Will Projects Like CERN Bring Actual Demons Into Our Reality?

in #life8 years ago (edited)


What is demon? Is a demon something you can see with the eyes on your face? Does a demon look like the caption below?


Demons are much smarter than this.

Demons are invisible to the human eye.
They can only be seen with the minds eye.
For this reason all demons first blind the minds eye before they inhabit a human being.

So what does this mean "they blind your mind's eye?" This means when another human gives you Truth to help you on a better path. You cannot except the Truth given into you.


Currently we have a ramp id number of demons running around the planet thanks to social media.
A human described as a narcissist is actually a demon controlling a human mind.

Back when I was growing up people who starved to an emotional response from others at all costs. People that looked as others as objects with no feelings were eventually cast to the end of the neighborhood and lived out their days in solitude.

What about today? Social media is a perfect breeding ground for this type of demon, no more casting away to the edge of the neighborhood when a computer can reach thousands and thousands of people with a touch of a button.


Of course, if you look at a narcissist with your eyes. They look exactly like any other humans. Not like flying goblins in the sky.

Now then what about CERN? CERN is an outfit determined to open portals to other dimensions. Yes this is a real phenomenon according to physics. There are indeed other dimensions.

When you tap into other dimensions. You may or may not tap into a darker one. Will demons come flying out of a portal that we can see with out naked eye? Probably not. This is not how demons work, they inhabit humans in the subtle way described above.

When human beings get inhabited by the invisible energies of another dimension, what are they going to behave like?

How can we stop places like CERN from advancing these ideas? How can tapping into other dimensions possibly advance this reality we know?

other dimensions.jpg


This shit is the real deal . The town in France where CERN is located called "Saint-Genus-Poilly" the name Poilly is latin for "Appolliacum" and it is believed in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo and people who lived there believed it was a gateway to Underworld and CERN is built in that same spot today. Also there is a verse straight out of Revelations (9:1-2,11) which makes reference to Apollyon. Also the Company has publicly came out and said already that they have discovered the GOD particle and Steven Hawking has stated that if given to much energy it could create a Vacuum decay that would cause Space and Time to Collapse !! Scary shit man

Wow didn't know CERN was built where so called Underworld is located. Hope they won't cause space and time to collapse...


I can't help but think of DOOM when reading this haha. Great article though, finding the dimensions may be just as difficult as opening them.

The problem is humans will become addicted to figuring out how to open them. Then eventually open them.

That exactly. Along with maybe using a look before you leap approach. Obviously opening up to potential hazards like creatures, new diseases or even creating instability in our current world.

I felt the same way. DOOM ! :D It's like the saying "curiosity killed the cat". The curiosity of opening other dimensions could lead to horrible outcomes...

Everyone seems to think that CERN, and the Dwave computers are what is causing the Mandella effect. I think it's interesting to look into all possible angles.

With technology anything is possible.

That's good. I always wanted to punch Lucifer in the face.

Its highly unlikely that some sort of portal into another dimension will be created through which "creatures" can crawl out. CERN deals with atomic particles and the experiments done is also in the atomic range so to create something that is billions of atoms wide, long and thick is a bit out of proportions for such an event to occur where humans are manipulated.

Need to also take in consideration the use of DWAVE (Quantum computing), which his much different than public computers. I seem to recall seeing somewhere, there is more energy returned than given when they use it. This was conveyed in recognizing more dimensions than our own. It also provides evidence a possible transfer through inter-dimensions, something CERN is working hard to do.

I also recall someone speculating the trapped entities have no means to go up (break into heaven) so will attempt to create a side door to enter our realm. Take that for what it is, but the demonic have communicated with mankind since the beginning. I mention this in my Ouija Board article. https://steemit.com/religion/@authormattcole/ouija-board