Welcome My Friends
To a Lovely Saturday
Or I Mean Haturday
So since the Old Guy got his hat for the Renaissance Festival, Ben has been wanting his. The funny thing is he originally was the one that wanted a hat, and kind of talked me into it.
Even his box looks pretty cool.
Pretty snazzy!
Made in Texas, of course!
It provides some good shade!
He loves it!

Thanks for stopping by!
All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
Of course it’s made in Texas! Nice hat! 😃
Of course LOL!
A tip o'the hat to you, on a Saturday! That's a nice sunset - and I like that shot of the Great Blue Heron keeping watch on the little fish! :D
Well it is super cool to see you around HH! Yes I think it is kind of a good luck sign when Mr Heron pays a visit to my dock. I hope your day is a good one.
I like Ben's hat! I think it looks good on him. He may have a good future as a cowboy. I mean, not everyone can pull it off, but, he does with great ease. A natural, in fact.
If you hold him down, I'll shave that fuzz off his chin.
It looks like the weather was nice up in Michigan today. Obviously, the fall hasn't quite heard that it should be cold up there yet. I mean, it is September, leading into October! And you haven't even gotten snow yet! What is up with that?
Be on the lookout for Quill. He is super excited that you have dabbled in the art of poetry and thinks you have a career in it and the right temperament. Exactly (well, almost) What I said. So, see? We are behind you and I think you should put out another. It suits you. Or, you do them justice.
As an aside, I took a ride out to the mountains today, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and it is just beginning to think about fall. The leaves were tinged a pretty shade of beautiful. Of course, the elevation is a lot higher because I am pretty darn green here.
Well, I hope you have a great #haturday #caturday today! Stay classy, old man! ;)
Upped and Steemed
Thanks so much for the awesome comment. Yeah I saw where he stated that. However, I believe Clint Eastwood was right as in Dirty Harry when he said "a man needs to know his limitations". I just fool around with them now and again. I remember we used to do some comments with them in and you always smoked me lol.
You know I have very little class. However I do like to pick up a few tips from you. I was wishing for further coaching, yet my natural ability to muff everything good did me in.
Haturday... I like it. At first I mispelled that and it became Haterday. I'm guessing we get enough of those already though... right? The jury in my head is still out on the renaissance hat. 😂 ...but now, I think Ben chose well. It looks good on him.
Oh no! No go on the RenCen hat LOL??
(Hope thi works from esteem)
For some reason this is how I see the hat. LOL
disclaimer..photo does not belong to me
OMG !!! Now I can never unsee this LOL
Ben has good taste. :-)
Pretty Snazzy indeed :)
Nice hat
..stork.. & other stuff;)
I like your new profile! @chelsea88
Cool profile pic!
Oh thank you!! Tried to get an artsy one =)
Beautiful and durable hat @old-guy-photos and it just serves its purpose well.
Thank you it does give shade!