
I think there a are a few microscopic mites that doesn't shit but not sure about keeping them as pets though 😂

I think we all might have enough of them without even knowing!!

I have mighty mites. They defeated the crotch crickets.

I think there might be a market for your mites!!!

I should write a post about them!

It could be like a sit-com!

If they're microscopic, I think it would be pretty hard to sew their asses shut. If that's how you do it. I don't know.

Turns out they don't have one!!

Well that's no fun!

😂😂 you were the one who wanted a shit less pet.

No I think everyone wants a shitless pet. Maybe you just need to scare them...

Aahh havin't tried that one yet!! @meesterboom if you get a new cat could you try scaring them not to shit!!

You can't even plug them up because eventually they just explode in a big brown mess

I don't even want to ask how you managed to find that out.

I had a dog, Buster.

The name became strangely prophetic

I had a dog, Boomer.

Yeah. Sigh. There's something about those names...

Bloody hell, they do say thatnames have power

It's true!

Guess what happened to the dog named, Meat.

He was very sociable?
