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RE: I Think the Arts Are Welcome Here

in #life6 months ago (edited)

An aging man walks into a pub. Smashes with his fist on the bar and loudly grumps: "Quickly, one beer, before the trouble starts...!"

He pours it down the hatch in one go and says: "Another one, before the shit hits the fan...!"

Same thing happens, drinks the whole pint at once. After which he shouts: "Come on, one more, before the nagging starts...!"

It goes on like that for six times, after which the bartender starts to smell a rat.

"Hang on there old man, how are you going to pay for all them drinks now, aye!?"

And while the greyish guy quickly gets off the barstool and heads for the exit, he shouts: "_See, there you have it already, told you this would happen...!"


Thanks for all the entertainment!

Have a great one!


Thanks for all the support and talks over the years. And thanks for this joke today. Wasn't expecting to come here and be offered a smile.

Glad to know I could offer you a smile.

And I enjoyed our interaction, your writing and your artwork. Where I absolutely can state that both are art. Like freedom of expression can be art in and by itself.

Things you write I can relate to. The personal health challenges, going through changes, dealing with life its inevitable events.

While wondering inbetween how A.I. might make the digital realm a no place to go for human beings. On the other hand, it might open a renewed path for real human being creativity and interaction. The future's still unwritten.

And the most important that matters are those closest to home. Where the heart is.

Until next time, who knows.

Good luck on your journey. 🍀

Hehehe :OD

One day I will be that grumpy man! 😁

A fine achievement to strive for! :OD