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RE: 1000 Freakin' Followers? I Better Tell Everyone! (Maybe I'll Mention the 1000 SP Added to the Pile As Well)

in #life7 years ago

I have mixed feelings about the vote buying. Personally, I don't use it, because I feel others need it more. In the long run though, is it worth it? Spending money to make money is nothing new. Is the max potential vote still 5%? If that's the case, the max vote is only worth $5 minus what you spent. Then subtract the 25% curation reward pool at the end. The numbers don't really add up, in my opinion.


Yeah, it is a bit of a gamble, but I figured if my posts look to earn a bit more, maybe people will be more eager to take me seriously. I dunno.
You know what it is, everyone seems so focused on new members and supporting new members, that all the minnows who've been around for a while get lost in the mix somewhere. Someone told me a while ago he was surprised I'm not a dolphin yet, but I never got a big break from whales for anything. Newbies seem to sometimes get hundreds, simply for being new.

Not that I want to look like a whiny little baby, crying 'It's not fair!'. But it does feel like that sometime. I've been doing my best to help people out where I can, but stuff like that always goes unnoticed. Simply being new is way more effective it seems. It's just frustrating at times, so I'm testing out ways of helping myself get noticed. If commenting and blogging doesn't work, maybe post payouts will.

I understand that logic completely. I've experimented myself. I actually explained some of the psychology in this post. Even with my trademark flashy images, catchy titles and reputation... if I don't have money beside the post, people seem less likely to look. Followers will look, eventually, but catching new eyes on my work has become difficult.

It is strange that so many established members got cut off, or feel cut off and expressing that isn't whining. It's a simple fact. I don't understand the logic behind supporting new members, and leaving old ones in the dust. Sure, new members will be encouraged to stay, but older, proven members will leave, taking their SP with them, so that won't help retention or the value. Shortsighted thought process.

Aah, that's a good post. I do keep upvoting my own posts. I have experimented with keeping it at 0, but that did not yield good results at all. I don't feel like I'm entitled to a piece of the pie, but I do feel bad that newbies get favored over me, simply become they're new.

I'm not the best blogger out there, nor am I the best photographer. I enjoy my own written gaming stories and have gotten good reviews, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. However, as far as I'm aware, the quality of my posts overall hasn't dropped, yet the number of upvotes has dropped dramatically. I have over 1000 followers, so it feels really crappy when I see newbies getting five times as many upvotes or payouts for something that's no higher quality than my posts.

Yes, I do think we should be kind to newbies. I've actually shared quite a few newbie posts a while back to get them some extra eyes. I just feel that we can welcome them in other ways, besides leaving the established members in the dust.

I agree. So many of us had to work our way up, it was incredibly difficult, but satisfying as you progress, much like a video game. It seems like some of the new members have the game on easy setting, while for many us it only got harder. I'm not one to give up, or give in though. I'll take the challenge, but I know how frustrating it can be. You're not the only one feeling the way you do. It's actually quite common and that is a tragedy in the making.

We can change a few things though. Lately I've been encouraging more and more people to vote at 25%, and often. That will negate many of the ill side effects we're experiencing here and help many pick up where they left off. My 25% vote is still worth more than what my 100% used to be, and that's the same for everyone. More votes at that rate would add up and we'd see the increases in payouts so many were looking forward to.

Yeah, I've been messing around a bit with the voting percentage myself. There are days where I go for 20% votes, but also days where I go for ~10%, when I drained my VP too much. There are ofcourse some posts I feel deserve a bit more, so I'm always switching. I thought most people would be doing that, though ofcourse newbies won't have the SP to even get the percentage slider. The changes are a bit crippling to them in that regard.

It is nice to have that extra power to work with. I'll give full votes for a spectacular performance or sometimes I just feel like being extra nice. Sometimes I feel the member could use a little more change in the hat to help get the ball rolling. I try to be considerate, but still spread out as much as I can. I burn up a lot trying to give everyone a balanced share for commenting as well. Since they're voting lower, I like to help make up for the loss in curation reward.

Sounds so complex! I do try to be as fair as possible aswell, but to be completely honest, some people I follow are out of the picture quite a lot. I guess they post once I'm logged off for the night and I just don't scroll back 10-20 hours on my Home feed. I still want to clear up the amount of people I follow, so I can be fairer to the ones I feel deserve it most, but it's really hard to unfollow people.