- Ustadz Abdullah Zaen Hafidzahullah *
When visiting a friend who is critically ill, he holds my hand tightly, then pulls his face, and whispers something ..._
In tearful tears and bruised speeches he says, "If you do not see me in heaven, please ask God where I am, help me when that ..." _ *
He sobbed, then I hugged him and put my face on his shoulder. I whispered, "God willing, God willing, I also beg you if you also do not see me in heaven ..." _ *
_We were crying together, somehow ...
When I left the hospital, I remembered his message ...
Actually the message was once delivered by a great scholar, Ibn Jauzi, who said to his friend while crying:
- _ "If you do not meet me in heaven with you, then please ask God about me: 'O our Lord, the fulan while in the world always reminds us of You, then enter him with us in heaven.'
Ibn Jauzi advised so rely on a hadith:
_ "When the inhabitants of heaven have entered Paradise then they did not find their friends who were always with them in the world first, so they asked Allah: 'Ya Rabb! We do not see our friends who in the world of prayer together we are fasting with us and fighting with us ... '"So God said," Go to hell, then remove your friends in whose heart there is faith, even if only as big as zarrah. "(Ibn Mubarak in Az Zuhd)
- O my friends ... *
In friendship, choose those who can help us, not just bonds in the world, but also to the afterlife.
Look for friends who always do charity sholeh, prayers in congregation, fasting and sentis always ordered to improve faith, and strive to uphold the religion of Islam.
Find friends who bring to the assembly of science, invite to do good, together for the work of virtue, and always tell the truth.
- Friends looking for trade, work, or friends watching football, fishing buddies, friends bershopping, FB friends to tell the political stuff, whatsapp friends to tell the world, will split up on the death line and each will just bring yourself ._ *
But the cautious friend, will seek us to be together to heaven ...
Listen yourself, is there any friend like this in our life, or maybe there is worse than us ...
Come on ... change now, less time with friends who are just leaning on the world, look for friends who bring us together to heaven, because we can not expect the merits of our worship to enter Allah's paradise.
Expand the endeavors, hopefully one of them will be caught, and lead us to the door of heaven ...
Al-Hasan Al-Basri said:
_ "Increase the friends of your believers, because they have syafa'at on the Day of Resurrection." _
Stop eyes, think lah ... *
_Who would be among our friends who will seek and invite us together to heaven ?? _ *
If not, start today looking for friends to heaven as a personal mission.
Baarakallahu fiikum.
JazakAllahu Khair for the reminder, May Allah reunite us all in Jannah Ameen.