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RE: How Science Has Consciousness All Wrong

in #life6 years ago

I feel that science, like religion has gotten a bad name because of the behavior of bad actors and those who use it improperly to push an agenda.

Pure science is really nothing more than the attempt to understand reality as it really is, and take note of it. Experiments produce results that can be documented and referenced later and built upon, but should never be considered to be ultimate truth, as ultimate truth cannot be known without seeing the entire picture.

The problem we have today with both science and religion is that a blind dogmatic faith surrounds them both, which is not helpful to skillful practice of either. Interestingly, spiritual pursuits and scientific pursuits are fundamentally the same. In both cases one works toward understanding the greater truth.

As for consciousness. Awareness appears to be observing experience, however when one looks deeply it becomes clear that experience is aware of itself and needs no observer. Also, ultimately awareness itself is an object and has no permanent unchanging properties.

So I suppose the scientific method may have some trouble exploring the non-dual nature of ultimate reality.