So I'm just going to wing it.
Straight off the top of my head. Whatever comes out is what you get.
You damn right it's been awhile since I did this.
Normally I'd come prepared then just fake like I don't know what I'm doing.
This time I'm totally lost for words but I do not want to let the five or so people who agreed with the drunk human, down.

Are you sure you wanted me to post something?
Early December, I took off. Poof.
I realize some would most likely be expecting the entertainer side of me to come out here and put on a show of sorts. Or maybe write about an opinion I have and make it sound intelligent while I confuse everyone with some fucked up art.
I don't think I have it in me.
What I do have inside are a lot of thoughts I've just been keeping to myself. Life has been stressful. Of course that's nothing new to me and I'm sure you know what it's like.
I've been around the block though. You've probably seen me, here and there.
Been messing around on Threads, posting some old art, dumb jokes, memes that probably piss everyone off, maybe some music, trying to strike up conversations and give the new shortform content platform a chance. Just doing whatever and expecting nothing. I don't care what anyone says. Can post whatever you want there. Not just a crypto forum.
Turns out there's some good people there. Don't tell them I said that though. It's that LEO crowd so you know they're just going to HODL that compliment then write a million posts trying to get others in on that action before it's too late.
Got my face rearranged:

Seemed like a normal thing to do at the time.
So that's what I look like now. Could see me coming from a mile away before. Now it's two miles.
I got sick of people being afraid of me, so this should help.
And of course red is just the perfect color for someone surrounded by crypto enthusiasts. Should be a lot easier for me to make friends now.
I'll let you all in on a little secret as well. You know how I like to be all mysterious and shit. Check out those eyes. The color. What do I see?
Did I just make a prediction? Or are you even more confused?
I start out saying I don't have the showman in me, yet it's been one dumb joke after another...
This is how I deal with stress. I fucking ignore it.
@Dreemit passed away, what feels like awhile ago, already. That's been hard on me. While I was gone, I missed what turned out to be her final words to me.
Over the years and especially when I was grinding back in the day, trying to create content here, I always hated it when I'd miss responding to comments. Beating myself up extra hard for missing that one.
Sorry I wasn't there.
Always something to gain from a loss. So what do I learn from this?
Always appreciated you people out there but I think I've learned to cherish you all a little more now. Leveled up.

See that?
It's not the super quality version. It's old. Produced January of 2017.
When I first started doing this years ago, I didn't really understand what was going on but I knew art could equal money. Long before NFT was a thing, I sold that one. $12.50 and I accepted SBD at the time. Dreemit bought it, and it was the only one I ever sold.
And I think I screwed it up and sent her the wrong file.
I have no idea if I was the first digital artist to accept crypto like that but it was the first time I ever heard of it.
I gave up trying to sell units shortly after. Was happy with whatever votes came in. Work all day. Earn two bucks. Good enough. Whatever. Try again tomorrow.
Never dove into that NFT world. Just didn't feel like I'd belong in there. And for me the writing was always a part of the art.
She was also my first fan, and told me I'd be a star.
Of course I thought that was ridiculous but I didn't argue, much. She just seemed to know all this would eventually work out for me. And I'm happy with how things turned out.
But I'm still a mess.
I can't describe it properly. AI art burst onto the scene and for me, processing that; I guess demotivating is the word.
It took me years to develop my own style and with my zany approach, it wasn't always easy. I'd intentionally do the stupidest things at times, then sit back and act like it's serious, yet I was joking, and people knew that, but some didn't get it, and others would be pissed right off.
I knew it wasn't great in the early days but I also knew I was learning. Especially when I started using Krita. Had no clue what all those buttons did.
Over the years I got better and better and turned a really messy style into some of that shit that blows your minds. Blows my mind too!
I didn't want to emulate anything or anyone. Threw the rulebook out the door. Then really started to challenge my own mind; push it to the limits.

Can you draw one thing that looks like two things plus more things inside?
It's hard.
I can't even remember when I made that one, and I've produced quite a few more like that.
So I sit back and think: If I started today...
With AI, it's possible I would have shot past those years of learning, developing, having all those people come along to watch the show and encourage me. Skip all the steps and go straight to the grand finale, right off the bat. Deprive myself of all those experiences. Every fuck up and every success, gone.
No thanks.
I'm happy to be a primitive caveman who can make picture with hand.
Free to be a mess in a world of generated perfection designed by the thoughtlessly blind mind. Fuck yeah.
Just look at my new face. I'm a bloody mess.
I'd like to get back into this gig and be a little more active. Of course I've been saying that since damn near the start of Hive. If I counted right, I've only published about 85 posts on this chain. Still exclusive though; can't be found no place else.
Every time I'm around I see it's quiet. I wonder if my work would bring some of those folks back, even just to hang out.
I do a lot of that on chain. Hanging out. Some folks might not recognize me so that can be fun. Been working on some new art but nothing's ready today, aside from Somting. Just winging it after some encouragement I wasn't expecting. Didn't want to let anyone down.
Still alive. Still thinking. Happy to be here.
Have a nice day.

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It's a rare one alright. Once had it combined with "Most comments of the day." That's Super Rare Deluxe.
Hey man.
I read your post and I initially thought, 'Damn, this shit is heavy.' That's not a derogatory comment, I just didn't want to be flippant and leave you any platitudes.
I reckon there comes these periods in our lives. An author put it one way, decisive moments. And at these times, the justification for being otherwise is really strong. I mean, really strong. I won't go on my own sob story with this tangent, but it's at these times, our habits really define us.
Some stick to the tried and true, and the habit helps them execute, create or do whatever it is they appreciate themselves doing. Others, buckle under the pressure of very real, valid circumstances and deviate from who they believe themselves to be.
I don't mind how long you take between sharing- because as you've shown, you do come back. It may not be with the frequency you like, but even so, your habit of being present only reinforces that you could increase your visits- you have it in you.
And that's why I didn't wanna come here with no BS about, 'Damn, that's tough'. Hell yeah, shit's tough. But like you, the tough get going. You don't give a damn about pomp and circumstance, and remain unabashedly you. I like the pages in your book, and I'm takin' 'em. I disillusioned myself for a bit here, then fell away whenever the market discouraged me, but I'm back, kicking ass, cuz I enjoy the art of it.
I'm a real aesthete. Drafted my latest movie review just now, actually. Finna post once I finish this comment.
What I'm saying is, NoNames, keep going. You have no idea how many people are watching- waiting for you to lead the way. But I'll help you out. I can tell you right now, that I am one of them. I'm following your lead, man. Do it for me, man. Do it big.
I hear. Don't expect these sounds, so I'm listening close. That shit hits different for sure. Got me thinking here. Then a part of the mind wants to overlap, throwing excuses and explanations my way. Not writing that shit down in response, for reasons; because they're not reasons.
"Lead the way." So I'm sitting here thinking, did I need to hear this?
WTF is good leadership without teamwork.
Thanks man. I'm getting there. People are getting it, cool. So I could go get it, too.
A lot has happened in such a short space of time. I was floored by the news of the weemer. I had spoken to her about something daft just shortly before. Sad stuff.
I enjoyed this pat. and the new face :0)
And time is just flying. For me it is anyway. Been busy. Crazy busy.
Super crazy busy. Some fun time. Trying to power through. Preparing for the next uncontrollable thing.
And yes, sad, but a lot of good memories, man.
Yeah, memories are precious.
Glad you are crazy busy. I have been a bit myself. Tis good for the mind!
It's cool how it's all locked into the blockchain. That's how I knew her mostly, so it's all there. Onceuponatime as well. I miss that guy as well. I go back to old posts and there's all of us talking. Can kind of relive the memories in a sense.
Busy, come here, more busy especially if I try this posting stuff again. How many do you think I can do before I go poof again?
Wow. That's pushing it.
Goals. Loll always good to have goals!
There was busy as well ...
Cool yeah, fronts ends, corporations, firms, owners, and some random content floating about around some random valuation of some currency around people .. conversing
makes me think,
:D good name :D
ok I can barely think, sleep now, remorse later, nice to see people doing people stuff and posting music and being happy/sad ... I would have loved to have read the conversations, but that will come later, which another later would be again, once upon a time ... :D and congrats, keeping the community string and centered and all, definitely better than that yallapapi guy from way back when I was more frequent in this puddle of the void.
Had to think about it for a minute but I remember that dude now. I just chuckle thinking about that...
Are there new s'i(ns)tagramers, humm not going to reference the bat dropping quality of a post of his, it was a bit funny, definitely too much to stomach on a regular basis. :| Can't help myself again, shitcoins, shitposting, was bringing eyeballs for sure :D
Humm is trafalgar still around.
What a cute face!

Wow. This is the first time anyone has ever said that to me!
Good morning it’s so nice to see you posting here again.
I missed your humor and your art and I hope to see much more of you in the days to come. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That’s the good part about being on here, we get to know more people. People that get us for just who we are.
Happy Saturday to you!!!!!
I hope I can do this. It's always fun. Fortunate enough to have met thousands over the years. Hopefully most of them were at least smiling once.
Happy Saturday!
With this crowd, you never know. Loll
Well. It's no secret not everyone likes me... LOL
I'll live.
Who is Kyle and why do they keep voting on my comments?
Is what I want to know but NOT loooking it up on this tablet. It’s being nice to me this morning and letting me post comments. Not going to push it and just be happy I can do that
@klye is just a guy. Why he votes, I don't know why.
He set up a bot and votes everything and everyone with 0.1% votes. Some kind of criteria but I forget what it was.
Ohhhh, who could not love that face?
Plus you have become hip and trendy with shaving your eyebrows off!
What more could people want?
Actually it's an invisible unibrow.
I like the post. Like the art too. And never mind the AI stuff. Takes what it can find and understand and makes whatever you asked for out of it. Basically plagiarism, with some filtering. But hey, tools, right? Case use applies.
Sucks losing friends. Played many mmo games, and you always end up losing somebody on the field, at some point.
I like your style. Makes be think of myself a bit. When I get comfortable with a crowd it's all "Crude, Politically Incorrect and Socially Unacceptable. Generally Harmless, Otherwise". Gotta remember to give a follow after the comment, before I forget.
I get the busy point, too. Still working for a living and if that don't eat up a body, mind and soul... I do like to come on here and peruse through the feeds and see what will catch my eye, and you caught it, so kudos.
Anywho, wanted to recognize, so there it is. Catch you on another side.
I'm not too concerned about the AI. It's a tool, people will use it, sure. No problems. Opens doors though. Can go in the total opposite direction. A market that hasn't existed before.
Thanks for stopping in and all that. Nice to meet you.
Such a much friendly face. It's the teeth, then it's the green eyes contrasting in a sea of red. As I would say, cute, as in cunning. Good to see you post.
Two lines that resonate echo for months for me and the reason I've gone quiet here and irl.
So much I'd like to say about automated intelligence (ai), but, I'm sure to offend many, since that's a regular happening for me when I'm just being me. I'm too drained to deal with reactions these days. Suffice to say, ai is not for me.
Hey! Good to see you.
The flow of thoughts here, of course there's still a lot more to say, about everything. A lot more still locked inside. Plenty of things that all require heavy deep thought to process, all at once.
The AI art stuff. I could release something and to those new to my work, they might just overlook it thinking it's just another AI image. There's so many now, the sights have become a part of the background noise. Imagery is like clouds now. So I'll need to be a fucking thuderstorm.
I'm sure you have plenty to say and a multitude more locked away. Processing.....all at once sounds overwhelmingly intense. Got any secrets you want to share about how you do that? (yeah, that's a serious question)
I'm afraid of what I'll say if I talk most of the time, especially irl. It's spilled over into blocking my ability to write. I've nudged myself to get on today to engage to help nudge a post out of me (loads of images ready...but the words...).
The ai art stuff, if you look closely at any of it, it's very obvious all of it is missing an essential element, one that isn't machine or human, one that defies word labels but becomes apparent when one can see. The more something is automated, the less of this essential, indefinable element it has within it.
A note on ChatGPT. I have not and will not use such a thing, but was in conversation with someone (offchain) who proeeded to ask that thing questions and then reply to me with that thing's answers. This individual said to me that ChatGPT can remember for them, etc, etc, etc. It spoke volumes to me about how sick society has become. I don't see the point of creating if one is not involved in doing the process itself. Not a new opinion of mine, since a professor I had farmed all her sculpture designs out to be made by others. I better stop before this goes into a rant.
I wouldn't describe it as intense. How do I describe my thoughts? I feel like that's impossible. Words aren't enough. I can hear my thoughts and see my thoughts but there's no sound or light bouncing off objects. I don't know how others think so I can't draw comparisons. Impossible to answer that.
I can also see how AI art is missing that element. That element is about as hard to explain as thoughts are.
And I've messed around with the new Bing search chatbot, and actually enjoy it. But I'm not having conversations with it. Sure it can respond in a way that feels like a conversation but I know to not let it manipulate me, because if I did, that's actually me manipulating myself.
Well that's quite an answer. Complex. Multi-faceted. Visual. A full bodied thought about thoughts. Words are never enough, but I find they have the potential to create images and whole worlds, despite their static quality.
Yeah, that element, you know what I mean. It's something I pick up in all of your art, also your writing, which is the appeal for me. It's what I look for in all creations by anyone...the degree to which that element is present.
LOL! I didn't know there is a Bing one. I admit that I ignore a lot of what goes on in society, have done so for many years, so it never makes it onto my radar. I guess this is the direction society wants to go in, since it seems to be ever growing with more and more support for this direction.
Now I'm thinking.
So, that element, is not created or manufactured. Manifested, maybe? A sense? Hmmm.
And thoughts are so damn hard to explain yet there are people attempting to simulate actual thought artificially? Perhaps communication but not actual thought. Can't even call thought an ability. It's just there. Chaotic; chaos (but I don't mean running through the streets burning shit). That can't be coded. As soon as it's coded it's no longer chaos.
So here I am thinking but the words coming out are nowhere near what I'm actually thinking. Sure I could use more words and give this more thought then add even more words. But I saw something that triggered this thought process. Painting a picture won't describe it either.
If it's "artificial intelligence" and you think you have a full understanding of thought, show me how a dog thinks.
And the Bing chatbot just makes googling more like a conversation. Makes searching a little more efficient, for quick stuff. And it remembers context so you can dig deeper but be vague with your queries. Sometimes it'll give you a reasonable answer. Other times it provides sources and links, as the answer.
I stumped it talking about time travel. It was restricted by a definition and couldn't think beyond that or what's known.
That's closer. It's impossible to put into words. Words are probably the most problematic form of communication for many reasons, imo. A way to witness it in process is to observe while doing. I suspect you're already familiar with self-study and observing oneself, one's thoughts, etc., so this is just an expansion of that.
Yes, thought is just there, or rather many thoughts are there and ongoing.
All of that is how it goes. It can be frustrating, limiting, and other things. Thoughts are fluid and constantly changing. Words, images, 3D, video, are all static. This is one difficulty in attempting to put thoughts into words, images, etc. It is an attempt to confine something fluid and ever changing into something frozen and static, such as applying a word, or words to do so. This is why I refer to words as "word labels", so that I don't forget that all words really are, are at best, agreed upon static labels for whatever is in that particular box.
Hilarious. Have you ever attempted to communicate with a dog, or any animal, without words, eye contact, and/or gestures?
Interesting how the Bing chatbot works, thanks for explaining. It's still learning. Its hard to fathom so many changes rapidly developing within a 20 year time period.
That's even more hilarious.
Yes...yes, it would. It would bring some of those folks back, maybe just to hang out.
And if it does feel good, then you should do it again sometime lol. Good to read you again! I am sorry about your friend. I did not have the pleasure of knowing her, sadly.
I think with time, you're right. And sure it's impossible for some to show up again under my posts but they're what helped push me to this point of here and now.
Here. Have some bonus material that goes along with this post. Since you like to laugh.
You look exactly how I pictured you! Not disappointed at all:)
Yeah. Thanks! Felt a little red in the face at first but now I'm feeling confident.
Nice new face :)
Thanks. I plan on taking selfies in front of the bathroom mirror soon so people can see my toilet, too.
Wow, I feel this is not just something, it's indeed more than just something. It's gets difficult to forget the good things people did when they are no longer around here with us, my deepest condolences.
Your artworks is delightful, deep in meaning to those who can see.
It's a something something.
We all carry on though right. That's what they'd want us to do. Hold on to the good times not the bad times.
I have a lot of art. If I put it all in one post, it would break the internet.
I'm sure we are ready to see them all here on hive and even on other platforms, looking at someone's creativity can spark your own right, just like listening to music as an artist.
I was talking about what I've already produced. And there will be more, eventually.
Now that's a lot of emotions and revelation in one piece. It's a good thing that you haven't given up on your passion. The art looks crazy, but very outstanding.
And maybe, just maybe, people would like your new face:-)
Crazy, chaotic. That's intentional. Also mess around a lot creating illusions that stem from pareidolia but I've always had trouble explaining that process to people. The art is sometimes hidden inside, in a sense, and only available to those who can see it. Something I do intentionally as well. Could go on and on but it's not really meant to be explained.
Won't give up on the passion. Motivation is like anything though; peaks and valleys.
I like that you're being intentional about it all. Withholding your explanation is sometimes best, because many people may not see it from your perspective.
Please don't🤞✨
A lot of people learned to look for what's hiding. This is the first one I released on Hive:

Can you see the goat?
The G.O.A.T or goat. I don't see a regular goat tho. But I'm certain this piece must have caused an uproar.
No uproar no. It means the same. That's the G.O.A.T. (the main character, not the art) and if you look closely you'll see an actual goat in purple, on the cheek. Hidden in plain sight. Some can see it, some can't. But it's there, hidden inside the second side profile of a face that again, most might not even notice is there.
That's awesome! I had to reduce my phone's brightness and stare at the picture for like three minutes still in search of the goat(my phone was probably wondering why I was looking at it that way)😅. I think I found something that resembles a goat.
Artworks like this could be used for hidden details. Only those with the clue/those with gifted eyes, can find the hidden details.
You give us artertainment and that’s very hard to find. You’re like Gandalf but with art 😎 and maybe not the white beard…
That's a cool way to describe it. I can't control the response. I'm both grateful and feeling fortunate when I experiment and people actually enjoy it.
Millions of work here is done!
Keep gripping hold of the rollercoaster of life and keep going...only worry if it starts going backwards!
No AI will ever reproduce a 'you', stay out on the edge and bollocks to fakery
Take care fella :-)
Thanks for giving me stuff to read...
We could go on but let's leave it with a manly handshake until next time :-)
Thanks for the push.
I like your new face! Something between Santa Claus and a cute devil :)
I like making faces.
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Your name kept me wondering, no name left to use
Is that possible, I think I like the rearranged face lol.
It's an old joke. When you go to sign up for something and you get, "That name has already been taken." Never had that problem again when I simply signed up and said nonameslefttouse before it could tell me that.
Your other comment:
Never wise to take anything for granted. And that goes for trust as well. So it's wise to appreciate the land holding you up. Every pebble, every stone. Give them all a chance but try to avoid the ones that'll cut you.
Something like that.
Yes yes now I get it, it always says name has been taken then maybe you start adding some numbers or alphabet to make a difference but with nonamelefttouse you won't experience so I think is more than a joke.
Secondly I believe that appreciation goes a long way to motivate sincere humans to do more.
Thanks for replying.
You're right. It rubs off on people. I rambled a bit about that in previous post from many months ago, how success rubs off on people and you've just pointed out appreciation is what gets the ball rolling.
LOL and now we're both smarter for it. Can literally see the concept in action as we talk about it.
I feel so happy when someone appreciates me especially with some kind words like *"you did very well" * good joband a little 👍 lol, am certain thats how hard working fellow feels.
I will check on your previous post too.
Good to have you back here
Thanks. Hoping I can be a little more consistent with fewer lengthy gaps between posts and everything else. Life has a way of taking me away though.
My condolences.
It's all good in the end. Could have said a lot more, but we move on, right?
I kind of learned to be silent in those moments. Words muddle enough as it is.
:D Sadly I'm one of those people that can't help themselves. I don't know, I'd say learning and moving on would be the best thing, appreciating the moments we have and doing the best with them. For some reason I feel all of you as an extended family, maybe because I'm not attending to myself and my relatives, for some reason I relate better to strangers who just share the same experience and thoughts... See better shut up...
Keep it up.
I don't know the words for it. I internalized the whole thing. Shared a few words with people but could hardly get them out. Get to the point where you can think with strength again and just go. Have to somehow find a way to gain from loss, not let it defeat you.
As for everything I do here. I'm nothing without all these people. Quite a few not around and I think about them.
And I can relate to what you said there. I do take my breaks and stuff. Try to get that balance back. They don't really know it yet but most of this I do for them anyway.
As far as I know, there is no time for empty space in nature, so cycle and circle with it, roles to be filled, lives to be lived, ideas to be imagined. Fuck if I know ...
I'd say the only way to "succeed" is to put the goal and the point ahead of you and to do whatever it is for others, otherwise it's just counting costs and that gets nowhere fast.
:) Still you are one of the "original gangsters" here so that is a piece of history in it's own right, plus, you've made one of the most original bullshit artistry :D which for some reason is more truthful than mainstream editorial content.
And now I'm a bit drunk, on my way from the bar to get some moneh so I don't drag them down :D so think of my opinion what you will. .. In any case I've always tried to be there and help friends, I'm not sure how much is helpful, and how much I'm diluting myself. But I can relate to losses and feeling down, and there isn't much point to it maybe just to live with the burden and forgive. Whatever it is, you got it, keep giving :)
I'm listening.
Here is a list
Nice track, my "philosophy", some random quote summing up a life, a good guy,
and there is a music platform for youtube, it's a bit pointless,
in any case, my head is a bit jumbled, and that's the way I like it, more random diffuse commections .. :D connections, but I'm commenting on comments mostly :D
Times: 0r, 13:45, atend1h12:57, too long
Hence I etter shut up, because there are smarter, kinder and better people :)
Or I at least hope and believe there are
ether and better
In any case I'm a product of my environment as well and I like the time we live in, I can't be certain of afterlife, heaven/hell, myth, legends, ... I can't subscribe to materialism, since that would be boring, as you can see I'm not sure how to relate in general, on one hand I'm glad there is a medium like this, where I can run my sentence sand :D ... sentences and .. make rena... random nice freudian slips they were called ... with capital F
Do you think an editor would survive this onslaught..
What did I miss .. by the way..
Ir just seemed impossible to believe the art works fused into you work here.
I was just imagining how you did it yet I remember there are good site and apps that could probably help. Again, without a good mastery of these tools, it's impossible to accomplish any of this stuffs.
You're doing wellWeldon there @nonameslefttouse
I've been using a program called Krita for quite a few years. What I like most about Krita is the fact it's quite capable, and totally free to download and use.
I made that character in August of 2021. It's one my favorites so far.
O really.nice and interesting.
How did you formally create this. Can I do as well and what really is your area of aoccupation?
It would take me a long time to explain all the steps to create something like that.
It's just a character I made from my imagination. Not much different than drawing by hand on paper once you learn how to use the tools that come with a program like Krita.
Everything I learned, I taught myself. Takes a lot of practice. I think anyone can do it if they're creative and set aside enough time to learn.
Krita can be downloaded here:
But you need a computer that can run it as well. An artist can get by using a mouse to paint with.
O I see. For now, I make do with my phone.
I was already imagining the time it will require. Yes, I'll try. There's no harm in trying anything at any given opportunity
Thabk you so much @nonameslefttouse for your time and always responding
I appreciate🤝
Thanks for stopping in. And I still have this song stuck in my head because of you, but that's not a bad thing at all. Thank you. Have a good day!
O woooow..I can't feel less at all knowing I resurrected a good memories on you sharing the song.
Am so glad. Thank you very much for making me feel so valued now🤸♀️🤸
Am happy
Thank you
I also love the fact that you appreciate and cherish people and I assume you love hard working people too, I appreciate that too.
MMhmm. ~Nods confidently~
How are you? I don't believe we've met.
Yup. It's a quiet one here today.
Yeah. I can hardly tell you posted again. :yawn:
Was that just a fancy way of telling me, I'm boring? 🔪
Man it's tough to get anything past you.
Are you calling me fat?
Have you forgotten it's what's inside that matters?
Nice having you back again...I enjoyed reading your post. We all miss her too.😭😭😭
Yeah for sure. A lot of people who knew her, miss her.
Wow... congratulations on getting that rare badge 💯😎