I had one of this days 20 years ago when I was on the airport in Madrid waiting for the airplane to Ecuador. I came to the area where they wanted to check my passport, and I was really in need of a toilet since I had to pee. She probably saw my needs, and did her job quite fast - so I was nearly running to the toilet, got in and when I got my instrument out and pointed at the toilet...everything just exploded the wrong way.
What are you doing when it is 30 minutes until your airplane is about to take off, and all your underwear is loaded with shit?
I did what I could, and luckily enough it was 1.30 am - and I travelled in technical clothing. I wrapped off my underwear and socks and threw it to the bin - and started washing my pants in the sink. It was a kind of weird situation, but I managed to solve it in less than 5 minutes - and noone came to the toilet within this time while I was stressed out washing my pants naked 😂
I know today that those shrimps I got on the airplane to Madrid from Norway was contained, and the result of eating them was devastating - no matter how delicious they looked or tasted.
So, what happened today - I went downtown to solve some issues, and to grab some cash. On the way buying some crap on the shopping centre I had to fart and I did, but as a submarine - no sound, but my first thought was that a fart? After some few seconds my underwear started getting sticky, and I had to think fast. I legged it to a sportshop walking like a goose, and after finishing there - I had to move on to the toilet where I could sort the problem fast.
You know that when this things happens the time involved feels like a lifetime, however, I managed to sort it out - threw the old underwear in the bin, and got the new ones on within some few minutes. Since I am an experienced man, I do not get panicked - but while it is happening it feels like a nightmare.
Be aware of what you eat, in Norway the food is good - but I have been eating at an Indian restaurant 2 days in a row before this happened, something I maybe dont have the stomach for. So, Indian food more than twice a week is gamble, bear it mind.
I've also heard about people who has gotten chronic incurable stomach problems ... meaning that they for the rest of the life always needed to have an accessible toilet available. That's an awful handicap ...
wooohooo, hope we will never get there - that must be horrible.
So you had to continue to Ecuador with wet trousers and no underwear? Well, the other option seems far worse anyway ...
I've been in some similar situations with my children ... but never experienced anything like that myself, at least not as an adult. But sometimes it has been a close call! I've been sitting on the toilet in airports view severe stomach problems worrying if I would be able to finish up my business in time to catch the flight. I've also experienced toilet emergencies where there have just some few minutes alert and where I believe I would have had a brown accident if I wouldn't have been at home right by the toilet.
Of course some solutions exists ...
yes you are right, an unforgetable experinece - at least it was technical clothing and it dried up within reasonble time :o) crazy situation, and even that you have been close - be happy it solved before any drama happened.
Yeah, will consider having an extra pair of underwear with me wherever I go from now on - since they do not have pampers from grown up, brilliant song by the way!
I'm pretty sure it does exist
Edit: here is the wikipedia article on diapers used by the US astronauts:
Of course, quite some adult people needs nappies as they're too old, too handicap'ed or too retarded to see the toilet in time. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_Absorbency_Garment
Hehe, brilliant 😂and as you say, they probably exist - dunno if they are available at normal grocery stores...at least I wouldnt ask for them myself if I am not in desperat need, thats for sure. When and if I get there I would seriously consider other options.
got foodpoisoned in Laos some few years ago too, but that was more intense stomach pain - and of course, it was a not a pleasant experience :o) on the other hand, and luckily enough it took some few days and it passed - however, it was in the middle of nowhere in Pak Beng...which is where you sleep over on the slowboat on the Mekong river. A bit challenging when you have hospital too far away.