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RE: No Names Left To Use

in #life2 years ago

Yeah. I've made peace with myself and can tolerate keeping my distance. I'll talk to anyone but I don't attach myself or set myself up to depend on anyone. In life I can say a lot but prefer to watch, listen, and learn.

In general, yeah, there are a lot of dishonest people. Only a friend can stab you in the back.

I've had a rough life. Enjoyed this environment for several years; it removed me from a disaster. Didn't really need people coming along to make it hell, acting like demons, and claiming I'm the bad guy, after I had put so much energy into everything you see around me. All these good people. Discovering I can connect with and entertain people was something I needed to know after disconnecting for so long. There are good people. But the shitty people try to ruin that for everyone. Those types can't be fixed or change. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.


Lots of wisdom there. Thanks for taking the time to connect and talk. As always. I really appreciate it. 🙏
