Society is a Two-Faced Bitch

in #life3 years ago

Good evening.  I'm your worst nightmare.  Nothing I do or say will make sense to you.  Shocked, you will awaken, then be glad it was all just a dream.  Within minutes you're back to still being on your device, enjoying more bad news working to convince your subconscious it is good.  So good you need more.  So good you can't put it down.  So good you'll cheer for atrocities and show all your friends.  So good it'll tell you the world is ending.  So good all you can do is stop, share, and 'like' it.

But before we get started...

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Make a choice.

Which form of oppression suits your style?

  1. This side telling you you'll live if you do this.
  2. That side telling you you'll die if you do that.

That's it.  That's all you get these days.  Pick one.

Do not delay.  Act now before it's too late.  It's all the same but that's a secret.  That's not a fence, it's a two-way mirror, so let's get on with the show.

Fear not.  Within a month you won't even notice your mind missing a few pieces.  The parts you must forfeit.  Your thoughts.  Your old life.  Your belongings.  Leave those at the door.  Choose your new head.  Place everything else in the locker including the key.  Close it shut.

Here's your screen.  Do you see it or do you see what's on it?  If you've done everything right, there should be no noticeable difference.

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Now you're in.

I have you. You're mine. I'm going to make this the best day of your life. Death. The numbers. Death on the rise. Look at these numbers. Death. Rising. Death. Numbers on the rise. Death. Sickness. Death. Falling. Stand outside. Get in line. Push. Anger. Pepper spray. Weapons. Yelling. Screaming. This is good. This is great. Yelling. Death. Control. Photo. Opportunity. Get more. Do something. Do this. Do this. Do this. Do this. Don't do that. Death. Control. It's coming. It's coming. It wants you. Tell everyone. Now. You're helping. Do it. Save the day. Death. Control. March for me. March. Dance you little fuckers, dance. I will save you so smile for my camera! Burn things! Burn things! Smash!

Truth with a capital 'T' is meant to be worshipped by followers and has nothing to do with honest 'T'.  Truth wants to be believed.  A lie does not care.  Maybe that's why they'll tell you the world is forever ending and full of bad things; but all they do is sit there, and say it with a smile.

What do soldiers do in a war?

They take orders.  Nothing else.  An individual mind, complete with one of the various random sets of beliefs provided to humanity by other humans over the years, plays absolutely no role in who wins or loses.  Killing another mind is not murder on the battlefield.  All doubt is cast aside.  Pulling the trigger offers a sense of pride.  You did the right thing and there's nothing wrong with that, said both sides, who apparently disagree on everything.

"There's a war on for your mind."

In other words...

"I want your mind."

An original thought is created from nothingness.  A regurgitated chant comes from someone in control.  A warmonger for instance, or a cult leader.  Once a mind becomes a mouthpiece, word spreads.  Door-to-door.

"Hi.  Have you heard about how your lord and savior, Bill Gates, is trying to kill you?  Would you like some reading material?  No?  Well fuck you then.  You must be one of them!  Those people!  Those people out to kill us!  You're a murderer!  I'm totally not insane!  This is real!  We're all gonna die!  Can you not see how good of a person I am!  I bought this shirt online from the Truth!  It even says Truth!  $29.99!  I support the Truth and I know Bill Gates better than anyone because I actually did my research like I was told to!  I'm simply handing you Truth and you deny me!  You should be ashamed of yourself for not accepting this!  Anyway.  I'll just leave these documents in your mailbox.  Is your neighbor home?"

(A little heavy on the sensationalism so far?  Bear with me.  It's an experiment in thoughts.)

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The Press

Did you know all news media, regardless of source, follows the same set of rules, and one doesn't even need to spend thousands on an education in order to make headlines?

Simply place some information here and hope people see it; pick up a camera and record the world's randomness.

Those within the current cults on both 'sides' will tell you their media, or how their information is presented, is somehow different, better, more reliable than that coming from those they've been conditioned to oppose.

The pull.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be conditioned to dismiss any and all information coming from sources automatically stamped with a label of disapproval before each instance has been studied thoroughly?

Most within the cults won't notice all information is mainstream.  MSM for instance is one label applied to anything one has been conditioned to dismiss by default, much like the logo on the sports jersey representing the team one hates.  Yet the main stream of information those same individuals flock to is typically applauded by default, even though they were told numerous times to question, everything, and despise mainstreams.

Social media; mainstreamed.  Independent sources; mainstreamed.  Alternative sites; mainstreamed.  Anything and everything, at the fingertips, under the noses, and one link share away.  Placing a label in front of the word 'media' does not somehow miraculously morph the media into something other than media.

Some sources might not be as popular as others but that's not the point, and nothing is stopping anything or anyone from growing.  Being 'deplatformed' for presenting news media is a joke nowadays and you need look no further for proof of that claim.

The push.

Anyone within a cult reading this far will automatically paint this information as villainous, vile, indecent, and just plain wrong; provided they disagree.  The writer is the enemy.  The writer is an operative/agent of doom.  The writer is on the other side of the walls and cannot be let in.

The cult member will begin experiencing the seven stages of grief and do everything in their power to shut it down, up to and including reaching out to other cult members in order to be cleansed.  All of which is common for all cult members to experience once confronted.

Not one cult member in the history of cults knew they were in a cult.

People locked within these cults need support.  Mocking them indecently or aggressively for falling into a trap they didn't see coming could be a sign you're in a cult yourself.  Navigating through peculiar behavior is a challenge for many people; most prefer to stay out of it.

Return to Jonestown.

There's no place like home.

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Between a rock and a hard place.

Those advocating for integrity in journalism can see right through the nonsense coming from all directions.

Information has fans?  How can that be?  Even fans of music don't like every single song their favorite genre puts out.

Fans of information are doing cover songs all over the internet; singing along.  Even if it's bad news, they're dancing.

Established sources which in 2021 now includes both the little guy on the internet and the stuff coming out of those skyscrapers; they all latch on to the same topics and sing the pop songs.  This is for money; only money.

In general, most will agree, there's nothing wrong with making money.

The longer you can keep it on the charts, the more money you'll make.  That's the reason why you see an endless stream of Covid material coming from all directions for instance.  It's not about saving lives.  Saving lives and writing about saving lives are two different things.  Once this is 'over' the stories will be about something else; same tactics applied.

Criticizing the two predominant factions in the news media seems to go nowhere.  I'm not talking about the left/right political scene as those are simply subcategories implanted within the two teams that have somehow convinced themselves their approach to informing the masses is different than the other team.  It's the same playing field and both sides have a script prepared to handle one another's arguments.  That same script is applied to outsiders since the two teams are convinced there are only two teams; home or visiting.  It's also a gimmick and breaking character could spell disaster; friendships, community, market, money, security, comfort; gone.

The aforementioned potential fear of loss is typically what shackles a cult member to the floor with invisible chains; that's why they rarely leave on their own even while things around them are taking a turn for the worse or not making any sense.  Plus there's always someone there to remind them everything will be alright.

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The proverbial information war.  All that is are two media factions working as one (can't have one without the other) first drawing a line in the sand, creating two markets.  Each market caters to a specific type of mind.  The information is designed specifically for the target.  For those not yet hooked, it becomes a race.  Whichever faction gets to the mind first, wins; now they have a lifelong subscriber.  That subscriber remains due to the injected fear of embracing 'the other side' while AI works night and day offering more of the same created by contributors the consumer "might" like.

The two sides are simply society acting as one, being pushed and pulled in opposing directions.  No different than traffic choosing a lane and staying on their side of the road.

News media acting as one unit divvied up makes a metric shit-ton of money and has all the attention it'll ever need, for as long as the power is on.  All the bases are covered, by design, forever.


Welcome to Hive.

Many presenting some forms of news media utilizing this platform are often met with opposition rather than praise; some even go completely ignored.  This comes as quite the surprise to some since other more 'traditional' platforms create the illusion of popularity by placing the information directly under the noses of those conditioned to support it.

Smoke and mirrors.  Imagine feeling successful after being tricked and taking credit for a stunt pulled by a robotic magician you can't even see.

For several years but most importantly over the past decade, society on nearly all fronts has been manipulated.  Warped, twisted, contorted, shoved into a box, where they've become a product of their environment.  From the top floor of that skyscraper all the way down to mom's basement; those creating and consuming were tricked into thinking what they're doing is special.

All for good reason.  There's far more money to be made if the customers are happy.  Strong opinions clashing with more strong opinions creates an environment most flee; never to return.  That's how it's always been.  Go to any club and you'll see security, for the same reason.  It's basic business common sense.  Put the smokers in the smoking section and the non-smokers everywhere else; make money.

Media exists to make money.  The money might not be obvious; it's there somewhere.

Humanity for the past several decades has been in denial of their dark side.  That argument between spouses shuts off the moment the doorbell rings.  Get in an argument with a friend on the internet, and you just lost a follower.  Visit a location online and everyone is happy because years were spent pulling weeds and planting flowers.

Years of conditioning.  Derogatory terms like drama, triggered, trolling, and various others are used to describe the natural state of disagreement; the conversations are frowned upon.  After having it swept under the rug for years, some conversations between opposing forces can appear to be quite shocking.  Others encourage people to start mocking.

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Is there something wrong?

Hell no. Society simply forgot or never learned how to navigate their way through difficult conversations/obstacles.  People struggle.  Feelings are hurt.  Things look ugly; as they should.  Plus at times there's an impossible wall of brainwash and cult-like mentality to break down first before anything can be achieved; people also think they're playing team sports and need to win.  All for 'likes' and good job buttons.

I see this as an opportunity for society to advance though.  Minds clashing doesn't need to sound like pots and pans clanging forever.  Someone will learn how to make some good music out of that, eventually, if they keep trying.

Groups forming around ideas all the while claiming it's best to think critically and ask questions, then becoming distraught if they're questioned; they're not being honest.  They're working to protect an illusion; an illusion that once protected them.

That illusion, coming from all directions, based on a group of one, known as society, is stunting growth.  Society is in a jam right now and it seems all people want to do is play mind games.  Not cool.

Someone should probably fix that...

But instead, they'll double down...
Because that's how the game is played.

There's no money to be made in telling people what they don't want to hear.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
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"Gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us, one of us."

Images © 2021 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


But...but, I like watching the world burn.

Grab some marshmallows. Make a toast. Then have a roast.

Funny how I write this, then 4-5 days later they all switch over from Covid to Afghanistan, at the exact same time, yet act like independent journalists.... ?

There's also the part about 25% increase in food stamp value.

Ooo that sounds exciting to a Canadian, that doesn't know wtf a food stamp is.

Something, something, welfare.

But yeah, Afghanistan is the latest trend. People are just excited about US pulling another Vietnam, I suppose.

And the news media busy capitalizing on both sides of the story, of course. And the people forgetting what they thought about last week so they can think about this and not even noticing what caused the shift in thoughts...

If you need me, I'll be somewhere in the bush.

Goddammit, did you just tell me something I didn't want to hear?

Yes indeed I did... or. Wait. I don't know what it is you don't want to hear.

I made an accident!

Anything that challenges my beliefs and makes me feel uncomfortable, is what I don't want to hear.

You done accidented!!

That challenges my beliefs and makes me feel uncomfortable. Which emotion would you prefer to receive:

  1. Anger
  2. Sadness
  3. Happiness
  4. All of the above somehow
  5. awkward silence

Let's start with (5) awkward silence and see how things go.

Psst! How long is this supposed to last? Can I take a lunch break?

You want to take a lunch break, during the middle of our extremely long and awkward lunch date?


If only it was only two sides and black and white to choose from. Actually, I prefer it complicated, makes it more interesting when looking from the sidelines. I think most people just don’t see the forest from the trees and spend all their energy towards something that is not fruitful.

I don't even sort my laundry.

I guess most of us are scared of loneliness, not just physical loneliness but being mentally different than others, we are shamed if we aren't part of the herd mentality, if our mind perceives things in a different way and that's how society manages to suppress creativity.

Obviously it would get to a point where instead of feeling alone, it would be a thing of delight not to be influenced mentally and physically by the ‘hot airs’ society blows in form of communication.
You’re better off alone than been hypnotized.

And Bingo was his name, oh.

B-I-N-G-O. 😹
What do you think about Zen?

I do now.


🤧😹😹. Ah, that’s the point

Not giving a fuck actually feels kind of good though. Takes a bit a practice. You can get used to it.


Sitting around talking shit doesn't fix anything either. But most intelligent people know that.

Your innards would disagree with you unless you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), nothing fixes after IBS.

What do soldiers do in a war?
They take orders. Nothing else. An individual mind, complete with one of the various random sets of beliefs provided to humanity by other humans over the years, plays absolutely no role in who wins or loses.

Yes and no. Yes, you are correct, but there is more. Some areas of the military train you to question...everyone like in the field of military nuclear power. It seems though, that they forgot to tell everyone else. While someone can be trained to question, those people are also required to do what they're told. It was so confusing.

Posted via

I realize there's more to the story, but I can't write the entire novel. That's where you folks come in.

I can see how that would be confusing.

Also, metaphorically speaking, is what I was doing, sometimes.

Those who don't know the reality for sure will believe it. Who would have thought it was a lie when most of us don't tell the truth because it was covered with money and some thought it was entertaining.

I'm afraid today's world will nothing but a lie because the people standing in the society chose to stay silent.

Silence is golden, they say.

I guess we know what that means now.

I liked that song Watermelon Sugar High a few months ago when I thought it said "want a new sugar high" but I heard it about a thousand times that week and now I hope the singers face falls off.

I just as in just heard a father of three young girls at the gas station yesterday say something like: Delta Charlie Echo variant Trump mask Vaxed Lives Matter Fauci China Wuhan hot sauce.

It was either 'hot sauce' or 'shit for brains.'

Most of the music I like I hear about a thousand times in a week. Even when I shut it off, still playing. People ask, "Hey. Can you hear that?" And I'm all like, "Fuck yeah. It's a good song." And they're all like, "What?"

As if!

Watermelon Sugar High.
Watermelon Sugar High.
Watermelon Sugar High.

Olala im scared, 😱, oops no, not at all 😬

Nothing to be afraid of. I was just having fun with words, being a bit creative. Putting on a bit of a show.

I am right. You are wrong. End of story.


I'm rubber.
You're glue.
Whatever, I say.
Fuck you.

I fucked you.
You fucked me.
Should we now,
sit and have tea?

Gotta have a smoke first then put away the bone.
This old man can't find his phone.

Got that right.
You're as old as the hills.
I'll go back to counting my dollar bills

Bling bling and a little cha-ching is the song you sing but I thought to bring some shit to fling and then forgot the thing.

Aint no thing I cant wear as a ring even with my arm in a sling from flinging too much string

At some point I read your name as no names left the house badum tss.

There's no entertainment without conflict and we are all in a play playing and be played. And there's money in entertainment. If there was a higher being above our woes they would probably watch over us and think we're beautiful, horrible, and nuts.

Have you picked a side yet?

You're not the first to misread the nameless name.

I picked my side. Then I picked my ass. Then I picked my brain.

Still just an observer. I watch things. No need to 'take sides'. Those assuming I did have been conditioned to think that way. No fault of mine.

Well said. Be free and bold on your side of the fence.

Long may we all stand on your side of the fence - it feels like where freedom is.

What fence? That's just a gate temporarily out of order.

Hello! We are part of a cult here on Hive too or crypto xD Especially when people gather in flocks and chant for wen moon and other shit like that. Anyhow, the only way to stay true to yourself is to avoid as much as any sort of collective thingies as possible and not to fomo on others hype and look, look you are missing out on the action here and there and you should do this and that. At that point you extend your middle finger and go about your day because at the end of the day none of that shit matters or helps your quality of life. Or something like that. At least how I feel lately and that my wish is to avoid all the collective bullshit as much as it is possible xD

Yeah I noticed long ago crypto can be a shit show. Saw right through it straight from the get-go.

Hello, come to see you and translate and I thought you were not shut up hahaha
I see that daily life is false, the news the ideas that get you, what you have to do to enter the circle of beautiful and influential people, so as not to clash.
How people put their photo and say how lucky they are, how handsome and how amazing their life is.
Of course, it is better than saying that you are a poor prick who earn four euros and a poop job.
Over the years I have become disbelieving and even if I see it as white I always doubt it.
Now I think of your daddy, I hope he's better.
I want to be who I am a free soul and give them all
Happy Thursday.

LOL! It just goes on and on and on and on and on...

People do often emulate the behavior seen in the media. Showing only their good side, creating a story to follow along with. Not everyone falls for the façade though. Portions of society are wising up to this, I think. People have become advertisements in a sense. Only natural to want to skip over those at some point. A lot is being revealed. The tricks aren't magic anymore.

Dad's doing fine. Nothing but good news about that situation.


Hey, thanks for this man.

I just finished reading it in its entirety and really like it. Hope it doesn't sound cliche' but what you just wrote really sings to me.

I am one of those that always use the word 'triggered' on others. I think I am kind of brainwashed even though I like to be in the middle.

I also get labelled a 'troll' lots by my girls and very close friends. This label though I own it. I savour it. I embrace it.

@enforcer48 said it best.

I like watching the world burn.

Not literally because I plant trees as much as I can. Friend once came to my house, his comment after seeing my backyard.

I see what you are trying to achieve here... that jungle look.

What can I say I see the order in natures chaos.

Again, thanks for the post.

I don't care about those labels. Some do stick them on at the wrong times though. Used so often, thrown around like candy; they lose their meaning. Made out to feel low for questioning something. On their own they're just words. Your comment triggered a response from me.

Well, that's good.


I was only talking about the cases where they're thrown in as an attempt to shut down dialogue.

I know.

Am just reacting getting a response like Bill and Ted.

Plenty of other words and phrases some use to weasel their way out of a difficult conversation. People are made out to feel embarrassed for not understanding or questioning. And of course there are some who are overly dramatic or obnoxious, but it doesn't make sense to lump everyone into that pile. I'm confident we've all seen it happen. Sometimes they're used humorously so that can be fun. Context matters.

I was just thinking of that. "Context"

Sometimes dickheads just hear the last paragraph of an hour long debate and start to put their two cents in.

Hi @nonameslefttouse ,Manipulation has always existed and will exist, society and the media help this to continue and obviously people are influenced, I think this will not end even if we are all aware of the issue.

I agree. The concept dates back thousands of years. Hasn't really changed much, generally speaking. How it influences people, some more than others, has always been puzzling to me. How some refer back to media when presenting their 'new' ideas to others also seems peculiar to me. Life imitates art. See what I did there.

Living in a crooked society is hard but we can make two decisions

  1. Either listen to every comment and feel sad
  2. Ignore everyone, do what you love and be happy.
    Choice is ours

Your comment doesn't make me sad. Context matters. But I see what you're saying. Tune out the nonsense. That's actually the most natural reaction. That's why the news relies on dirty tricks to attract and maintain attention. The natural walls must be broken to get in, then new walls are built around. The windows provided are an illusion; a screen playing a world outside to be fearful of. The box naturally begins to feel comfortable and safe. But it seems many don't notice the chains.

Unfortunately, you are too deeply right ...
Dirty hands try to take over your mind. It doesn't matter if the right or left hand reaches you, they both belong to the same monster that sows fear and devours your energy.
The best slave is the one who considers himself free.
Long live democracy ...

The best dictator is the one constantly warning of potential loss. You're nothing without them...

The best and the worst are also from a set of dualistic deception, again you have to make a shitty choice)

Misdirection. Illusions. Most people who go to the magic show don't know, even though they know they went to a magic show.

when you go to a show, you at least assume where you are going.
The shitty thing is that life itself turns into one big show and not even magical, just shitty

Right. So I said singing cover songs.

the shitty thing here is that you get used to shit, it becomes just a part of the environment

I appreciate how you feel. It is terrible to be backed into a corner and have to do or die. All too often what we have to do to not die is cause others harm, even deadly harm.

But you misrepresent our dilemma. I am not at all compelled to simply agree with one side or the other, because I am capable of looking at information and making up my own mind. If I agree that neither of two options is superable, I can decline to support either, and simply go my own way.

I do this a lot. The two cheeks of American partisan politics are a good example of this, as neither is preferable to the other, and it is my observation that it takes both cheeks to make the arse of American government. I support neither Republicrats nor Demoblicans, and I am not alone at all, nor is this a new idea.

I neither side with any political movement, and vehemently disagree that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sometimes I am just alone and surrounded by enemies.

That's ok. I'm going to die someday, and I will likely die on a hill I have chosen by my free will. I post so as to provide information I believe to be factual that has convinced me some policy is rational. I do not post to coerce, deceive, or compel anyone to agree with anything or anyone, and welcome criticism, so that if I am wrong I can find out and change my mind.

I reckon you can do that too, and should.


Not everyone has their head buried deep inside the asses of these cults. Most don't, which is why you'll notice majority doesn't obsess over whichever topic is 'pop news' at the time. Once inside though, things become loud and that noise helps maintain the illusion/delusion.

Once they're in, one can tell them anything and they'll believe it. Right now the latest trick being played was telling the naïve types the vaccine is triggering devices to detect bluetooth signals. It's almost too easy to make money off these people and their attention...

The power of suggestion. It's a form of hypnosis. Even those watching game shows and 'live' television are being subjected. They always had x's taped to the stage where people are to stand so they're always in shot but now some people associate that distance with social distancing, just like those with devices detecting 'unknown device' in their bluetooth options will now associate that signal with someone who's been vaccinated, even though those 'unknown device' signals always existed due to proximity of unpaired devices being a regular occurrence now. Those buried deep within these cults live in a completely different reality now. They can't really be helped either. Hypnosis does wear off over time with less exposure though so shutting off these manipulators in the media would be a wise first step to make. They're programmed to keep it on though, unfortunately.

You yourself associate what I said with being backed in a corner. But there is no corner.

You are quite correct that folks incapable by nature or rearing to make well considered decisions fall headlong into cults. Neither of us is of that ilk.

"...there is no corner."

Sadly, I wish it were so. I learned it was not so in the Seventh Grade, when accosted by several of the teams of jocks. There was ~40 of them and me. This is a real corner, and the solution I sought to implement was that any cornered rat would take.

While I took my lumps, they did not take from me either my voice, nor my self respect. Today we are trapped in many corners in metaphorically similar circumstances to my middle school fray, by forces we are vastly overpowered by.

These forces do take our voices and censor us.

What they cannot do is make us agree they should, or with their propaganda. This is why I am here, and not on Twatter, because here I have a voice, and on Twatter I have been censored. Until the troops come home from Afghanistan, and we are literally dehumanized by force, I will guard my corner as I am able.

Then I expect to be silenced forever.

I'm fully against how certain platforms out there are censoring or applying 'more information' alerts to content coming from independent sources mentioning anything pandemic related. All that did was fuel conspiracy theories. Made it look sketchy and controlled by a few. Also through the power of suggestion again, that conditions minds to dismiss 'unofficial' information by default, which could set the stage for problems down the road. I absolutely hate how the media handled this entire situation. And with that I include those who would intentionally spin the 'official' story into something it wasn't. That's new media as well these days, I suppose, since some choose to believe tabloids and get steered in all kinds of directions. Bugs me how the written word or the spoken recorded word is processed by the human mind. Just seems to enter the brain like a virus and start messing with the signals. And it bugs me seemingly majority of society thinks they're immune to brainwash. Once one puts their guard down, they become easy prey.

Too true. I am often haunted by how easily I have been led astray, and that is why I so treasure criticism, because that has always been what has corrected me when I have been fooled.

Indeed, few are likely to be cornered, which means death or even total exclusion, depending on the degree of provocation. Very few find death, and if they do, we don't hear about it. The common man usually has alternatives that are within reach, even though he may not like them.

If I have understood you correctly, you are saying that the more one takes in the extreme positions of the media, the more hypnotised one remains. I agree.

Eckhart Tolle - although I'm not a big fan of his - called the fascination or hypnosis that relates to sensations the "pain body". This pain body likes to be paid attention to and fed new pain.

What successfully feeds the pain is not the current real situation. It is the fear that what we are afraid of will happen or has already happened.

But it is also a fact that these extremes exist and will probably continue to exist. The one extreme gives birth to the other. If every event that is declared a catastrophe were not such a hit in the media, there would be no opposing forces blowing the same horn. The one causes the other.

I once asked myself what would actually happen if there were no opposing extremists to one set of extremists? Would the whole thing then be dead? Would the extremists then no longer find an ear or an eye? What if the news were full of hysteria and people shrugged their shoulders?

Indeed, I would prefer it just like that. You can hardly allow yourself to express such a view in such a direct way today without being labelled a moral monster. I think it's a better decision not to take it seriously any more. Unfortunately, the people in my living space don't find that desirable. So my ignorance ends at my front door and I can wish as much as I want that more people would just sweep their own doors, they don't do it and like to swing their brooms in other people's rooms.

That said, I can accept that people are like that and that the diversity in which each individual reacts to events is also a blessing. Sameness and uniformity is an abstract idea that, if you fall prey to it, unfortunately, is also always up to mischief.

So yes, there is no corner. And no, there is a corner :) - depends, if you put a "for me" or "for you" into the sentence.

This world is full of inconvenienced pussies. Ever notice that?

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Is there a leaderboard for that particular achievement?

I have no idea what to take away from this, is there a summary sentence that could get me to the point?

Read between the lines.

It would have been easier for me if you could have wrote the between lines instead :p :)

That was the sentence you requested...

Okay, so I came here to see if you posted and found I had missed it during my time away in the real world! So then I came here with the intention of reading your post and then upvoting it, but then I realised my brain was mush and so I just scrolled down to upvote and write this, because somehow typing is easier than reading.

I definitely aspire to reading your post later!

I thought for a moment, then grabbed a coffee, then started my routine responding to texts and emails I missed throughout the night, then decided I'll read them later.

So when I get around to it and once I read your comment, you can expect a response from me. Talk later!

So much passion put into writing. Damn!

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You like that?

I definitely do

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Yes it is true that whatever it this to make money if not all but many people's we try to partakes in it, very wonderful post keep it up.

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Glad you liked it.

Nice post

Nice comment

Nice response. :-)

Nice observation

Nice comment about an observation

Nice 3rd party commentary.

Nice that you noticed

Nice acknowledgement

This is turning into a nice conversation

Sorry I wasted my time this place is a shot show like our world!

Sorry you feel that way. Not sure what your problem is but, okay. Have a nice day.