Why I'm Calling it Quits

in #life3 years ago (edited)

This has been in the works for a long time.  Most decisions I make are meticulously crafted; all the kinks worked out.  Of course chaos and randomness is always included; never ignored.  I call those 'World Events' and respect them just as much as what I have a firm handle on.

One month away from five years; four years and eleven months is an eternity when you've paid attention to every single step.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Calling Quits.png

I've come a long way.

Everything about me was rusty when I arrived on scene.  All attempts at gaining traction felt like failures.  All the naysayer types in my life — nearly everyone — what they were saying was starting to weasel its way inside my brain to latch on to the part that, makes sense.

When the people who want to control others with their negative vibes and shitty opinions get their way, they're happy; you're not.

When one fights their evil forces all you're being, according to them, is stubborn, overconfident, even arrogant.

When one wins the battle and becomes proud of their accomplishments, the naysayer thinks you just did it to be an asshole.  Any sense of pride expressed openly is converted into, rubbing it in.

You're made out to be the villain, no matter what.

Alone and in the wild.

How's your life going since you boarded this spaceship to uncharted territory?  Where do you think it'll take you?  How far do you want to go?

When I arrived here I was instantly reminded of the time I quit my life, packed only the important things except for a plan, then moved to a new city where I didn't really know anyone or anything.

Stuck around for nearly five years and at this point I'd say being here is more like colonizing a new planet.  Most folks aren't even cut out for the journey let alone long-term survival.  Others are free to make the best of it.

For instance, people eat their seeds instead of planting them then can't figure out why they go hungry and others eat, even though they were given the same set of tools and an equal opportunity on the playing field.

So they go back to their home planet where it's all polluted and everyone is treated like cattle, to talk about the orchards we grew, and explain how the fruits of our labor are poisonous to all who will listen and provide, likes.

Some stick around just to be obnoxious/antisocial, poke holes in the habitats, or blow up the tunnels; then can't figure out why others would prefer they leave.

It takes all types to go from frontier to functional society though.  Without naysayers and the rest of the incapable types being so honest and willing to make mistakes in front of everyone so others don't have to, the ones who wish to succeed are left with nothing to learn from.

So I just say, "Thank you."

But why am I calling it Quits?

NoNamesLeftToUse - Quits.png

Because I'm done.

And that's his name.

Spent a few hours every day, over the past week or so, working on Quits.

Didn't have a name in mind for this guy until the final hour while working on the finishing touches.

Thinking: "This is taking forever.  I should probably call it quits soon..."


Sometimes naming these characters I create can be the hardest part.  This time around the guy practically named himself; making my life that much easier.

Even with all the foreshadowing, I bet you thought I was talking about something else.

Nothing on this planet brings me more joy than entertaining the inhabitants.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"The weekend!  Never a better time to call it Quits..."

© 2021 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

There are 2 pages

I knew you were leading us on!! I totally did!!

And then I saw the artwork and I thought...

Fuck it, I'm calling it quits too.

lol me too

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I'm so glad everyone is calling it Quits today.

He doesn't go by any other name so, I don't blame you one bit for calling it Quits.

Just seems like the right thing to do now. Feel strangely relieved

It's almost as if calling it Quits highlights accomplishment, somehow. Truly remarkable if you ask me.

Calling it quits feels right.

No one wants to be called Bob

When Neil and Bob get together, things just get weird.

I hope they don't have any more children

@meesterboom - so glad to see you here. it's been a loooong time.
question - is the other place (steemit) pretty dead?

Hola!!! Nice to see you! Yes indeed. Justin Sun/Tron took it over and it is a shit show now. Everyone moved here which is much better :0)

reported to hivewatchers for clickbait

I'm just trying to tell you people why I called it Quits! The cops can call it Quits, too. Then what? Take themselves to jail?

Its a good kind of bait though. Should teach a lesson about engaging on posts. I randomly went and threw out a downvote on here.

This man came to me, voted, and turned my day around instead. Thanks man.

Shit, im callin it quits too

It's all good man. Just having a bit of fun here. Nice to meet you. Thanks for calling it Quits!

@acidyo was just joking around as well. I think it's safe to say nothing should be taken too seriously in this neck of the woods.

I kinda figured acid messing around. Hes an o.g around here far as i know. Nice to meet you tho bro, cheers, n see ya around.

Love the artwork, and the misdirection ...

Magic! I think I said it once already but I couldn't resist. Far too much fun. And who doesn't like happy endings...

I felt bad for you

Really bad

Now I feel bad for myself...

Damn itttttt


I'm calling it Quits... have a nice day

Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for calling it Quits today! See you next time!

another clickbait!!!! fine... I'll wait and see

I can't help the fact it'll be even more interesting, next time.

Say my name! Say my name bitch!


Not only is it a name, it's also a safe word.

Freudian art

lol nice going bro

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I think he (it?) might just be one of my all time favorites of yours.

What was so particularly cool about this was the fact that I got a short ways in and started thinking "I just can't WAIT for the comment section!"

You have entertained the colonists well, my friend!

I was feeling the same vibe once I called it Quits. Sat and admired this one a little longer than usual thinking, hmmm. Yup! That'll work.

I have so much fun here, man. You folks make that part happen for me though. So I guess we're even!

I feel like my brain got played with until I reached the art-work and came to the realization: ah he got us in the first half

I am going to call it quits too now.

I have few questions:

  1. How would you describe your style of art to someone who looks at your piece of work for the first time?
  2. What influenced your art style (if there is any)

Yes I was just joking around, playing with words again. Having fun.

  1. I don't usually describe it. Quits is obviously a cartoon character and like many cartoonists, everyone applies their own style. Unless they're trying to fit within a certain category I suppose like Anime or whatever. I do my own thing. But it all depends on what you're looking at. A lot of my work I'll allow pareidolia to take over after putting random crap everywhere. If I see a face or something I'll build upon the idea that was basically given to me by nature. Even with the thumbnail here if you look closely at the green section, there are faces in there. Sometimes I get nutty like this:

NoNamesLeftToUse - It Was All A Blur - Copy.png

or this:

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Artifact.png

To something a little more calm like this:

NoNamesLeftToUse - To The Right.png

But even there I stashed a face and from afar it takes on another look.

As for influences I'd confidently say, none. Whatever I'm showing here is a style I started from scratch, adding and learning as I went. Always left open to interpretation. People can think whatever they want. Pick any post at random, you'll see my art, but you won't really see me talking about it much.

Yes I was just joking around, playing with words again. Having fun.

Hahahaha it was a very engaging read for me from start to finish. I definitely didn't mean any offense with my prior comment. In fact, this has to be the most funniest and thoughtful post I have read this week with a nice twist. 😂

Even with the thumbnail here if you look closely at the green section, there are faces in there.

I do see some faces! I also see a giraffe too and a ghoul.

As for influences I'd confidently say, none

Your style definitely comes off as quite unique to me.

Keep doing you.

Well I fell for it and was very intrigued as to why you were quitting. I rather liked how you described this ecosystem (of sorts) we have created on here.
Glad that it is a new creation and not a farewell xxx

I didn't say I was quitting. And I was trying describe an alien world because I created an alien and called it Quits. In his language, that probably means 'chill' or something, but I don't speak it.

The rest is just a coincidence I guess... wink wink.

Either you die a hero or live long enough to call it quits.

Lol, I knew you were funny, but didn't knew you could design/draw so well.

You do this professionally, or just as a hobby?

Oh, before you answer, I know it will be something funny, not a straight one, so I am calling it quits too😅

Well you know what they say. "Live hard or quit trying." Actually. Nobody says that. Until now!

I do have a bit of a life outside of this realm but I keep this style and brand separate. And these days with digital art one can be a professional independent artist that's also enjoying their hobby at the same time. So many opportunities available nowadays, especially when combined with crypto. I always knew art and crypto would gel. Been waiting for the rest of the world to catch up since 2016 when I got into this and saw the potential. I'm one of the first! And I truly enjoy it.

I always knew art and crypto would gel.

Are you the one who's selling nfts for million dollars? 😅

I'm one of the first! And I truly enjoy it.

I wonder how many first few people are still here. Maybe very few?

I'm not even sure how many stuck around. It's not a high number. That I know. Can't explain why either. People just live their own lives and do what they want.


Hahahaha. I didn't fall for it. I saw the #trickedyou tag somewhere somehow.

Meanwhile, this Quits guy looks like some other guy I know called 'A Day'. You know how we work and all that and then look around with our donkey faces and say "Alright gentlemen, let's call it a day".

Damn! I thought I got rid of that after quickly realizing this can be a 'tough crowd' sometimes and humor is the last thing people want...

And it's funny you mention A. Day because that's almost the same joke! And I like it, so maybe next time I'll call it A Day. They can be siblings!

Nice clickbait :P

I LOVE how people scan and assume and never read - it's endlessly amusing. Mind you, guilty myself sometimes.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

LOL! That's just part of the game though, right! If I wasn't confident majority of people who actually enjoy my stuff have an actual sense of humor, I probably wouldn't go anywhere near this approach. I couldn't resist though. Dammit! Once I named him Quits, that headline just fell into place. Couldn't stop myself...

And yes of course it's fun to bug those who don't really care but will be glad to see me go...

I’m amazed I must say.

My friend, I must tell you: Amazing things will do that to people.

Totally fact.

P.S. Thanks for those shares on Twitter recently. At least, I think that was you...

Lol right!

Yep it was me. Your awesome content and mind are welcomed. One day I’ll have a field day inside your head😁

That would be a, field trip.

😂lol! Best reply ever!

I knew it, but you know, you can never know! I would have called it 'Spock'. It's the ears.

I can't call him Spock though. That name was already taken. There are no names left to use, remember?

Hmm, yes that is a conundrum. How about... Spock 2? Spock 2.0? Spock the second? The new and improved Spock?

All this thinking is making spocks come out of my head.

Too Legit To Quit - MC Hammer

(Ya got me.)

Lucky it's not hammer time!

Is the next one called Second Coming?

Our lord and savior, Jesus Quits. Now what?

Oh Heaven Sent.

LOL... i figured it was something clever like that.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

No. You're clever!

...Quits from one place is the entrance to another... )

When one door closes, another one opens; because this house is on a shifting foundation.

... agree about the foundation. The saddest thing is that I see neither the repair crew nor the building material.

We'll just have to do it ourselves! You hold the nails, I'll hammer them. Bring gloves.

With a hammer on your fingers ... it hurts if there is no habit. A more serious tool is needed here. And most importantly, we need skilled workers and a competent foreman

I'll be the competent foreman; until it's time to call it Quits.

One master will not master the repair of the entire building. His efforts will only be enough to seal some cracks. A major overhaul is needed here.
There are many separate apartments in this building, the neighbors do not know each other and I do not see their desire to pay at least the rent for utilities.
Everyone wants to use the common property for themselves.
I may be blind, but I do not see the house manager. There are no lighting bulbs in the entrance halls, and the basement smells of dampness.
At the same time, rats were divorced in the basement and attic ...
If you don't put things in order ...

we should all call it quits at this point😄

That's the only option we have!


You had me for a second. One of the small circle of people I actually wait for to post. I was going to be a little sad.

But now I am glad!

Damn! I knew people would be sad until I called it Quits. Gotta love a good mind-fuck though!

Thanks for being a good sport.

Always! Just glad it was all for fun.

'Fun' is my middle initial, somehow...

Eating seeds is a past time activity, I hear

You had me you devil

I was genuinely sad at the thought when I started reading, have to say

Great bait and switch

Called it Quits and became a magician. Never a better time to relax and enjoy some Spitz.

What's this?

No Name's called quits?!

This place must be the pits...

Alright. You got me with your wits

At least I didn't have to show you my tits.


You don't have to...

Not tonight. I have a headache.

Fuck it, I'm calling it Quits too! You've started a movement hahaa. I love Quits....somehow I can see his soul

Movers and shakers always call it Quits!

And yeah, the soul. Quits likes to reveal himself in public.

Yay new character!

I can see how the name might make the title confusing for some.

Calling it Quits has so far been one of the most confusing things I've ever done...

I like calling him "quits"

Very cute

Try not to be offended, but he reminds me of that crazy green frog... but with more "inner peace"

Posted via proofofbrain.io

LOL no that doesn't offend me. It's cool you can sense the chill vibes too.

GREAT title. I'm impressed by Quits and this post. You got me, dude. I love it. 😁❤️

I'm the Master Baiter!

omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

As soon as I saw your title, I called bullshit on you calling it quits. Guess I was wrong!

You were so wrong dude. I called it Quits and it turned out to be one of the greatest adventures I've ever had here. Funny how that works...

lol I love this post ❗ Quits is here to stay - just like you :) What a clever post :)

I knew calling it Quits would be a good idea!


Yes it definitely was a good idea :)

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Trolled me on that one! You’re a creative asshole you know! Lol

I learned young.

Classic, loved Bert and Ernie as a kid!

I met them in person when I was young. Ernie smelled like booze.

Damn you clickbait!

But you're happy! LOL!

haha this one got m good :D

Still cracks me up with every reaction!

i bet new peeps like me go, "wtf, this guy lives Hive with every breath and is going away what in the hell?", good retention tool we read it up to the very end, on hindsight i feel dumb, like i should have guess it :D

I'll admit this took some skill to pull off. It's a joke that can only work, once. But even the first few sentences I was already working in the hints. I chopped a lot of what I had originally as a lead up to what boils down to a punchline, left just enough for the reader to remain glued and not skip ahead. It was, in my humble opinion, well crafted; so don't feel dumb! LOL!

Play this psyop for all it's worth!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

What psyop?!?

It's art. And I am an artiste!

There are many to choose from! - here I mean the Hive blockchain...

Your post is a jolly slight of hand rather than a psyop

I spent over twenty hours on Quits, a couple hours on the cover. I named him Quits and wrote backwards from there. It's just a play on words combined with a bit of character development along with a cleverly designed relatable and suggestive theme. Quits is an alien and I just wanted to have a bit of fun with creative writing. A bit of a prank, meant to be humorous, as well. I feel like you're taking a cartoon character a bit too seriously. Psyop? I have several posts here from even long ago that take elements from the same joke. Supposed to be for fun. It's art and entertainment. Just like I've always done.

Yes, the Hive psyop has take over five years!

All your base are belong to us.

all your hive are controlled by us


I've been gone for a while but there was NO WAY you were actually calling it QUITS! LOL Glad to see you and so many people still active! <3

I take my breaks and don't post as often since I'd rather invest more time on something like calling it Quits, but yeah, still here, still exclusive, still active.

I've basically spent the last 2 years working with artists and comic book creators. The hustle and the struggle is real but I've missed being here. Today was as good as any day to start a 30 day challenge and build a blogging habit again.

I've seen quite a few of those pop in and out of here over the years.

Wow nice one , some people's are so talented, relativity in art work, keep it up it really quits.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Just have to know when to call it Quits. The great artist, @therealpaul; he once told me art is never finished. It's simply abandoned at the right time.

Something like that.

Hivicide hotline @stellabelle

HIVicide hmm that's the cure

Posted using Dapplr

Headline only reader?

I am note sure if anything is read, based on the comments.

You mean comments from that one?


Wouldn't it be cool to visit that parallel dimension though; where everything that is, isn't, and nothing is as it seems...

Parallel dimension, thy name is Hive.

Welcome to the hotel hivicide, you can check out, but you can never leave.

Are you another headline only reader?

No, I read all the way to the end, I just like the concept of being permanently ensconced once you check in.

Calling it Quits was, irony?

Yeah, but the comment was formed from the headline.

You misdirected the reader, and the concept of checking in and never being able to leave was formed in my mind from the misdirection, not the actual content of the post.

Ergo, the compulsion to see this concept in print irrespective of your intent.
I knew that you could never leave, even were you successful with calling it quits.

Making your headline total clickbait.
Very effective.
Look at all the engagement that ensued.

Actually, I've left for months at a time with no announcement and no plan on returning. I do enjoy entertaining though and the artwork is a healthy use of time. Came close recently to another break away from all things the internet but decided against it. The engagement and views here today I want to say are lower than average, but it's still 'early'.

damn i also calling quits
what the hell man

Posted via proofofbrain.io

That's his name. What the hell? I don't know. Blame the parents.

oh thier one to blame for it

This is starting to sound like Abbott and Costello.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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I am the inhabitants. We enjoy you periodically, consistently, not constantly, but we enjoy.

That's good. Maybe I'll go back into hibernation.

How do you hibernate? I could utilize a portion of that hibernation.

One simply goes to sleep for a season; but I don't really want to share the bed.

I don't share well

Yeah. This man cave was only built for one. So you better go find your own.

I just needed technique tips

Nice one

How are you fairing in SK with all of the crazy going on? You're there, right?

I was just thinking about him too :)

I'm there, sometimes, yeah. I just ignore the crazy. Tune it out. This is actually the first day I've been online for roughly two months. Been living in the middle of nowhere, away from all things crazy, and enjoying it.

Nice nowhere. This nowhere everyone looks the same and they're on repeat all the time repeat all the time.

All the time, repeat. All the time.

17 days since your last post and a power down... Did you pull a double U-turn on us and REALLY quit?! Enlighten us.

I stopped posting daily a long time ago. Wasn't a full powerdown, just needed some liquid on hand, because. I bought those tokens. On vacation currently and away from a steady internet connection for the most part, most days. Might be gone for a couple more weeks. Not quitting man, just living, and a lot of life is happening.

I'm late to this, but... well... brilliant wordplay and plot-twist. Well done sir. :) 🙏

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 15

haha great clickbait

You still lurking around anywhere? Finally got my groove back, haha,my post today made me think of you ;)

Where are you?

My feed is filled with nothing but mindless dribbles about reality as opposed to truths of fiction.

Come back...

Still alive. Been living way out in the middle of nowhere for the past while, away from devices and internet. Winter makes that kind of life difficult so I might come back and kill some time here again, maybe get back into creating content.

You've just made my day.

Oh the nostalgia. Only those of us who were there will ever understand the magic of 2016/17. I can't begin to describe it, or what was lost.

Anyway, thinking about you bro. Hope you're well.


Have you ever thought about throwing in The Towel?

Only when I do, The Laundry.

That's what She said.

Guess the naming got stuck, hopefully you make a new art piece and call it backsies. I know deals are supposed to not allow backsies, but then again, it is a piece of art, not a deal you would be making.

There are 2 pages