I have friends like no other. Be mindful of who you choose to be close to.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, Happy Saturday. 

It's yet another weekend and this week has been one of the busiest ones for  me. I had a lot of offline activities to handle. I also had issues I  couldn't handle alone as well, but all thanks to my worthy friends. 

When  people keep emphasizing on the need to keep good company, some of you  may not understand its importance. The benefits of having good people  around you are overwhelming. 

For a very long  time, I have known that forming an alliance with people who value you  and those who positively impact in your life is important, so I live by  that principle. 

I hear a lot of people say  "good friends are nowhere to be found" and I keep wondering why they  could not find good people to make their friends.

When  people meet me for the first time, they think I have not been through  any of life's troubles...... However that's far from the truth.....I've been through hard times, but I have been able to overcome because of people around me. 

Benefits of keeping good company 

   “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”….. Jim Rohn.  

When  I say good people, I don't mean Saints, so don't go out there looking  for people who have no flaws, cos I don't think you'll ever find such people on this planet. You ain't a saint either. What I mean here is having people who motivate you to be a better than you were yesterday, Inspire you to achieve your goals and help you when you are in need. 

  • Keeping good company helps you achieve your goals faster and easier. 
  • They tell you your mistakes and help you make amends where needed. 
  • They inspire you to do more. 
  • They help you feel less stressed.
  • They make you feel better about yourself. 

Fact you should know 

It  is very important to acknowledge the fact that "like attracts like". You have to check if you are good to others before you start looking for people who will be nice to you. Learn to treat others how you will want  to be treated. 

My online friends are as worthy  as my offline friends. I have facebook friends who have done great  things in my life. Joining to steemit was like joining another blissful world. 

My steemit friends and helpers; lovely people like no other 

Steemit  is just like a different world inside this cruel world to me. My journey here has been one of bliss and favour. The first time I had an issue that I shared on my blog here, @demotruk and @infovore made sure everything was solved. Their selfless sacrifices is something that will remain in my heart forever. 

@gavvet and @infovore have remained one of my backbones here. My Nigerian bro and the brother from South Africa have done great to help me. @stellabelle has been very helpful too. @surpassinggoogle created the  landing space I'm still enjoying today. @trafalgar, @ausbitbank@onequality and @teamsteem have occasionally dropped in to help. 

My today's post is dedicated to @ehiboss and @gbenga. Today, they surprised me with something I never thought I could get from them. I send special lights and love to both of you. Thanks so so much.

If  you want to lighten your burdens no matter how heavy they seem, start keeping good company. Good people don't necessarily solve all your problems, but they share it with you.

Choose your friends wisely. 

Happy Weekend! 

All images are from imgur.com






@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me.   


Hello @ogoowinner

The truth be told you are also a wonderful friend and you've touches lives of so many people in this community which am one of them.

Am not surprised for you commending the efforts of these great people @ehiboss and @gbenga . They are just too good,they are commited to helping and mentoring people to grow along with them.

Thanks for been there too.

All i know is that, a friend will always give you a shoulder to rest on. But it is good to know that to attract a good friend,you must be ready to be one also.

I love this.

If you want to lighten your burdens no matter how heavy they seem, start keeping good company. Good people don't necessarily solve all your problems, but they share it with you.

Happy weekend and happy friends' celebrabion day.👫👬👭😂


Success in life comes from who you surround yourself with.

Such a great share...
I always include in my daily prayer for God to give good company of friends... And it did.
Good company. Good influence.. Good life.
Lets support each other..
Youre awesome!

You are right ma.

It is very important to acknowledge the fact that "like attracts like". You have to check if you are good to others before you start looking for people who will be nice to you. Learn to treat others how you will want to be treated.

I really cherish this part @ogoowinner

You are very correct, i feel your upvotes most times on my blog you and @gbenga, i really wanted to return the kidness, but, i could not, i was just a newbie, but guess what? I woke up this morning, my upvote was worth 0.001 and i upvoted you, please accept it i know its little, thank you for being there, its your boy Josediccus.

Good friends rock. Bad friends = Worst nightmare. Nothing kills more like an enemy within. Didn't see my name in the list of friends 😢😀

Yup it is true that friends are life... and they help you a lot in life to grow but the thing is you have to choose wisely because they can either make you or break you.... so be thoughtful in choosing friends because they are not just friends they are LIFE

Thank you for this post - I can honestly say I am blessed with people like this in my life. Resteeming

This is deep! Reading through your post keeps me reflecting on inspiring quotable quotes, "show me your friend and i will tell you who you are", you smell like the company you keep, everything you're today can be traced to the relationships in your life, thanks for sharing this and stay passionate about life

I totally agree with you. When we reach adulthood few things bring me more than a good group of friends with whom to share and debate ideas. They enrich my life and above all make it much more interesting. Thank you very much for sharing these ideas.

Real friends light up your little world and fill it up with joy :D

Good friends are people who have our back at all times and they are always wonderful people.@ehiboss and @gbenga are very awesome individuals and you are a loving person too

there is a power behind true friendship. sometimes those set of people holds the key to ones happiness. that is why it is always good to move and associate with people that love yhu

Hello @ogoowinner

It is very important to acknowledge the fact that "like attracts like". You have to check if you are good to others before you start looking for people who will be nice to you. Learn to treat others how you will want to be treated.

This is the backbone of this article most people fail to understand. Most times, people are quick to point fingers to who's good and bad without first judging themselves. Good thoughts.
