Recently it was discovered that folks with full blown Autism can read peoples minds.
If this is true, this means that very soon someone will find a way to replicate this brain interaction and teach machines (computers) how to read minds.
Looking at the bright side. ..
- This maybe a convenient and honest way to exchange information.
- In a court room, we could easily determine guilt. Of course there goes all the lawyers jobs!
- The technology could evolve to help connect the mind to a false limb.
Below is a list of some of the ramifications...
- People would know exactly what another thinks of them. I may say something polite, but there is noway to stop my sub conscious of a negative thought towards someone else.
- What about dating? This would become super complicated to find a matching partner!
- If my thoughts can be received, then that means the next way of tech would be to store thought data. Then this data could be used to sell me things. Steal passwords! etc..
If this actually gets implemented, how could you ever go back? How could you ever stop it? Like social media, its too addicting for the human species to abolish.
Maybe the filter between thought and words is a good thing after all.
Love It!!