Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt disgusted by your looks? Or do you wish you looked like someone else? This article is for you.
Year by year, the world organizes several beauty contests. They pick winners after measuring and judging physical beauty by their own criteria. Also, people from drivers background have different methods of calculating beauty. To some, skinny people are the beautiful ones. To others, they prefer chubby ones. It a matter of choice.
When they start organizing "beautiful soul contests", the world will become a better place for all.
Who told you that you are ugly?
perhaps, you’ve been hearing people describe how a beautiful person should look, and you feel their description doesn’t fit you. Or someone told you, you are ugly. Now those voices you were hearing formed a cruel voice in your head that never ceases to tell you how ugly you look. This voice is driving you crazy to the extent you want to use your life savings for plastic surgery and other beauty enhancing products. I have one question for you, and please answer it with all sincerity.
Who ever saw the master plan of what a perfect human should look like?
Of course, no one did. People are magnifying the imaginations of their hearts with all those descriptions of what a beautiful person should look like. it could be someone who had the looks that fit those descriptions started it all.
Physical looks should not trouble you too much. What you should worry about is building a beautiful soul by being an epitome of love, kindness and mercy. These are the things that matter.
When you learn how to free yourself from other people’s opinion and unfair judgments, you’ll start experiencing inner peace and happiness.
Leaving a room for constructive criticism is still important.
I want to tell you these things today.
Walk with your shoulders held high because you are the best version of you. No any other person in the world can be a better you.
You are unique.
You are special.
You are beautiful.
Do not wait for anyone to tell you that you are beautiful before you believe you are. Be your own judge. Look at yourself in the mirror every day and tell yourself how beautiful you look.
Appreciate who you are. It builds self-confidence.
This is not an excuse for you not to work towards improving your physical and mental health through a regular workout and balanced diet.
Quit thinking that you are ugly because you are not. Don’t allow anybody talk down on your looks. So many people are going through life feeling depressed because the world tagged them as ugly. Free yourself from that gruesome shackles.
Happiness, dreams and visions got murdered because people called other people ugly. The damages of feeling ugly are greater than what most people can comprehend.
Self-confidence and self-love are the virtues nobody can take away from me.
It doesn’t mean that I’m selfish
I am a Black African.
I am very proud of who I am.
In my world, I am very beautiful.
Regardless of how people view or judge me, it is only a misconception from their perspective. I view and judge things from my own perspective.
What makes their judgement better than mine?
Make the world better by helping people feel special and beautiful.
image source: imgur.com
I give you upvotes because i care about you, but otherwise not necessarily ..ok i will give you lots of upvotes for every my followers :)
Very nice thought, i've been through all that and glad you are confidence about yourself, love yourself! Very nice post @ogoowinner
@rouer66, we really don't have to wait for others to judge us. Let's start appreciating our looks. Thanks for this comment.
Indeed, despite the doubts, negative comments, stares from other people!
Especially when you are in interracial relationship. Your welcome @ogoowinner!
I understand your plight. A strong self-confidence is the force to use here. Cheer!
Yes you'r right! Cheers :)
Beautiful post dear
Thanks @dyce.
Being an overweight lady based in a country that idealises the skinny ladies in the magazines, I really appreciate that post. I have adopted a healthier way of life for the past month, and now I too make it a point to look myself in the mirror and say that I ROCK! Such an awesome post - thanks for posting!
Thank you for that comment @fernandam. We have to be our own judge.
Very nice post, thanks for sharing.
You're welcome @liberian. I'm humbled you like it.
keep up the great work @ogoowinner
Thank you @liberian.
Speaking of the Helen Keller quote that you mentioned:
Earlier today, I had a quiet walk in a park near where I live, a dirt trail that circles through a forest full of towering trees and green shrubbery, and it was the most breathtaking, indescribably beautiful experience that I ever remember having.
I was walking along feeling absolutely wonderful, when I realized that my mind was completely at peace. My mind was "silent", and I, perhaps for the first time ever in my life, could really take in the beauty of the forest, all the trees and plants and sounds of owls hooting and birds chirping in the distance. I was literally overcome with how beautiful it was, I could feel this wonderful energy of, I guess you could call it "curiosity", buzzing inside of me.
It felt as if I was really looking at things as they are, for the first time, without the biases of my beliefs and judgments about what those things are.
Where this relates to your post is what happened around the time that I had this realization: I crossed paths with this elder lady, probably twenty years older than me, and I got the most beautiful smile from her as I said "hello". But what really struck me was how beautiful she appeared to me. I wouldn't say that I was sexually attracted to her, or anything like that, but, presumably due to my state of mind, I sensed so much openness and peace in that exchange, brief though it was, and so much wonder and curiosity, in general, that I was overcome with "love", for lack of a better word. In other words, the exchange with this elderly woman was, itself, an expression of beauty to me, in that moment, when I was in that state of mind.
And I guess that's my point. A person's state of mind, IMO, has EVERYTHING to do with what they experience as beautiful and ugly. Also, a person's energy has a lot more to do with their beauty than their physical looks (which is why I can say that I find a woman to be beautiful without necessarily being attracted to her). That being said, even the physical appearance of other people moves to new heights when we can manage to achieve the presence of mind that I discovered in my "woods walk" earlier today. EVERYTHING looks more beautiful and takes on more meaning when we can shut up the voice (thoughts) that tells us what something or someone is or isn't.
That's an awesome experience you had there @jamesbrown. Thanks for sharing.
Very thought provoking. Thanks for the share.
You are welcome @wthomas. Thank for reading.
I figured out something a long time ago, I am here for two reasons , do the will of god and try to be happy, i raise my children that way and basically they (both girls, i am not) could really give a rats ass what anybody thinks, now , they are both respectful and held accountable for their behavior but as far as what someone thinks about their Physical beauty , they dont ever take it into consideration.and they shouldnt nobody has the room or the right to make you feel less than perfect .
Wow! @bdl1165, I'm glad to hear you raised your girls that way. Freeing yourself from people's opinion is a key to happiness and fulfilling God's will for our lives. Thank you for that awesome comment.
beauty is not about the look.... but i must confess "you are beautiful".... Thanks for sharing
@gbenga, thank you. I'm glad you liked it.
Thank you.
You are welcome @ryanprentiss
nice...u deserve resteem and upvote...and thanks for your steem power for your followers.... :)
@lautenglye, you are welcome. Thank you for the Resteeme, Upvote and comment. I appreciate it.
u r welcome too...will always support your posts...
Thank you so much.
Nice article dear i like it