in #life7 years ago (edited)

Do people turn to ghosts when they die or does something else happen to them?

I can't claim to have an absolute answer to these, the same way I can't in totality believe what anybody says about it since none of us has a first-hand experience with regards to that topic.

What do science and our religious beliefs teach us about life after death?

Hinduism  teaches that when you die, you reincarnate to either higher or lower  level, it all depends on your deeds when you were alive. Muslims and  Christians believe when you die, you'll go to heaven or hell. The Jewish Talmud and Torah share a complex view on this as they teach both the resurrection of the body and the reunion with the ancestors. 

Science teaches that death has two stages which are clinical death and biological death. The clinical death occurs when someone stops breathing but his organs are alive and he still has a level of awareness. This stage lasts for about 6 minutes, after that the organs degenerate and the cells begin to die that is when the biological death occurs. After a biological death has occurred, if bodies are not embalmed or keep in a cooling place, they decay and get eaten by maggots or become manure for plants. Scientific research has not yet shown that any level of  awareness can be attained after biological death takes place. Paraphrased Source

Back to the main focus;

Do ghosts exist?

In as much as science and most religious beliefs don't agree with the existence of ghosts there are stories that prove that the existence of ghosts is not a myth. 

What is a ghost?

Ghosts are assumed to be the spirits of dead humans. Some believe ghost are telepathic entities projected into the world from our minds. Either way,  do they really exist? Below are stories of my own encounter and that of  those around me. 

When I was seven years old, my younger sister and I were going to our grandma's house when we saw two ghosts for the first time. 

It was in the  early hours of the morning, as we walked down to our grandma's house, on our way, we saw two creatures dressed in black robe, their feet weren't touching the ground. It looked like they were walking on air, about 2 feet above the ground. I wasn't able to see their faces as they were fully covered with black cloth. 

When I saw those creatures, I kept quiet and stood back because they were passing through the same road we were approaching. I thought I was the only one who saw them, but my sister noticed the same thing and hid behind me. After they left the place, we ran fast to our grandma and narrated the story to her. When my sister was narrating her own account of what she saw, I noticed her description were exactly the same as the images I saw. At least that confirmed I wasn't hallucinating because both of us cannot be seeing the same imaginary creatures at the same time. 

Another encounter happened some years ago when my uncle's wife died. It is our custom to bury the dead in their father's land (women who are married are buried in their husband's house). My younger sister once reported that she saw the young lady's ghost standing close to her grave. 

A friend of mine also told me how his dead father appeared to his younger sister in her dream and gave her the names of all the people who were owing him money before he died. To their greatest surprise, when they approached those people, they accepted owing him and paid the debts. 

One thing I know is that no one, not even science or our religious books has the full account of; what this world is all about, where we came from, or what will happen when we die. 

If you have your own account of near death, life after death or encounter with ghost experience, please share in comments below. 

All images are from








  @ogoowinner  @elyaque made this beautiful badge for me. 


I've had my own experiences with the supernatural and have been intrigued by it since I saw with my own eyes as a child. I do not know if any one religion has it right or not. I tend to take parts from all religions that make more sense to me and sort of lump the best parts together in my own way.
The scientist in me says that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
I've seen enough evidence to be certain in my own mind that the spirit realm does exist. There are things in this world we cannot see due to our limited visual range. There are things in this world we cannot hear due to our limited audio range. We cannot see infrared or hear subaudible sounds, proven fact, unless we have technology that permits it. I believe we are on the cusp of the technology that will enable us to see and hear the spirit realm, but the question is should we? We are built to see and hear the world in a certain way. Those experiences change the way we behave around others and the actions we take. What if we could hear and see the deceased? What if they had knowledge of things we should not know? There is evil on both sides of the vale. How would we be able to discern the difference? What if we went in search of the unknown and were misled by evil entities who want nothing but our destruction? It could be catastrophic to the future of the human race. What if these limitations were place on us by the divine to keep us relatively safe from these unknown evils? We see how some sciences have given us both good and evil powers we were not meant to have. If the wrong sort were led astray by the evil entities those people could unknowingly destroy the planet or worse. We just don't know. Our curiosity is limitless and there are some things we may be better off not knowing until it is appointed by some higher power.
Do I believe?
Yes. I believe, but I believe in balance as well. Good and evil cannot exist without each other. If you see a spirit, it could be good or evil. There is no way of really knowing which side they are on.
For me it is a fun exercise of the mind to think on from time to time, but ultimately we must live our lives and be prepared to cross over to the other side when it is our time. Hopefully things will be better there, but there is no way of knowing, except through faith.
These are my first, immediate thoughts on the subject. Not quite ready to share my own experiences on here yet.

You my friend is an enlightened fellow. Keep steeming.

I have just found Steem. So I am completely new to this whole thing and still learning about its ins and outs. Thank for your reply, it is my first to come. Hopefully in the following weeks to come I'll figure out how I want to proceed. Whether it is to blog or what not, I have no direction yet. Still learning the intricacies of this great site. I digress though and my point was simply to say thank you for your reply.

Welcome to steemit, glad you are here. Take your time and check out the great site. I'm sure you'll get to like it. Thanks

Thank you very much for the warm welcome. Much appreciated, pardner.
I'm still learning, this whole computer thing is a challenge for me still. I've avoided it as long as I could, but I digress. Thank you once again.
Much love, light and respect

Thanks boss. You are very much welcome. It's good to hear from you

Ghosts does exist. I've seen one before 😑
Definitely not a good experience.

Lol! I hope the ghost didn't slap you? Thanks for sharing your experience here @ememovic.

Nah it didn't, it just passed by.
I had goosebumps all over my skin, damn scarry.

What happens at death is no mystery to Jehovah, the Creator of the brain. He knows the truth, and in his Word, the Bible, he explains the condition of the dead. Its clear teaching is this: When a person dies, he ceases to exist. Death is the opposite of life. The dead do not see or hear or think. Not even one part of us survives the death of the body. We do not possess an immortal soul or spirit.

After Solomon observed that the living know that they will die, he wrote: “But the dead know nothing at all.” He then enlarged on that basic truth by saying that the dead can neither love nor hate and that “there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave.” (Read Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10.)

Wow! Thanks for sharing your own thoughts on this issue.

i dey always believe say e get big power, spirit or juju wey pass man power, wey oyibo people dey call

super-natural power

But i never believe say e get anoda place wey man go go if e die, like heaven or hell.

if man kpai e dne kpai b dat

Nawa o! So you no be Muslim or Christian na.

as u talk

Yes, I believe ghost exist too.
I have also had an experience.
After the person died, the ghost appeared few days later and was really banging the gate. It was a really disturbing night.

Also, when my grandfather died too, he appeared to one of his children. She really really scream and was greatly terrified when she saw him. He didn't appear to her again since then.

Love dah post!

Me am confused about this Ghost issue. Some say it is true some say vice versa. I hope to know the exact blend someday

Thanks for sharing your experience @mimy. I heard that if you are scared when they appear to you, they'll never come again.

noting wey man no go hear

Lets look at it from the point of dreams. When one sleeps and slide into dreams, is it with his physical body or another body? Definitely not with the physical body. Therefore, there is also a spiritual (ghost) component of man. The Christian bible account of creation says that God is a spirit and created man in his image and likeness.

Genesis 1:27 Ref. So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

When man dies the bible has this to say, " and the dust(body) returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:7.

Hebrews (:27 say this " And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" After what?? After the body is dead, the spirit which is the real man will face judgement. Time will fail me here to continue on this subject. Maybe we may have to steemit again. Cheers

Thank you for this helpful contribution.

I've had only one experience of seeing a ghost but I was alone so I probably was hallucinating. But what I do experience that Science can't explain is premonition. It's a controversial topic but I admire your courage for writing on this.

Thank you for reading. The fact that no one else saw it with you doesn't guarantee you're hallucinating. The world is filled with mysteries yet unravelled.

I think they do exist but have never seen one. I had been to St Augustine in northern Florida, which is said to be haunted as the city is said to be built on top of dead Spanish soldiers. I sooo wanted to see one but never did.

lol you funny ooo, you won see spirit.

Lol! I never wanted to see, but I saw them once. Thanks for your comment here.

Wanna take a walk to that dark side? :)
Well, there are things beyond human's comprehension, so there are forces too. Many would have different view of this based on exposure, education, religion, experience all bring a coloration to things that be. I try to be neutral in my personal view in public. Not everyone has an open mind in some things. I'd say this is an interesting topic to discuss as seen from the various responses in the comment section. Keep steeming. Adios Amigo✌️

Thank you.

You welcome


I think ghost really exist.....

I think so too.

Psalm 146:4 says that when a man dies,His spirit* goes out, he returns to the ground, On that very day his thoughts perish We are mortal and do not survive the death of our body. The life we enjoy is like the flame of a candle. When the flame is put out, it does not go anywhere. It is simply

I'm really learning from all of you here. Thanks for the your comment here.

Yes and no I am a bit of a skeptic but if I would have that kind of experience well then it will be a definite yes

I understand that feeling, I probably would have been in that state of mind if I never had such encounters. Thanks for your comment here @louiscpt.

kind of horrific haha :D

Lol! @blazing this is a horror movie! Love seeing you here sis.

I used to see them when i was young.