The Marriage Series: Don't Try To Change Him or Her

in #life8 years ago (edited)

So many people go into marriage with the hope of “he’ll change” “she’ll change”, and when their expectations are not met, they get frustrated.

People don't change easily, neither do they like it when you are trying to change them. Change comes when they personally make up their mind to change.

If you are not yet married, then don't marry someone you are hoping to change, because this may be the ruining of your marriage. If he or she doesn't change to what you want, you’ll get frustrated and end up having an unhappy marriage or a divorce. Save yourself this future trauma by deciding if you will fully accept and live with the person the way he or she is and not the way you will want them to be. 

This is not an excuse to start looking for a perfect human who would not have flaws or make mistakes. There are no perfect humans anywhere. It is an advice to accept people the way they are, other than expecting them to be some ideal human we created in our imaginations.

If you are already married, please don't try to change your spouse. This is the undoing of so many marriages. When you constantly show displeasure to someone's way of life, they get frustrated. Some will react by building a wall of protection. They will start keeping to themselves. Others may become angry and aggressive which may lead to emotional and physical abuse. Ultimately, all these may lead to a divorce or unhappy marriage.

The habit of trying to change other people is a selfish act that we should avoid it by all means. 

People don't change people. You can only influence or inspire people to change. 



Treat them as you would want them to treat you.

Most times, we focus too much on the negative sides of other people, that we don’t have the time fix the wrong stuff in our own lives. Before you try to change anybody, analyze yourself first. For every action, there is always an equal reaction. You don't treat your spouse badly and expect the person to be a saint to you. 

We all know it is very hard for us to see our own faults sometimes, this is where communication comes in to play a vital role. It is very important to communicate with your spouse. Ask them what they don't like about you. Make amends. You could be surprised to know that the things you want them to stop doing are only a reaction to your own actions. So if you make amends, they'll follow suit. Be the best spouse one would desire to have.


I got this idea from a book I read some years ago.  At that time, I was in a relationship with someone who wasn't too good to me. After I read the book, I stopped attacking him and started treating him as though he was the best boyfriend in the world. The results were remarkable. Within few weeks, he changed. He was so touched that he confessed he didn't deserve my nice treatments to him. He apologized and changed for good. You can also apply that to your marriage. 

Whenever we are trying to change or correct another person, let's do it in love.


Are you trying to make the person be like you? Trying to change someone to sooth our beliefs and way of life is a selfish act. We must accept that couples are two different humans, so we should not expect the other person to behave exactly like us. Accepting individual differences is a key to happy marriage. Make rooms for their flaws and imperfections. Understand and respect the fact that they have their own beliefs and values.


Their reaction could be something that would be easily handled if properly understood. Just try to see things from their own perspectives. This helps a lot.


How do you feel when someone is always disapproving what you do?  You feel bad right?  That's the same way you make others feel when you regularly show displeasure to their personality.

Don’t try to change your spouse because you could meet a terrible resistance you never imagined. Inspire them to change with your own positive habits and unconditional love.

Stop focusing on things you want to change about them. Focus more on their good side and how to change yourself for good.

A happy marriage is the desire of most people, but only a few are enjoying it. Work hard to be among the few. 

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If we have to change anyone than who is perfect?

That is a very good question @bhavnapatel68. Nobody is actually perfect. Thanks for your comment.

Great post!!!

Thank you @martinist

I totally agree with this. Don't try to change your spouse, some things can be improved but not everything. Nobody can change everything you don't like about them, if they love you, they will try to improve the things they can work on - if not, then you just try to see the things you like and try to live with the things you don't. Nobody is born perfect and nobody will die perfect.

My ex tried to change me all the time, even after telling her a time after another that she can't change everything about me, but I try to be a better person for her, because all I had was love. Sadly though, she never understood.

I like your posts OG, so keep em coming!

Thanks for this comment @moataz.

My pleasure :)

Gracias por compartir tus beneficios, en mi wallet he encontrado un depósito solo por seguirte, es un lindo gesto de tu parte. Un abrazo y éxitos.

Thanks for sharing your benefits, in my wallet I found a deposit just to follow you, it's a nice gesture on your part. A hug and successes.

You are welcome @curiosidades. Thanks for being among my followers.

My younger self had to learn this the hard way. I thought I could change people and definitely became frustrated not seeing the results I wanted. I learned over time that I cannot change anybody else, I can only change myself.

Your advice to be a role model and to look inward before outward is really crucial.

Before you try to change anybody, analyze yourself first.

As a step father, I have started doing this lately and have found that many of the things that I want to criticize or change in somebody else ... I am guilty of doing those things. It's really convicting. I have to learn to change myself first and make sure that I am being an example, a role model, of the things that I would like others to exemplify. Until that happens, I should keep my mouth shut :)

Thank you for your wise words!

@britt.the.ish, You are welcome. That's an awesome comment. Followed.

True, true!
Thank you so much!
Upped and resteemed @ogoowinner!

@holgerwerner, thanks very much for your Upvote and Resteem.