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RE: The Great Escape

in #life2 years ago

I just find it fascinating when I stumble into it. Not amirl's case but just in general. It's not often you get to observe so many warped minds mingle and manipulate one another. I think prison guards and those working in the mental hospitals are the only ones afforded that luxury on a regular basis. It's like standing behind the mirror.

On a sidenote, technical difficulties on PeakD? Had to sign into


Hmm, Peakd seems to work for me, but possibly something is going on in the background for the hardfork?

And yeah, people are weired mostly, over on blurt it seems that's the prerequisite.

I switched API nodes and now all is good. Should of thought of that in the first place but I'm learning. It's only been six years LOL!

Lol...Learning. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what it was about. I see autos aren't firing etc. It'll sort itself out.

Eventually yeah. These hiccups might be frustrating for some. Might spend some time browsing around, looking for potential meltdowns. Try to calm them down before they wreck themselves then end up on blurt blowing a minor inconvenience out of proportion for six months nonstop.

Lol, you're like a crime fighter...Like batman noman!

If that toxic shit goes unchecked, they kill the vibe and people leave. So much easier nowadays to get rid of that problem though before it gets out of hand. Apparently all you have to do is tell them about blurt. The trash practically picks itself up now. That joke never gets old...

Indeed, and it breathes life into the, birds of a feather flock together, phrase. Rather than rise above, to surround themselves with those who uplift them to new and greater levels, they choose to dwell in the quagmire of hatred, blame, and negativity.

A mentor of mine once said, some 25 years ago...Would you rather soar with the eagles, or stay on the ground with the turkeys? It seems many choose the latter.