turned a spotlight on your fraud. Why would 450+ people bother to sign up for a web site to add their thoughts about you. Can you not see that YOUR actions have led you to the place you are today?


Guess what SEO is all about? Making videos and blog posts. The funny thing is you know that because you guys have reposted many of the old videos I did for other companies. Its what got me started on YouTube.

well oldcodge 400 people who dont even know about troy, but i suppose 400 flys eating sh** cant be wrong

484 members who know a lot more about Troy than he would like known...

And countless thousands more who just came to read about other people's dealings with him.

Yet Troy still hasn't figured out why his YT views are in the shitter, and that HE is the problem...

Believe whatever you want. You won't change my opinion of him.

Have a nice day. ;o)

Your group of vigilantes are hell bent on destroying anyone who helps us, knows us or even talks to us. You have ruined the lives of so many people on your path to destroying me and my family.

Through your claims against me many have believed the lies and joined up with you. They also harass, threaten, vandalize, steal and otherwise make our lives miserable.

And you feel good about that?

I mean, look at my YouTube stats. I used to make a good living online. Your friends ruined that.

You guys ran me out of my home. I had a pregnant wife who was afraid to go outside at night for fear of the people harassing us - on our own land.

Think about it. A pregnant woman was afraid to go outside her own home.

And you feel good about that?

Ok, so you hate me. But enough is enough. I have a wife. I have a newborn baby now. You are destroying their lives now too.

Your friends have harassed every single company I ever dealt with (dont deny it, its on your forum. They brag about it).

Your friends have spread filth in our new home town and seen to it that I cannot get a job. The only town for miles!!!

And you are not finished yet?

The sick part of it all is - by the time you are done with me - by the time you are done ranting about my "abuse of the social system" which I never took a penny from - you will have left me with nothing but the social welfare system.

If you keep destroying my life and ruining literally everything I do - you will end up having me on the very social system you are complaining that I am on now - although I am not.

How ironic is that???????

Got any actual PROOF of any of these libellous claims, Troy?

If not, I strongly recommend you watch what you are saying. It's all in the Blockchain, Troy, and it ain't ever comin' out.

Uhh, duh, ummm - watch the video above and see the links. Boy, do you think people are that dumb?

Maybe if you hadn't put the fear of Christ into her about imaginary trolls lurking outside, she wouldn't be living in fear.

Why do you send your pregnant wife outside in the dark? Too afraid to go out there yourself?

Get off the sofa, and go get a job. It's what real Dads do.

Boy, broken record?

1st) You have no right to dictate how I make a living.

2nd) I was making a good living before your friends began destroying my life.

3rd) Your friends have seen to it that I cannot get a normal job anymore. This is all I have left.


When are you going to give a straight answer to any of my questions?

  1. I'm not dictating, I'm suggesting.

  2. You were making a good living... scamming people on YouTube, until .sucks began to provide a place for all the people you had blocked from your YT channel to speak out.

  3. You said yourself that you don't want to work in a slave job, for the man. You have nothing left. You had nothing to start with, and you will die with nothing.

  4. YOU leave your family alone! They would all be better off. Financially, and emotionally.

  5. GET A JOB!

Ok, you made your suggestion. Now go away!!!

Making videos of my daily life is a far cry from scamming people. If you dont like it - if you dont believe it - LEAVE!!!

There is NOTHING holding you here, or on my channel.

You are NOT WANTED here or on my channel.

Stop harassing my family and leave!!!!!

Are you proud of the fact that your group of "good people" tried to get my sister and father fired from their jobs? I mean really? You are trying to destroy the lives of others too? To what end?

They have had their careers many years. Do you want them on the social welfare system too?

What kind of sick limits are you willing to go to before you stop?????