This Dude Sums Up How I'm Feeling Today

in #life6 years ago

I don't even have a name for this guy yet.

He's just another bloody mess, like me right now.

He lives in a cave, like me right now.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Sickness Dwelling.png

This took all of my energy.

I'm not feeling well.

I haven't gone to the doctor but I'm certain it's a Man Cold.

There's liquid; it's leaking out of my face.

I haven't seen or talked to another human for three days.

I've locked myself in a room. It's dark in here at all times. I only leave when I need water, something to eat, or more of that fancy cold medication that gives me a fantastic buzz when I mix it with coffee and cigarettes.

I've been eating a lot of bananas and peanut butter on bread because it's easy.

There's nobody around to make me soup but it's probably for the best because when you're this sick, sharing is not caring.

I finally got comfortable and that weird feeling of being cold when I'm actually boiling hot went away. Shivering and sweating at the same time is awkward.

I don't really have anything else to report.

Please don't take it personally if I'm quiet. I wasn't able to respond to a few comments recently and I doubt I'll have the energy to keep my eyes open after I post this. Typing isn't too hard but I'm worried about this liquid stuff dripping on the keys. That might electrocute me if I'm not careful. With all of this cold medication pumping through my veins, it's hard to care enough to be careful. I'm more about watching these cool wavy line things on the wall and wondering where they came from. It's like I can see air, or something. It's just floating along, minding it's own business. I tried talking to it but I've yet to receive a response.

That is all.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"My early xmas gift was snot. Lots and lots of snot. Thanks, Santa."

Images © 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Only low voltage inside keyboards, don't worry, drip away. It may stop working, but you'll be fine. Draw those hallucinations, I say.

I wonder how many people got electrocuted before they decided to cut the power inside these keys...

I've got norovirus, sick central. Blergh.

I don't even know why I did this. Should probably just go back to sleep for a few more days. If I'm not around, I didn't quit. Just not feeling well and there's not much going on here anyway.

It is exceptionally quiet, it does give you pause as to whether or not to post and it's not about the price of steem or the rewards but the fact that it seems there isn't anybody out there

Words can't even describe how out of place I feel right now. Cartoonist/funny pages material, in a land where everyone seems depressed about the price, or fixated on the platform, or literally gone. Sick, trying to have some fun, probably leave feeling depressed... LOL!

I don't want to talk about it.

Don't worry, I don't either but I feel the same

This too shall pass-- my go to phrase when things are a bit shit ;) We're still here, therefore this is still the coolest place to be!

That is true, very true!

I hear it is going around... Feel better soon, and I like the unnamed art dude.

Maybe I'll name him Teddy.

Get well soon! The guy looks overwhelmed... kinda trippy :)

He's shocked to finally see someone, after all these years living in darkness, alone.

I just got a tooth extracted.

I blame you personally. Why!

Up till Christmas I never felt the need to go to the dentist. I avoided it. Truth be told I was scared of it. I like to think it is/was my only fear.

And I was happy.

Then I got a toothache. I ignored it like any man would. But it got too much, I had to give in and go. Meet my worst fear.

Then I had to go for follow up treatment today.

I had a lot of time to think in that chair. I have always been good at pattern recognition. I looked for the pattern.

I found it.

Since you stopped posting my teeth have gone to fuck.

I blame you.


Up until Christmas I was in good health. Happy-go-lucky, over confident - the laugh in the face of upper respiratory viruses kind of good health. Then something happened.

I've been breathing mucus and coughing air ever since then. And now I know why.

Dammit @nonameslefttouse, Robitussin tastes like poison.

Lol, see.


Poor guy. Sleep and liquids. I will spare you the man cold humor in case you take an axe to the screen. Get well soon.

I tried talking to it but I've yet to receive a response.

Did you try flinging snot at it?

I hope you feel better soon!

Good idea.

Assert dominance

You got snot, I got a boil. Not on my butt, but still, a freaking boil, eww, this getting older stuff is just plain gross and painful! Must revive my once Herculean immune system!

Great bro, very artistic funny I appreciate you that well writing. Thanks.

Shows your ability to make something from nothing or better yet from a bad experience. Could be concerning give how dark it could get here as I think about the room you are in... Get well soon!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I just made soup. I am mentally sending some to you. Tis the season to be jolly or sick...depending on when the flu strikes I guess.

Looks like both you and he need a decent whack of sleep to try and knock this thing on the head. Don't worry about missing the comments, they'll still be there when you come back :)

I feel your pain. We've been passing the same cold back and forth around my house for like two weeks now.

The 'lurgy' around here has been and gone. No saying when the next round is going to appear. I see you haven't been posting much lately. it must be hitting you still.


Posted using Partiko Android

Hope you are feeling better by now. ❤️
I woke up looking EXACTLY like that the other day.....crazy....

Hope you're feeling better!

Hey you, still sick? I got knocked down by the flu for the first time in ages the last couple days, couldn't move for one of them- been missing your color and humor acutely- hope you're back soon.

How are things? Are you feeling better now? boss I really like your post and platform. Please sir, how can be like you sir?...what the secret?